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Posts posted by Showman

  1. Well I'm trying to crank out what I can on Godot over the next 2 days (I leave on Monday!) but there's just a couple things I could use input on.

    First, how would one animate a vigor line? For that matter what do they even look like when they move? I always assumed they would wiggle with the front point moving forward and the back one erasing as it goes. But it never said that did it? The whole thing might just scoot in the direction you point it which would also make sense, especially with reflecting off of forbiddance lines. But anyway animating the movement and reflections sounds annoying. I'll just use a single point for now.

    Second is a bigger deal. As I said before I'm leaving on a mission for 2 years. I don't want my game to just sit around in case anyone else wants to work on it, but I also don't just want to put it out on the internet for anyone to use in case I want to take ownership back when I come home. So does someone here want to take it when I'm done? You can share it with people here or discord or wherever but I ask you don't put it anywhere public.

    Lastly, does anyone know what the heck they're doing with netcode for Godot? I have absolutely no clue how any of that would work. There's a lot to go before I should even worry about it but I'm just asking ahead of time.

  2. I don't know really anything about Godot but I'll look into it. I'm using the free version of unity (idk how much the paid one changes but it might not be much) and once I'm in college I should be able to get the student version.

    Anyway I've been brainstorming ideas and problem solving and I have lots of cool concepts in mind, but I need input on some concerns!

    I'd like to take this to discord if you have that so it would be easier to communicate but here's my idea vomit from a note on my phone:


    I imagine you would press a key to change what kind of line you were going to draw (like changing your mouse function in Photoshop) and then click to place it.

    My next biggest questions would be about controls for your character. I think the right click controls like for MOBAs would work nicely but I also kinda hate those so idk.

  3. I'm going to learn Unity and attempt a month long game jam to see what I can get done before I leave for 2 years. Wish me luck!

    It'll just be a 2D game for now, if I can get a line of vigor to bounce off a line of forbiddance and break a line of warding I would be ecstatic 

  4. This is definitely a thread necro, and I haven't been active on the shard for years, but I've been fantasizing for about a week about a MOBA-ish take on the Rithmatist's magic system.

    I'm imagining a third person game more focused on tactics of what to draw when instead of actual drawing, because the only way to make it control naturally would be to use vr which seems restricting.

    Circle fidelity would be determined by some sort of skill check. Chalklings would come from a predetermined list with specialties and weaknesses and each would take a certain amount of time for your character to draw. Lines of forbiddance and vigor would just be point and click.

    I like the moba aspect because multiple rithmatists running around on a dueling field drawing chalklings and lines of vigor, and then settling down to make a proper defense for teamfights sounds really epic to me (tell me if that doesn't sound as fun to you lol). Also there would be lots of opportunity to add our own mechanics to balance it, especially since there's no sequel for additional source material haha :(

    The biggest things tho are that I know very little applicable programming for making a game and I leave on my mission in a month so I wouldn't be able to work on this for a while. But tell me what you think!!

  5. I never guessed that one of the hardest days of my move would come 9 months afterward.

    I moved to Arizona at last October and that was really hard leaving all of my friends and nearby family for a new place, but I was coping pretty well for a while. Then covid hit and after just 4 months I no longer had contact with people which means my process of finding new friends was halted and I couldn't find new people to spend time with. I was really bored until these last few weeks when I've been up in Utah and Idaho visiting family and friends. It's been extremely fun but tomorrow is my last day in my old city. Along with saying goodbye to all my old friends once again, which never stops hurting, I found out that 2 of my closest friends in Arizona are moving away. That means I'll have even less to go back to than when I left (and since I left during self isolation, those were some of the few people I saw) and saying goodbye to old friends is even worse. These combined have made me feel really depressed all day.

  6. @Cynicalwindmill I'd rather not, because they're all plays on my real first and last names. There are some pretty wacky ones though.

    On 6/14/2020 at 10:22 PM, Cynicalwindmill said:

    Everyone: "Whatever you say Sticks"

    Even more so on the Shard... Only just Stick. But hey, then you can say 'I am a stick!'

  7. I'm very late to the game here but I blame Libby, who make me wait 12 weeks for it!

    Well here's my blunt opinion on the book: I didn't like most of it.

    Disclaimer: when watching movies many nights in a row, I run out of steam and stop enjoying the movies at all. I just finished a WoK reread so this could be the case.

    But anyway, most of my reasoning has already been said: one-demensional, if endearing, characters, lack of real plot twists (Jorgen was surprising but until the epilogue, there wasn't any real gravity about the discovery), too-convenient developments, and not enough of the favorite existing characters. It almost completely left the first book behind, and loving Skyward, I couldn't get over that.

    Overall, it just felt too different from Skyward (which has one of my favorite Sanderson endings so far). In contrast to Skyward's constant intensity, Spensa's hilarious mind, and new characters like M-bot that opened up realms of new possibilities, Starsight was built almost completely off of passive interest in the new aliens, which just I couldn't get excited about. It detailed an infiltration that went almost according to plan (what? In a Sanderson book?!).

    I read Sanderson books either because they spark curiosity in me or because the intensity captivates me. WoK, for example, despite the lack of stuff happening in the beginning, retained my attention because of the curiosity I felt about the magic. Starsight tried that with the alien species, but there just wasn't anything that stole my attention. I mostly just thought about old theories I'd made during skyward and DE.

    Overall, starsight just wasn't an interesting read for me. A lot of it, I'd bet, was my tired brain not getting involved like it normally did in books, but it almost felt like a chore to read, something I've never experienced in a Sanderson book. :(

    I didn't dislike it, I was just a little disappointed in how little it carried over from the first book.

  8. I might choose Firefight. Or Steelheart.

    In real life, I have so many nicknames I can't even count them (it's entertaining to read them all off to people) so I might choose one of those.

    I'd probably settle with Ben Dover though.

  9. When you watch Captain Marvel and have Skyward withdrawals.

    When you watch the Avatar (TV series) finale and watch Aang and Ozai fight on the shattered plains.

    When your cup has remains of red Gatorade in it and you think "my glass drips with the blood of my enemies!" (The whole two days it took me to read Skyward were filled with moments like this)

  10. Sounds interesting. I could see watching the stream on my computer and playing on my phone or something. Problem though: Youtube streaming has substantial lag (15-20 seconds or something) between what the streamer does and what viewers see. Not sure about Discord though.

    I'd be in though, and it would be cool to be able to work together on making these too.

  11. 21 hours ago, Jaywalk said:

    This is probably a stupid thing to take as hard as I am, but I lost my 4.0 GPA today. It actually physically hurts. I have a pit in my stomach that won’t go away. I tried my best, but it seems like my best just wasn’t good enough.

    Well, if you actually tried your best, then it's obviously not your fault. Any good teacher would give an A if a student tried their best, no matter how good that was. Not to hate on whoever that is, but it's most likely their fault, not yours. *hugs and sympathy about sucky teachers*

    20 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

    I know that I spent too much of last year posting on this this thread but unfortunately, things have not improved. To say that I'm enraged is an understatement.I have been told that when I'm looking for a job I should be open and honest with the organizations that I deal with. I was contacted by a recruiter about a job that I had not applied for. It seemed great I sent them a personal statement to forward to the firm in question and I set up an appointment to meet the recruiter face to face. The next day I get a call that the firm wants to interview me. I give them potential days and they send me a confirmation. I went in to talk to two different recruiters. The first wanted to walk me through the interview process and asked if I had questions. I said that I knew that one should be honest with an interviewing company and I wanted to know if she thought that I should disclose at the interview that for religious reasons I would have to leave work on friday's early. She got up as though offended by the question, said that she had to run this by the firm, and that it was a pleasure to meet me. She left and that was that. I emailed her a thank you message that same day and she responded that the firm's schedule could not allow me to leave early even for religious purposes and that my interview was cancelled. All weekend I have been seething. I don't even know how to respond to this. My honesty and religious practice got an interview pulled out from under me. I don't know if it was something that I said or the way that she relayed it to the firm or what, but this whole thing makes me sick. How do I even move on from that? The truth hurt me. My religious identity very possibly denied me an opportunity.  If it had not happened to me I might say that it is just too bizarre to comprehend, but here I am ranting once again about my life the gift that keeps on storming giving!!!!!!!

    This hurts to read. That was terribly judgy and I'm so sorry that happened. If the second recruiter would have accepted you, then that's just plain stupid, but if the second one wouldn't have, then it's probably a good thing you're not working for that firm. I don't have much consolation for that, since that makes no sense at all, other than this hug. *hug!!!*

    I hope your future gets better, and good job for standing up for your beliefs! You did the right thing, and I'm sure that your life will eventually give back, in a good way!

  12. 33 minutes ago, Weltall said:

    Hoid is immortal but it's not because of the Fifth Heightening. The entire system of BioChroma didn't even exist when he was born (nor did pretty much any Cosmere magics we've seen) and we know he was aging oddly even before he became actually immortal.

    Yeah, a little after I posted, I realized that it was kinda a dumb question. Thanks anyway.

  13. 23 hours ago, Kidpen said:

    Username is from when I was, like, 7, and I joined club penguin. I had previously just used my full name as usernames because I had never used anything where other people would be able to see it, but I couldn't do that on CP. So my parents were like, "he's a kid, and also will be a penguin, kidpenguin." Then it got shortened to Kidpen, and I've used that on literally everything ever since.

    Of all the things I could have thought of when I first read your username (pen the writing utensil (frindle), being a writer, penguin), I think of pen like a pigpen... for kids. Do those exist?

  14. Honestly, my first thought after I started reading was that the person loved the book and was writing a bad review for no reason. (School assignment? Pretty well written imo, minus the content)

    I honestly don't disagree with their "thesis" that mistborn fits better in YA, but that's a compliment. I've read YA books with much worse language or violence that I definitely did not appreciate, and I kinda hated them. Mistborn has much less of that than an average writer would include imo.

    It definitely bothers me that the "essay" didn't support the "thesis". The essay was pure hating on it, the title was clickbait to make it seem innocent.

    What a terrible thing that was.

  15. This has probably already been noticed and ignored (which would be fine) but there's a lot of accounts with birthdays today. They are all made of random combinations of characters that make no sense. When I visit the profiles, all they have as descriptions and interests (no posts) is a link to a dieting website.

    Again, this was probably just ignored, but it was bothering me a little.


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