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Posts posted by LadyArianna

  1. Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing the info and the picture! I'm excited now. Starting a big ol' Sanderson Cosmere re-read soon so that I can take some notes this time instead of just letting those little thoughts niggle in the back of my mind, so this is definitely going to be something I look out for clues about. Gotta love Brandon, he's just lovely to his fans!

  2. Lol!  You look pretty jazzed!  :)

    Ooooh!  I see that you have the Bookmark of Awesomeness... sleep with one eye open, dude!  If they aren't at the St. Louis signing tomorrow, some of us foreigners (non-Utah residents) might start to hunt you guys down to get one  :D

  3. Hi, Jemron!  I've seen you over on Stormblessed, welcome to the forum!

    SO envious!  It sounds like the release party was wonderful. 

    I have a fond fantasy that Brandon moves to Illinois and starts to have his release parties at Peace of Mind Books in Edwardsville... but since that won't happen, I'll be saving my nickels for the 44 hours of round trip driving for the book 2 release  :D

    So how was it?  What happened?  I've never been to one before!

  4. Thanks!

    I have now infiltrated the TWG. This is an excellent step toward my goal of total world domination!

    Ramblings are awesome. That's about 75% of my communication. 98% if I'm with my brothers (I have 4. All younger, all geeks. Heaven forgive our parents!).

    [move]Doing my happy MAPS and RAMBLINGS dance[/move]

    tra-la-la! tra-la-la!

  5. Rew:

    Coolness!  I'm on Stormblessed as well, and Time Waster's Guide, under the same handle as here.  I'm pretty new to the forum thing, as well. Lurked the Wot stuff for years but never posted or registered a handle anywhere until this past week. BWS and ToM were the major catalyst for me, also.

    I'm a huge WoT fan, but it was 2006 before I really had the time to read a lot of the online stuff and kind of felt like the ship had passed me by, so it's pretty awesome to be here for the beginning of what's clearly going to be one of the (if not THE) biggest fantasy epics of our generation.  I'll see ya around the boards!  Just a week 'til release date!!!!!!!!!


    Habitual night owl due to weirdness, ditto!  But I occasionally have insane sugar and caffeine binges during times when my schedule is insane due to kids and similar stuff. 

    I'm seriously going to bed early tonight.  I'm determined.  Totally.

    But I've got some more posts to read just real quick...  :)

  6. Hi, Rew!

    Sugar is awesome.  The main reason I'm still up is this empty spray can of orange decorator frosting on my desk... leftover from a b-day cake.  Who am I to waste it?

    Do you hang around any other BWS-focused forums??

  7. Hi, Swiffy!  I like Italian food, as well, but I do not like throwing midgets off of cliffs.  Had one land on me once, been sour to it ever since.  That wasn't you, was it?

    Anyway, welcome!  I'm new here, too.  Lotsa cool stuff to look at!

  8. Ooooh!  Coolness!  I haven't been over to TWG yet, so guess I'd better remedy that.  I freaking LOVE maps!

    Having not seen this stuff yet, is it possible that one of the sets of ten might represent the Ten Essences?

    Hopefully that was ok to post.  I don't think it's a spoiler for anyone who hasn't read the book yet.  Smack me if it was!  I learn better that way  :)

  9. zas678, I have your answer, but it be spoilerized...


    ++++ You've been warned! ++++


    Your answer is in chapter 67 (page 913 of the ARC version of tWoK).  Kaladin is faced with the decision to either escape Sadeas' slavery with his men, or turn around and save Dalinar Kholin and his army from certain death.  As he's about to run away, Syl finally 'remembers' what kind of spren she is:

    "I bond things, Kaladin," she said, turning and meeting his eyes.  "I am honorspren.  Spirit of oaths.  Of promises.  And of nobility."

    I believe this explains why she was able to play pranks on him by sticking things together early in the book.  It's looking like any of the supposed "windspren" who play similar pranks are actually "honorspren" who don't remember who they are, but this supposition could be incorrect.

    Hope that helps!

  10. Hiya! I'm a huge Brandon fan and a huge WoT fan, as well. This is the first fansite I've ever registered on, but I do troll around reading the posts and blogs and yada yada. I'll try to post often, but I have kids and work and reading sucking up a lot of my time  ;)

    Excited about the Wiki!  PLEASE keep me posted about it and lemme know if there's any way that I can assist.  I have zero programming experience and have never worked on a Wiki before, but can type and read dee een-gliss and enjoy research and organizing... probably a little too much  ;D

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