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Posts posted by Appreauntis

  1. Nope, Dumbledore is nothing compared to Gandalf. For one Gandalf is a Maia, and others have elaborated on this, but this automatically puts him at another level than Dumbledore who is, though a wizard, still just an old man. Gandalf however is not really an old man but is in actuality a being more glorious than even elves. His true name is Olorin and his exceeding wisdom is without parallel.


    Same concept for character; Gandalf is only grumpy all the time because of the hundreds upon hundreds of years that he has had to bear the burdens of: his mortal body/rainment, the various races of middle-earth and all their troubles, the ever looming threat of Sauron (a Maia far more powerful than him), the quest of the ring, and having to do all of this mostly by himself. I mean, of the five Istari that were sent to help guide Middle-Earth two completely abandoned it, another was no help at all and was mostly a fool, and one totally isolated himself and then allied with the very enemy they were supposed to be fighting!


    Gandalf's been through a lot, and he wouldn't take any of that from Dumbledore, he'd be all like "Fly you fool! Before I knock you off your broomstick."


    I do like Dumbledore on his own merits though.

  2. I listen to a lot of music, so here is a bunch of random songs off the top of my head that are really good.


    Canta per me - Yuki Kajiura - sorry I'm not very good at describing things, but basically this is heaven.


    Moonlight - Piano Guys - this is my favorite Piano Guys piece.


    Shenandoah - Peter Hollens - the quality, sound and self harmonizing are amazing in this.


    Crystallize - Lindsey Stirling - she can dance and play violin at the same time! nuff said.


    I Am Gold - Alex Boye - I am running out of things to say (I know it's sad) but trust me it's super great.


    Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk -best dance song ever.


    World on Fire - Les Friction -


    Louder than Words - Les Friction -


    Firewall - Les Friction - These three songs are some of the most epic rock songs I have ever heard.


    Best of Two Steps From Hell - TSFH - most epic trailer music masters in the world.


    All the rest of daft punks stuff (especially Discovery and Random Access Memories albums)


    All the other songs of all the previously mentioned artists.


    Also Rachmaninoff.

  3. I am a huge fan of Samurai Jack, Avatar the Last Airbender, Teen Titans, Jackie Chan Adventures, Gargoyles, Tron: Uprising, Dragon Ball Z (mostly the abridged version, the original is kinda corny), Justice Leage and Justice League Unlimited. Theres probably one or two that I am forgetting but this is most of it.


    When it comes to more niche things that others might not necessarily be familiar with...


    Well, I guess I haven't heard anyone talking about The Chronicles of Prydain, I love that series with all the bittersweetness of farewells and endings and magic :unsure:


    And theres that one guy, does anyone like him? I think his name is Brandon Sanderon :P

  4. Hey all, I don't post much, mostly just lurking, but I felt obligated to share this. Anyways, if you like it, feel free to share it and have a good Easter :D.


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/_S3TI4bYerU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



    (wait, trying to figure out how to embed)

  5. Here is a first line:


    Doom had been broken, the last vestiges of its power nulled by the sacrifices of thousands.


    And the rest of the paragraph and a half:


    Doom had been broken, the last vestiges of its power nulled by the sacrifices of thousands. The Old World collapsed in upon itself, burying the injustice wrought there beneath miles of earth, and confined forever to echo the anguish of forgotten souls. Many died in the cataclysmic events that transpired. A group of survivors less than 300 escaped on what ragged sea-craft they could find, and braved the inconceivable oceans of the unknown. Less than 150 survived the voyage, though only through miraculous luck. As they spotted a new land and made all haste towards it, their ships were torn apart by hidden rocks, and they themselves fell to the deeps.


    When the survivors opened their eyes they found themselves, not dead, but alive, and found they had washed up in a new land. They decided that in this New World they would make their future and security so that forevermore they could be free from the dominion of others.


    And here is just plain and utter nonsense:


    Crazy brains flip around while monkeys swing from red vines singing halleluiah then the death star comes and blows up the whole planet making han solo cry because his mommy lived there but then chewbacca reveals that he is hans fathers freaking out darth vader so much that darth vader starts to dance and orders the stormtroopers to play laser tag with their guns on stun mode.


    What do you think?

  6. When I got my Ps3, I wanted to make up a cool name, so I thought really hard and came up with Appreauntis which is Apprentice, Apprehend and Preying Mantis rolled into one, It's also the name of a character in my world. It is pronounced App-Re-On-Tis.

  7. I wrote this poem that has to do with my world:


    Thus spoke the red prophet as he died…



    Born on the field of battle

    The Ice Lord cries out to the sky

    Answers of lightning, thunder and ice

    Make falter the cruel crimson tide


    She-without-fear is his mother

    His Father looks on from lost time


    Death, his constant companion

    Kelek-Tur, his treasure to find

    Cold eyes see twelve who will gather

    His left hand will slow even time


    Naked he wakes into battle

    Death Dreamer who turns back the tide

    Steel-eyes-that-burn some will call him

    The Motley Warrior shall rise.


    Awaken the Ice


    Bring down the false sun from it’s climbing

    Slay the black dragon who grinds

    The poor of the land that is under

    The harsh glow of Sulats’ red sign


    Red ships are coming.

    Crimson fleet flying.

    Wars multiply.

    The Sun King is anxious to find….

    ….and hide all the mysteries that bind.


    The Ice Lord Cometh.


    Any feedback would be nice.


    And other poems.

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