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Posts posted by Vikter

  1. Hate seems to be getting a pretty bad rep 'round these parts, for what reason I do not know. It can be a good, bad, or indifferent thing, just as all of the shards are if taken by themselves. Undirected hate is a bad thing, directed hate is a valuable tool.

    I, for example, hate to be late for work so I am always 30-45 minutes early, I also hate doing nothing so when at work I always find something to do. Because of that I got a raise and promotion, hate is good sometimes.

    All of the shards are neither good nor evil, they just are what they are. Any of them in excess or without proper balancing are flat out bad for you. Every emotion has a place and a time where they belong.

  2. Bendalloy may not grant super speed of any kind but it might screw with atium shadows. If a slider bubbles and uses it to line up a pistol or shotgun round, then drop bubble and fire at someone burning atium how would the shadows react? Would the shadow even be visible inside of a bubble, would it be moving super fast? How about for the split second the bubble is down before the shot goes off, would that be enough time to react to a now stable shadow? A slider would be able to pull off some sick headshots that way ( went into FPS gamer mode for a second there sorry).

    **Edit** a Bendalloy Steel twinborn would be a absurd combo too, you could easily tap your speed as soon as you drop you Bendalloy bubble to make even the few seconds you are open to counter attacks disappear. Not to mention the harrasment capabilities being able to speed burst into the flank of your opponent and trap him in the bubble would be devastating.

  3. I know Brandon would be unlikely to use the same trick twice and all, but has anyone considered that Odium could very well change the text of some of Jasnahs source materials. Even if part of his oath pact with Honor would stop him from direct intervention it may not cover something as minor as altering a few childrens books or collections of wives tales.

    Obviously there would be no proof of this for at least a book or two until the reveal to the readers, but my tinfoil hat was getting rusty in the corner.

  4. I was thinking about this very thing the other day. What makes me feel like it may have been intentional is the even division into 16 segments. Generally when I think of the word shatter I don't think of an even breaking into equal pieces. If I were to accidentally knock over a vase it would shatter into many completely random pieces. Although calling it The Shattering has a much better ring to it than The Equal Subdivision Into 16 Shards.

  5. I think I might actually have been the first one to bring up this point. Back in my Honor Shattered Like Adonalsium thread, I mentioned my theory that there were ten types of honorspren, one for each order. Therefore Syl would actually be a more specific type. Here's the quote:

    I think you might be on to something here. If Syl were to have a specific name I would have to go with Protectionspren. That is what seems to be her main focus, it is what made her stay with Kalidan in the beginning. She states at one point it was how Kalidan sought out and protected the weak under aged and under trained soldiers in the army to protect them that piqued her curiosity. If Honorspren do have subtypes she is without a doubt Protectionspren.

    Of course this only raises another question of what are the rest of the catagories of Honorspren we have Truthspren and (if I am correct) Protectionspren. Others that might make sense would Loyaltyspren? Justicespren? Fidelityspren? That's all I can think up right now, maybe none of those would stick. Anyone else have any names?

  6. If you bring it to a real world context and imagine that say in America some assassin from some other country broke into the white house, killed a bunch of staff and guards, and killed the president, on the very day that country signed a peace treaty with America... It'd surely be viewed as 'committing one of the most heinous slaughters in the world'.

    Pearl Harbor (sans regicide) would be what you are looking for good sir. I too feel that it was the manner in which Galivar was killed that makes it such a heinous act. Heinous does not automatically mean it had to be a wholesale slaughter, it is really the intent and manner in which the killing takes place that makes it heinous.

    **EDIT** For good measure you can also add in his use of Stormlight to murder (while walking on stone) as a reason for him to consider it such a terrible act. While the person who is speaking may not hold to the Shin customs, they know that Szeth does and use it against him. Even though they can command him via his Oathstone they want him to break him down in order to turn him into a truely mindless killing machine. The man who speaks to him degrades what little personal honor he has left by throwing all of Szeth sins in his face. They want to make him feel that even if there were some chance of redemption for whatever crime he committed to gain his Truthless nature everything he has done since makes that impossible.

  7. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercane

    I hope that link works, the mobile version of the forums make posting things such a pain. This type of storm might be a even more powerful than a Highstorm is, fortunately they are cannot happen on Earth under anything resembling normal conditions. I first heard of a Hypercane in an article about possible side effects of a meteor strike. In order for sea water to reach the temperatures need to produce a storm of this magnitude ( which our shields could not repel [sorry I had to go for the Star Wars referance]) an asteroid would have to impact into to ocean. Such an event would kill most of us anyway so a 500mph wind hurricane would be the least of our worries.

    However on Roshar they seem to get hit by a storm about half that strong, but infinatly more vast, about once a week. As I said in my original post, I don't think that trees or any major plant life we have now would be able to stand a storm even half again of a Highstorm if they were as frequent. But of course the Highstorms also give life to the planet, nothing on Roshar could survive if not for the highly concentrated nutriants that they contain. I believe it is stated somewhere in the book that it is common knowledge that Highstorm rain is significantly better for growing than regular rain.

    That gives me a new theory, what if the Highstorms were not in fact created by Honor or Cultivation (Honor even refers to the final Desolation as The Everstorm, what would cause more desolation than a perpetual Highstorm)? What if they were created by Odium in an attempt to scour the planet clean of life? Maybe it is a reverse of the mists on Scadrial, they were subverted to be life giving and all plant and animal life seems to have be adapted (cultivated) to not only survive in a storm but to thrive off of the aftermath of one.

  8. In the episode of Writing Excuses where they discuss WotK Brandon mentions specifically going out and studying tidal pools as inspiration for Roshar. He want examples of creatures that had to thrive in two extremes of environment, where they would have to adapt to sudden shifts.

    I don't recall the exact episode number but it was one of the more recent ones ( in the last month).

  9. I didn't list it as middle grade fantasy. That was me quoting Brandon—the Theoryland database is missing some info from Brandon's posts in that thread. (But I don't think it is Cosmere.)

    Typical fantasy races are passé, but dragons are just cool. You can't deny it!

    And you should read the Temeraire novels by Naomi Novik...

    Excellent series, I love the Temeraire series. The fact that dragons were a real race and not just mystical was a great selling point for me. Novik did a great job building them as a whole speices, as well as setting the period perfectly not just present day characters and mindsets with an 1800's background.

    Personally I cannot wait to see how Sanderson does dragons in the cosmere. They will be epic.

  10. Perhaps the Oathstone has something in common with the stones that Tein used to find (sorry if that was discussed in another thread). With how important stone is in all of Roshar, and espcially Holy to the Shin, that if Tein sees something important in a stone than there might actually be. Maybe there is a petrified Spren or a similar peice of Honor or Cultivation that only somepeople can see ( like Rock being able to see Syl).

    Of course it could also have just been a literary device to show Teins childish nature and make us feel more for Kal when he gets skewered. However I have a hard time dismissing small details in any of Sandersons books.

  11. Chill out Zucchini, just because Leon didn't make a four paragraph post about why he feels the way he does is no reason to jump on him. If you bothered to check you would have noticed that this way his second post ever here ( the first being I the introduce yourself section). I know that most people here go into great detail about the smallest things trying to predict what will happen in the next book\books that Sanderson writes but that does not mean someones post is invalid and that their opinion should be derided.

    Not everyone here is an English Major trying to dissect every aspect of an amazing writers work to gain more knowledge about his worlds and future works. Some people read books for the enjoyment of reading alone and just want to express how they feel on the messages boards.

    On a separate note, hello Leon welcome to the forums. Most people are not quite so rude, though I would expect to be prepared to defend any stance you take here as most forum goers have avid opinions and love to debate on anything Sanderson related ad infinium.

  12. Perhaps compounding a coppermind memory works like a DVR. You can Pause,Fast Forward, Rewind a memory as much as you want without losing it. You can even skip all those pesky infomercials, and ads for Viagra.

    On slightly more serious note, my only problem with Copper Compouding is that you have to be burning the metal to use it. If I am burning the metal I will destroy it and therefore lose anything else left in the coppermind.

  13. I didn't say that he broke his oath by giving Renarin plate, merely that *if* he does capture a set of plate and blade and *doesn't* give it to Renarin, he's broken his oath regardless of his other actions.

    I don't think that would be the case, because his intent when is made the oath would have been validated when he gave up his Plate the oath would be completed. If that is the case then it would not matter if another set of plate or a blade comes into into Dalinar's possession, though unlikely due to his new ranking, would not matter because because he would have filled the oath already. If I owed you $100 and said "I swear I will pay you back with my next check from work" and then find a $100 bill on the ground and give it to you would I still have to pay you the money out of my next check? I would you would not hold me to paying you a seperate $100 from my paycheck just because I swore to give it to you from there. I fill my promise, the debt is payed, everyone is on the level, no problems.

    Honor is more about making sure what is right is accomplished not matter if it is not exactly what is sworn. Kaladin managed to atract the first Honorspren in hundreds of year not by holding to the exact letter of what he told his parents what he would do (bring Tein home safe). In fact he failed totally at that task, his brother got killed in front of him, he attracted the Honorspren by saving the lives of people who need protecting. Because of that fact I cannot see any effect on a Nahel bond just by him not giving a new set of plate to his son.

    But again, I could be completely wrong. No one will but until we read the next book or two.

  14. It all comes down to the Intent of his oath, which was to even the playing field for his sickly son. He fulfilled that intent by giving up his own plate, which is why I feel it qualifies. But as always no one can know for sure until the Word of God is put to paper an sold in Barnes an Nobles.

  15. Dalinar swore to Renarin that the next set of plate and blade he captured will go to him. Instead, Dalinar is giving Renarin his own plate. That wasn't the oath. If Dalinar doesn't give Renarin a shardblade and a second set of plate, he's technically breaking his oath. And that could have real ramifications in this cosmology/magic system. And by that time, Renarin might have had enough of a taste of power to hold Dalinar to that oath.

    I would have to disagree with this part of your statement, I don't think that just because he did not win the share plate in battle that it is not filling his part of the oath. He promised Renarin shardplate and he deliver on it, how he got it to him should not count against the fact that he still kept is promise. In fact I feel like it would only strengthen his Nahel bond (which is undoubtedly developing) because he kept his oath through great personal sacrifice and to a person who need protecting.

  16. I have been through a number of hurricanes and tropical storms, but I think this is the first time I was ever outside right when a storm like this rolled through and had to find my way home in it. The damage was quite impressive for such a short storm, I could see it being hard to have large trees or plants if a storm like this one rolled through once a week, nevermind one like the Hypercanes that happen on Roshar.

  17. I got to experiance a few interesting things yesterday, seeing someone steam as if giving off Stormlight and watching the wall of a "High Storm" hit.

    As somepeople on the boards know the middle of America is getting hit with an intense heatwave at the moment, temperature in the 100's across the board. On top of this I happen to work at a restaurant as a cook, now our kitchen is extremely hot (roughly 130F at the peak of dinner service last night), after our dinner rush was over myself and the other Line Cook stepped into the walkin refrigerator to try and cool down. When I looked over at my friend I saw, to my great shock, his whole body was steaming. Being the nerd that I am the first thing that came to mind was Kaladin, I have to say it is awesome to be able to actually see something like that in person.

    My witnessing of the storm wall hitting was also due to this excisive heat we have been experiencing. Because it has been so hot the last few day a massive storm front just came out of nowhere when I left work last night. While it was obviously nowhere near the power of a High Storm there were gusts of up to 80MPH. I got to see everything Brandon described about one of his storms in miniature. Instead of boulders being thrown when the first wave of wInd hit debris went flying everywhere, cups, bottles, cans, chairs, outdoor umbrellas. As the storm intensified trees started to come down, fortunately no one Got hurt that I saw. The rain even came in so hard and fast that it could not disperse fast enough and some areas were overflowing much like the chasms would be during a storm.

    I thought is was kind of cool to see some of these real life equivalents to what is in WotK. It makes reading them in the books seem even more "real" in my own mind for having an actual experiance to equate them to.

    Has anyone else experianced something like this? Where a real life event or events allows you to visualize scenes you have read better and increased your enjoyment of a book?

  18. Also with an increase in availability of aluminium, I think it would be safe to expect the appearance of a new breed of Haze-Killer, heavily trained, and possibly working on a freelance/bounty system like the one in the Roughs, or employed by police forces and/or noble houses.

    This give me mental images of a Sandersonized version of Bobba Fett hunting down 'Jedi' allomancers and misting. With his ability to put action fight scene to words it would make for some excellent reading, coins flying through the air the Bounty Hunter dodging out of the way dropping the coinshots with a few quick rounds before having to fend of a pewter arm… I think I need to be alone now…

  19. It could also be that the first Radiants were created by The Herald associated with their particular order. After that is may only take another full Radiant to create another Radiant of their order. With the spren that is bonded to the blade and plate bearing orders binding themselves into the armor and blade. It could be that they even become the armor, imprisoning themselves and binding to the soul of the bearer. When the KR summons his armor (as I feel they can, based of the disappearing helmet act) the spren forms into the armor. When there is no need of the armor the spren is more like Syl now.

    Of course this entire idea took all of 60 second to conceive in direct response to this thread, so I may be missing something, and to be honest with the how little we know about how things actually do work any theory could be right or wrong.

  20. For an example of what you are saying here, when Navani inscribed her large Thath (sp? On my phone can't look things up) she is temporarily binding a "justicespren" to that area. Burning the prayer then releases said spren and hopefully having some effect on the area? This is to help me get my head on your end of the theory here.

    That does seems to make sense. I personally feel like a good measure of justice was done while Dalinar was standing in the burned Glyph area. While you could say that Dalinar acted completly on his own accord there is also nothing to suggest that it was not a Justicespren perhaps nudging either him or Sadeas to be more just. Also if there are Honorspren, then it follows logically that Justicespren exist too. In fact they may even be tide to one of the Radiants, as Honorspren are to Windrunners.

  21. Shooting coins may not be so effective, even with atium, when one can just pull them all into a near by wall or pillar. Or when one can instantaneously make himself fall "up" into the sky. In addition to that Stormlight enhanced speed seems to be far more efficient than pewter although pewter will be able to outlast Stormlight. With Szeth not having any Non-Invested metals on his person Kel may not be able to beat him so easy.

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