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Posts posted by danex

  1. this new “achievements” thing on our profiles looks fun, how customizable is that system, and are we actually gonna use it? Can staff create achievements for all sorts of things? because if we are capable of tracking specific statistics i have ideas for some fun ones.

    first thing that came to mind was an achievement for each year you’ve been a member. like a “one year” achievement and then a “two year” one etc etc. 

    also more specific things that might not actually be possible to track but would be fun, like “create a thread in the ___ category that gets more than 100 replies!” and tiered versions for those too, like 100 replies, 200 replies, 500 replies. 

    basically i want to gameify the forums and then 100% it lol

  2. 5 hours ago, JohnnyKaizen said:

    it was an absolutely normal thing to happen.

    for like the 9th time, it’s not the forgetting itself that was poor writing, it’s the way he writes Nomad’s reaction to it. Remembering that Aux is dead should be an absolute sucker punch. we get two words. Just like “ah right, i forgot. anyway…”

    if brandon intended for this to be a dissociation-type moment, he needed to write that better too! there’s just nothing. he just didn’t write it. no indication that he’s experiencing any sort of trauma or whatever. you could argue “well it’s hard to show that when it’s from the PoV of the character disassociating”, but that’s still not an excuse, if that’s the case, he needed to add a PoV where he could show this dissociation or something. 

    like you know “show don’t tell”? the age old writing advice? well brandon didn’t do either. you can’t argue “writing by omission”, you just can’t imply all of this without writing a single word on the page.

    like none of this is actually about grief, it’s about writing. and this writing, is bad. he pulled out a chekhovs gun, waved it around, and then accidentally dropped it and walked away. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

    Not necessarily. You can come to a point where you just function. You call the necessary people. The grandchildren will watch TV.

    yeah eventually. he watched his best and only friend die MINUTES AGO. 

    17 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

    You are basically in denial and self reflection is not what you are prone to in that state.

    Again, you’d only write a character in denial to postpone that emotional revelation. one we never get. and if he was in denial, wouldn’t Aux’s lack of response have been a HUGE punch in the face?? being forced to confront reality in a brutal way??? we just get 2 words of reaction!

    17 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

    People in extreme situations act in a variety of ways, few of which are as one would usually imagine.

    again, if that’s the case, Brandon needs to *say* that. you can’t build up that emotional climax, not deliver on it, and offer no explanation. if he was putting his emotions aside or whatever, it needs to at least be implied. 

    no matter how you look at it, this was just a mistake in the writing. it’s one of three things:

    1. grief written extremely poorly

    2. a character in denial with NO resolution or even indication. 

    3. a character expertly and intentionally handling their emotions without any indication that they’re doing so. 

    all just writing mistakes, none of this can be explained in-world, this isn’t what brandon wanted readers to take away from that moment. 

  4. interesting idea, but I think the conversation with Hoid largely debunks it. Hoid was off world, he wouldn’t have been affected by the time dilation, meaning that conversation wouldn’t have been possible.

    you could argue that weird connection things were happening that made hoid also slow down, but that also doesn’t track. hoid only has connection to sig, and at this point Sig doesn’t have any sort of connection to the planet other than linguistic, so it couldn’t be transferring via that chain. so if there was any sort of time dilation happening, it would have to be via said gravitation distortion alone, no connection shenanigans, which again, would mean hoid wouldn’t be affected. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

    I get what you are saying, but may I offer the counterpoint?

    Basically: How human is Sigzil at that time? He is possibly much, much older than humans are adapted for and has had an alien piece of Investiture in his soul for decades and is suffering from the magical equivalent of withdrawl symptoms. Has he really understood that Auxillary is dead, deep down?

    countercounterpoint: it still just comes down to Buildup vs Payoff. 172 builds up his fear of loss SO MUCH and then we get very little resolution. It just 100% feels like there wasnt quite enough proofreading, which tracks, given the way these books were written.

    if brandon was trying to intentionally signal “hey isn’t it weird how little grief Sig is showing?”, he wouldn’t have built up that emotional climax so much, and he would have signaled that weirdness harder.

    and why would he even do that, the only point of having a character be in denial like that is to build up an even greater emotional climax where they have to come to terms with reality. we definitely don’t get anything like that. 

    9 minutes ago, Ender's Son said:

    In Brandon's defense, I will say I really connected with that moment where Sig talks to Aux out of habit and then is flooded with pain again because Aux is gone. I've lived that moment in real life. I see that moment replayed in lots of books and movies because so many people who have gone through that kind of grief can identify with doing the same thing.

    it’s not exactly the action that i have issue with, it’s the way it’s handled. we just get those 3 words “it hurt anew”. like i actually can’t think of a WORSE way to show that a character is expressing grief. might as well have written “Nomad proceeded to feel grief. Anyway…”

    it’s also weird given the pacing, like aux sacrificed himself *minutes* ago. a habitual slip like that makes sense if it’s farther in the future, but wouldn’t he just…still be thinking about it? Like, he should be in shock, he should be a wreck. at the very least address the lack of emotion. like “nomad couldn’t afford to think about that right now” or whatever. 

  6. 17 hours ago, Dunkum said:

    one thing to consider on his age: Mistborn Era 2 takes place within a few years of Stormlight 1, last I heard anyway, so Scadrial has to develop from early industrial to spacefaring in less than the time it takes for Sigzil to get from Roshar to Canticle. 50-80 (for age between 80 and 125) years seems awfully low for that level of development

    my thoughts exactly, I think sig has to be at least 200, with my personal guess being around 400. 

    15 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

    Auxillary mentioned that a shade killed him. 

    He mentioned that Nomad had an encounter with a shade, i don’t remember him saying anything about the shade being involved in his death. 

  7. Just finished the book, and its gotta be one of my favorite Cosmere stories of all time. 

    But one aspect of it just felt.....so off. 

    After Aux sacrifices himself to give Nomad his final burst of flight, Nomad's reaction is just.....wrong. like its literally just the wrong reaction. He's obviously sad, but one moment in particular just ruins it. He's back in unity, just a few pages later, and we get this:


    What do you think, Aux?” Zellion said, walking calmly toward the Cinder King. “Do you spot snipers?” No response. Damnation. It hurt anew when he remembered.

    like what

    I don't think I need to explain how this is weird. it COMPLETELY took me out of the book when i first read it.

    The nahel bond is one of the most intimate relationships I can even imagine. Your spren is literally your most constant companion, and with Sigzil specifically, he's been bonded to Aux for maybe hundreds of years. 

    Your best friend, your most intimate companion, who you've been with for entire lifetimes just died...and you forget?????

    And it's not just that, that last line is terrible too. "it hurt anew when he remembered" That just sounds weird right? like you could make the argument that Nomad was talking out of habit, he didn't literally forget, but even still, we should be getting more pain from him. those 3 words "it hurt anew", are all we get, and the story just continues. just "it hurt". that's all. no further description.

    He should be a broken man at this point. He should be fighting through tears. His ONLY companion through all these years of running, His ONLY friend, just DIED SACRIFICING HIMSELF FOR YOU, and we barely get anything.

    The weirdest part is, Brandon did an amazing job at writing the fear of grief. The scene where Nomad is swinging on Aux as a chain under the ship as they climb the mountain, that was beautiful. I genuinely felt as terrified as Nomad did that Aux was about to sacrifice himself. The tension there is insane, and the way Nomad mentally screams at Aux to not do it, its just awesome. (Page 172 if you want to reread it. It's the ENTIRE PAGE too. We get actual CONTENT regarding this conflict, rather than the TWO WORDS we get after it actually happens.) That's the sort of reaction we should be getting AFTER Aux sacrifices himself too. 

    the actual specific moment where Aux sacrifices himself was...alright I guess. it was very high in emotion, but I still think it wasn't as good as page 172. It's the aftermath of this moment that I specifically have an issue with though. nomad should not be as high-functioning as he is.

    I think part of the reason I feel this way is actually because of page 172. it set up Aux's death SO WELL, showing us how TERRIFIED Sig was of losing him. and then he does. and we get barely anything. The payoff is just not there

    also. it's weird because I know Brandon has written grief well before! Kaladin's entire character for example. RoW is tragic. but I feel like he just..... absolutely missed the mark with this one.

  8. 1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

    Good sir the rule says a majority of three or more.

    yes and that's nonsensical, it still states that a majority of three is possible. actually, upon review, the entire rule is nonsensical. 


    Upon a majority vote of three or more players"

    Upon a vote of players? we aren't voting players. We're voting votes. the sentence structure is fundamentally flawed. grammatically incorrect. Proper phrasing would be more like


    "Upon reaching a majority vote, wherein the number of affirmative votes is greater than or equal to three..."

    and that's still not perfect, just fixes the fundamental flaw. you still need to define "voting" better in the first place.

  9. 2 hours ago, Doomstick said:

    as we now have six active players, the threshold for a rule to pass or fail is 4 votes.

    i refute this, the rules state “a majority of three”. there is no current process in place which states a rule may be updated automatically when it’s information is outdated. 3 is no longer a majority, but the rule is still in place as such.

    but its also impossible for us to have a “majority of three”, since three isn’t a majority. 

    therefore the game can’t actually continue until we lose one player to inactivity, vote on a new proposal to change that wording (which is then able to pass since we will be able to have a majority of 3 at that point)

    (or vote for proposal 66 which would be able to supersede it)

    sry for double post editing in quotes sucks on mobile

  10. Proposal 66: Referendum: Any proposal (e.g. even one that breaks prior rules) immediately passes once it receives a number of Yeas greater than or equal to the number of Active Players multiplied by 2/3, added to the number of current Nays. This rule applies retroactively to itself as a proposal, but not to any proposals with a Proposal Number less than 66. 

    reasoning: you'll catch on. if you're confused by the math, its 66% of active players, with one aditional Yea needed for each Nay. So each Nay still has voting power and cancels out a Yea. 

    Proposal 67: The Abolition of Turns: The current concept of a "turn" is removed, (e.g., the idea that it is one player's "turn" at any given moment and that they must complete (or pass) an action before play may continue), and a "turn" shall be redefined as a "Post". A "Post" is a message sent in this thread consisting of any action, proposal, or otherwise game-state-altering declaration, with the exception of casting a vote. A player may make one Post every 24 hours, with no regard given to whether any specific player, or any number of players, has made a Post before them. If a player has not made a Post for 48 continuous hours, they are considered an Inactive Player, and all rules shall apply to them as thus. 

    reasoning: i got no fn clue whose turn it is, and this game is gonna die so fast if we keep waiting 24 hours for a player to pass. you'll notice this proposal breaks many rules, hence i need a different way to pass it, hence proposal 66. proposal 66 also breaks many rules, hence it applies retroactively to itself. 

    Proposal 68: You Thought It'd Be That Easy?: The complete abolition and deletion of ER#3.

    reasoning: i mean cmon, is it really nomic if we don't jump into the deep end?

  11. A lot of these are spoilers depending on what you’ve read, so read on carefully. 


    Is Wit Adonalsium reborn?

    Not as far as we know. Probably not since 


    he was present at Ado’s shattering.



    Who hold the Dawnshards?


    Hoid used to be one. Rysn currently is one. We don’t know anything else.



    Can Adonalsium be reborn?

    We don’t know. It might be possible.


    How was Adonalsium splintered?


    We don’t know the specifics, but the 4 dawnshards were involved. 



    How did Odium splinter other Shards?

    by attacking them. idk what you’re asking here. he used his power to fight them, they lost. it wasn’t exactly a physical fight, likely happened in the spiritual realm. 


    Did people collect those Shard's, Shards?

    Not entirely sure what you’re asking, but the investiture tied to those shards still exists.


    Were there even shards from Shards?

    also not sure what you’re asking. There is such a thing as a Splinter, which is just a concentration of investiture. Spren for example. When a shard is destroyed, it is Splintered into many smaller parts, like the Seons on sel.


    What are God Metals?

    Are the HonorBlades MADE of Honor?

    These two are related. A god metal is physical investiture. like how water solidifies into ice, investiture solidifies into a god metal. each shard has its own god metal. Honorblades are made of Honor’s god metal.


    If so then doesn't Odium need to destroy them and their blades to be rid of Honor's restraint?

    It’s been a while since i’ve read stormlight, but I feel confident in just saying “No” to this. someone else can elaborate. 


    If Dalinar and the Stormfather killed themselves wouldd Honors power over Odium be gone or would Odium be trapped forever?

    I think he’d be released, but again, it’s been a while since i’ve read stormlight. i’m not sure the stormfather even could “kill himself”. 

  12. Quote

    this feels…..really really really hard to RP

    like the amount of prerequisite knowledge to make it accurate is enormous

    and all the big story beats are like…thousands and thousands of years apart.

    i think you’d have to be willing to sacrifice a crap ton of accuracy for the sake of of making it more available to newbs.

    like treat it like a fan fic. choose a rough era to start in, and then just forget everything else.


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