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Posts posted by HarryKal

  1. The oathbringer is out and most of the fans like myself would have finished reading it already. 

    After finishing the book I thought of ranking the books so far in the series and I would like to see whether my taste fit with majority. I have given mine below


    1. WoK  95/100

    2. OB      90/100

    3. WoR   85/100


    You can give yours like above  and if you like you can also give a short explanation.


  2. After so much wait...finally finished the book. Need to do a reread slowly to find what I missed the first time. 

    Things I liked in the same order

    1. Dalinar...wow just wow.. he is broken in so many ways but still the way held himself against Odium. 

    2. Kaladin..i too liked that he didn't said the next ideal and saved everything all by himself. The scene where he froze in the middle of battle unable to decide what is right is really heartening 

    3. Adolin...he proves to everyone that you can be a hero without being radiant. Also I think he will bring back his Spren alive.. already got the name.. 

    4. Jasnah...both brainy and really can kick bad guys with style.. I really thought there will be something between her and Kal.. still not discarded that theory

    5. Bridge 4... together they are good and can face anything with joking around

    6. All conversation between the sword nimi and Lift or szeth

    Things I have complaint about

    1. Shallan..even though she is one of the main character there are lots of chapters with same kind of internal discussion between different avatars of her... also I felt like always she is able to achieve her goals without much difficulty 

    2.  Moash...why do we need this??? It's similar to kaladin chapters from book 1.

    3. Very less Kaladin POV.. many people are seeing kal as main protagonist of SA series...but in book 3 his POV is less

    4. Many people from bridge 4 becoming radiant is too convenient





  3. I have a doubt... jasnah mentioned in earlier part that one way to stop Odium is to find and kill the heralds. In the end Odium made Moash kill a Herald!!!! Is it a special knife that traps the soul of Herald like gem stone capturing unmade or am I missing something.

    I finished the book yesterday around midnight and I was tired to reread this.. taking easy way by asking you guys

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