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Posts posted by amflare

  1. I mean, you can push and pull on the same piece of metal at the same time. I suppose if you only pushed then switched to only pulling, it would be as fast as your normal reaction. Punch your fist out and pull it back. That's how fast.

  2. 9 hours ago, Xero stormz said:

    I would suggest Warbreaker before Storm light since Warbreaker was written for the purpose of giving an element in stormlight a strong backstory and it's free to read too.

    No, its based off of Elantris, though it ended up on a different planet.

  3. There is a difference between influence and command. Vin can command the Koloss and they have to obey (i.e. Human saying he wanted to kill her but couldn't). Anything not spiked can only be influenced (i.e. Kelsier having to spend a couple days convincing the insane guy to do what he wanted).

  4. I was reading this post on the Blog and thought "damnation, I'd pay money to get my hands on that timeline", but unfortunately, Karen says she won't show us. I'm new here and still exploring around, and so was wondering if such a project has ever been attempted on 17th Shard. If so, could someone point me to it? If not, has it ever been discussed?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Sariel said:

    I have an idea. maybe:

    Ambassador - Soother + Connector

    tapping connection lets her speak to people from other countries, while soothing helps her create a friendly relationship with them.

    What do you think?

     Duralumin Ferrings already enhance other people's awareness and friendship of them. Though I guess Soothing or Rioting can't hurt the situation.

  6. The second law of thermodynamics states that the total entropy can never decrease over time for an isolated system. So we won't lose the energy, but in a perfectly entropic system, the energy had lost all potential.

    From this, we could say that Matter, Energy, and Investiture is merely different levels of Potential. The Potential added to the system through the use of Investiture is then removed from the system through entropy.

    This is a slight change in approach here where instead of creasing energy, the use of Investiture is simply harnessing energy and redirecting it. 

    We could take a bit further and say that like total energy can't change in the Physical Realm (merely rearrange itself), total Potential can not change change in the closed system that is all three Realms.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Alfa said:

    Wasn't there also something about counterweights on the bridges? Maybe there is a WoB about it, i don't know. I think he talked somewhere about it, but I don't know anymore and I don't have access to theoryland.

    I think on Dalinar's bridges there were.

  8. Hello all. I am amflare, denizen of Science Fiction and Fantasy on the Stack Exchange network. Unfortunately we don't have a large cosmere fan base there, so I'm making my way here to check you guys out.

    On a scale of 1 (what's a cosmere) to 10 (Brandon Sanderson is my pseudonym), I'd put myself around a 6-7. Most of my knowledge is in Mistborn, with a decent familiarity in Stormlight and Warbreaker. Elantris not so much, and I read White Sands for the first time today.

    I look forward to many long and questionably fruitful discussions here!


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