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Posts posted by Flying

  1. Just now, StormingTexan said:

    I finished it last week. Obviously not going to be as good as the first book but I felt like it was entertaining. I liked it a lot more than Cline's second book Armada. 

    It's good to know that it's still entertaining. I haven't read Armada, but I know people who have and didn't like it, so if Ready Player Two is better than that it should at least be a fun read.


  2. 1 minute ago, Flyingbooks42 said:

    When your mental answer to the joke "what's black and white and red all over" is "Singers, obviously."

    Since it's near Christmas my mom keeps buying candy canes and all I can think about when I see the red and white is singer skin patterns. 

    2 minutes ago, Ookla the Tortured said:

    Curse this upvote limit!

    I upvoted them for you :P 

  3. 9 hours ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

    I've been thinking about swearing in different ways, and I've got some... new ideas for my characters. "Vazey," for example, is one of Trylle's. She was born in the 1800's, and that is a word from that time period. It means stupid.

    I'm not very skilled at coming up with fictional swear words, but the two I've come up with for my characters I use all the time. I write the swears so often that sometimes I catch myself saying them out loud. I'll hit my toe on a table or something and mutter "Guardians!" or "Eldest!" in like the most annoyed voice ever. And then I question my sanity because I realize I am using the swears that the imaginary people in my head use. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Ookla the Rōnin said:

    I think it's a relatively new thing. I've been on pretty consistantly for about the past three years, and it's just popped up within the past few months. That I've seen, at least.

    Not everyone, as evidenced by @Ookla the Grammatical. (I do prefer to avoid stereotyping/generalizing, though, so... um... yeah?)

    This is kind of tangentially related, but I've really been wanting to share this for a while, and haven't really been able to.

    So, I haven't really been super open about this as it is a little personal (I'm not actively hiding it, either, though), but I think this is as good a time/place to share as any. I'm about 90% sure I have Asperger's, which is definitely the root of many of my social issues. (I say 90 as I haven't been officially diagnosed or anything, but I've put so much time into researching the subject that I'm pretty confident in this.)

    It's a very misunderstood thing, and, honestly, it's fascinating. When I first started looking into it, everything I found that listed traits of aspies and the like as, in a way, a more extreme version of what I experience. But the more I looked into it (I do a lot of reading on psychology and stuff anyways), a few things came to my attention. The biggest one was that girls with Asperger's show that differently than boys do (and more boys have it than girls). So then I started doing research into Asperger's in girls, and it seemed like it described me very accurately, and explained a whole heck of a lot.

    I have a really good video by this one guy that explains a lot about Asperger's in girls (he has a lot of other stuff as well, all of which is fantastic) if anyone is interested.

    And if you want just a quick summary (I'll see if I can actually write something that's short for once) I'm more than willing to give that a go as well.

    There you go! That's what I've tried saying dozens of times, but never really have before! Sorry if you didn't follow my train of thought- it was a little sporadic. And it's just a weird thing to come out and say!

      Reveal hidden contents

    And now I'm worried that I've said too much so I shall now retreat back into the shadows from whence I have crawled until I am summoned forth again...

    I actually have an Asperger's diagnosis. I almost mentioned it in my first post on this thread (about my stories and stuff), but I decided against it because I thought it would be too random. But now I guess I can talk about it anyways. 

    It's honestly hard for me to explain to people because it is so misunderstood. I feel like a lot of the facts about it are difficult to easily find on the Internet. I'm a girl who has been diagnosed with it, but it's hard telling people because they most associate Asperger's with how it appears in boys. Some people have even gone so far to tell me that I probably don't have it, but I have been diagnosed and have gone through testing so I know for sure that I do.

    But, even though it's often misunderstood, I've kind of just accepted it as an important part of who I am. I like to think that social interaction is a video game and I'm playing it on hard mode, and because it's so difficult me, I've become proud of what I've accomplished. I'm extra skilled because I'm playing the game on the most difficult setting and somehow still surviving B)

  5. I finished RoW last night, so now I'm going to start reading Ready Player Two. I honestly don't have very high expectations because I haven't really heard anything good about it (and also Daniel Greene's review killed whatever hope I had left). However, I was a huge fan of Ready Player One when I first read it and I'm hoping that the sequel at least has some fun moments. I won't be severely disappointed if it's bad, but I will probably still be disappointed :(

    Also, a few weeks from now is Christmas break and I'm going to use the two weeks off from school to start reading Wheel of Time. I'll probably only make it through one book, if I'm being honest, but I'm excited to actually start reading the series. I've put it off for years because I'm intimidated, but I think with quarantine I'll have more time to actually read it. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ookla the Grammatical said:

    Um... it hasn't really been defined for me. You just... acknowledge each others friendship and generally put them on a list, then you're "special friends".

    Okay, that makes sense. I kind of thought it was just that, but I wanted to know what it actually was in case there was something I didn't know about. Thanks :D

  7. This might be a really dumb question, but the last time I was on the Shard was three years ago and I have absolutely no idea what a Shardbuddy is. Is it just acknowledging someone is a friend, or are there like special things you guys do? I've been really confused about this ever since I came back, and it's actually kind of funny because I've seen it mentioned so much and have just been confused the whole time.

  8. I'm honestly pretty socially awkward. I love books because I have a hard time talking to people in real life, so I feel less lonely when I get to read about fictional people. Renarin and Kaladin are my homies (and literally my whole family knows this because I've called them "my homies" multiple times). 

    Also, I have like two close friends in real life and I constantly pester them with random paragraphs from things I've written. They normally get kind of annoyed because I will send the most random paragraphs that only I think are cool, but today I texted one of them something and he actually liked it. And then later in the day he asked me for a story. Normally everyone is annoyed at me but today someone actually asked me to tell them about my stories. This made me way happier than it probably should have and honestly has been a huge confidence boost. Hoid would be proud :') 

  9. I've read the first 2 volumes but I haven't gotten to the 3rd one yet because I've forgotten basically everything except the magic system. I read volume 2 when it came out in 2018, and it's just been so long that if I wanted to read the 3rd part I'd have to reread the first two. I almost did read them again and finish the story, but then I did my Stormlight reread instead. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

    I think a girl flirted with me once but I didn’t pick up on anything. At all. Nothing whatsoever. Not until her mother later joked with someone else about her flirting with me.
    Same goes when I read books, I never pick up when two people are flirting with each other or even interested until it’s outright mentioned. Im embarrassed to admit, but I saw absolutely nothing between couples like Shallan and Kabsal, Shallan and Kaladin, Kaladin and anyone trying to flirt with him... I’m really bad lol.

    And I used to have a lot of anxiety about social interactions with the opposite gender. To the point where (I was about 14) I was at a dance, and not dancing with anyone, and this man I once called my friend betrayed me and called out “[random girls name], Knight wants to dance with you!” and then gave me a little push.

    aaaand I bolted. I feel so bad for the girl now. Who knows, she may have even liked me? I wouldn’t know.

    The first time I read WoK I didn't even notice Dalinar and Navani. I was only 12, but I still can't believe I had no idea until they started kissing each other. I reread it again later and it was pretty obvious the whole time.

    As for someone actually flirting with me, I think it only happened once. I think he was trying to drop hints for months, but I only actually noticed when he accidentally said something to me and then ran away blushing. One second he was talking to me, and then the next second he was all the way across the hallway. It literally took someone running away from me for me to realize they'd been trying to flirt. I still don't even know if I'm interpreting that situation correctly, but his face was bright red so I think I'm right?

    Anyways, we're all awful here at reading social cues. It's sad, but I just say it adds ~flavor~ to my personality :P

  11. There's this song from a Tangled show that has major Elhokar vibes. I literally only have to change one word in the whole song and it's perfect. Every time I hear the song I just think about him in Oathbringer and his whole character arc. 

    Maybe I make things a mess
    And maybe you're right to have doubts in me
    Maybe, but nevertheless
    If you for once could just trust me
    Just this once, let me come through for you
    The way that you want me to
    Let me make you proud
    Let me show you the best in me
    Let me give you a reason to believe
    That I can stand tall
    And when I return
    And I'm more than you dreamt I'd be
    Maybe then you will realize that you never actually knew me at all
    Sure, I've made lots of mistakes
    I know that I've disappointed you
    Still, though, whatever it takes
    I'm gonna fix it, just watch me
    Just you wait, I'll make it up to you
    If it's the last thing I'll ever do
    I will make you proud
    I will make you have faith in me
    I will prove that the way I used to be is all in the past
    I will save the day
    And come back here triumphantly
    'Cause I long for that look of surprise when you see your king rising at last
    The pride in your eyes when you see your king rising at last
     - I just changed the word "son" into "king" because it fits more. The song is called "Let Me Make You Proud" and it always makes me think of him going to Kholinar and trying to prove himself.


  12. I forced myself to stop reading Rhythm of War and try to do my homework... but now I'm on here avoiding my homework anyways. I tried to conquer the procrastination, but it's too powerful. Procrastination would be a hilarious Shard, honestly. He'd have something similar to the Thrill except it'd make people procrastinate, and then the plot would not happen at all because the characters would just be like,"Eh, I'll do it later."

  13. I'm in high school and it's online right now because of the virus, so I can't even take the day off because it's on the computer and I'm at home anyways. I might try to read during class, but we'll see if I can manage that. I got in trouble in middle school because my teacher caught me reading Oathbringer the day it was released, so this might end up being a similar situation. I'm praying it's not...but Stormlight is too tempting. I just gotta be stealthy about it and hopefully not get caught. 

  14. I don't know if this belongs here, but the last time my friend read Stormlight was over a year ago and he's forgotten a lot. He's reading Dawnshard and is slightly confused, and this conversation has me laughing so hard. He thought it was an error in the ebook. 



    This is unrelated, but this is my 100th post after having this account for 3 years. That's really sad honestly, but at least I finally made it!

  15. I've been watching the new Mandalorian episodes that come out every week, but I've also been rewatching random episodes of Cowboy Bebop. It's so strange because Cowboy Bebop is a show that I originally thought I was conflicted about, but now I'm weirdly addicted and keep coming back to it. I'm appreciating it a lot more than I did on my first watch through, and I'm glad I've been watching it again because the characters have grown on me so much. It also might be possible that I like it a lot more just because I'm in the perfect mood for shows about space bounty hunters :P

  16. 4 minutes ago, Condensation said:

    Yes. Lift.

    Is driving a benefit? Dating is, but I don't know about driving.

    I mean, I'm 16 and haven't done either of those so I have absolutely no idea. I'd have to guess that, for me, driving would not be a benefit. My dad would probably send me to buy food for him because he doesn't want to do it himself. 

  17. My science assignment was due online at 3:00 and it's 3:04 right now and I'm only halfway through. Do your teachers also make really specific due dates? Mine are always like, "Here's an assignment due at 2:15 and here's one due at 3:00. Also, don't forget about the one due at 5:00." And I'm just like BRUH, WHY DO YOU DO THIS!!

  18. When you're late to online class because you stayed up till 1 am reading Dawnshard. I'm only like 60% through the book because I have to do my homework every day before I can read, but I legit panicked this morning because I accidentally slept in and missed like 30 minutes of math class :(

    I feel like this is incredibly ironic because Monday this week I also posted here saying that my mom was mad at me because I planned to read Dawnshard at 1 am on a school night. I woke up on time on Tuesday... but today didn't work as well. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Vapor said:

    So... Middle School sucks. Even at a good school it sucks.

    I don't know about y'all, but gym is my least favorite subject. You have to show how good you are at sports, (I'm terrible) and the gym clothes are awful, and you seem to be combined with all the best kids in the class.

    Not just that, but there's also the dreaded locker room. You have to change in front of all the popular kids, and I feel like they're watching me for any mistakes, any imperfections in your body and you feel like everyone's staring at you. Long story short, Gym is... not fun.

    So I was already having a pretty bad day, having to do a bunch of public stuff. Not my thing. I went in, grabbed my gym clothes, and went to go change. There were a bunch of girls laughing and looking 'my way,' and ugh. I finished changing as soon as I could, and then proceeded to lose all of my team's games. I went to go change back and there were more laughing this time. I ended up changing in the bathroom stall.

    Not really funny or unbelievable, just me having a bad day.

    I understand this, so you're not the only one who doesn't like gym. I think that if you're not good at sports, gym is just a bad experience in general. I also have Asperger's so I have some coordination issues along with my social issues. Because of this, having to play sports and socialize in the locker room was... not good. Despite my personal problems that  make me somewhat of a target, I think that people in middle school can sometimes just be unnecessarily mean in general. I completely understand what this situation is like, and I'm really sorry people are acting like that. Just don't let them get to you. You're on the Shard, so you're already pretty awesome in my book. I hope you have a better day tomorrow ^_^

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