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Brightlord Brooding-Eyes

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Posts posted by Brightlord Brooding-Eyes

  1. 17 hours ago, Carla Bridge Four said:

    I think the Coalition will not last as it is, but that new Radiants from different places are going to change the views of people. Things are getting weird and won't last as they were. Renarin bound a corrupted spren, one of the Unmade may be not longer willing to side with Odium, Venli bound to a not-void spren... and Kaladin and his Windrunners have a Listener in their team.

    So the coalition will sooner or later, imho, have listeners/singers as there are humans siding with Odium. It's gonna get wicked, both in terms of politics and religion.

    We will see!

    Nice poll by the way :) 

    I agree that coalition is probably going to go through some major changes, some members may switch allegence and there will probably be listeners and humans on both sides, it may have been that way in previous desolations for all we know. The Listeners that Eshonai rounded up for execution and Thude helped escape are still unaccounted for too, I can see them coming into play at some point.



  2. 11 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

    He was offered a Shard that we haven't seen yet.

    Nice, I haven't seen that WoB before. It will be interesting to find out which Shard he was offered. This also means that one of the vessels was not originally supposed to be a vessel I presume, kind of like how Taln wasn't originally supposed to be a Herald. Or there were supposed to be 17 Shards.

    9 hours ago, Dalfiatach said:

    I'm not sure how this fits into the theory, but reading this thread I was reminded of the moment, back on the Shattered Plains at one of Elhokar's feasts, when Wit leans over to Dalinar and says "Adonalsium"

    Good memory, I'd forgotten about that.


    11 hours ago, insert_anagram_here said:

    Um, I'm not too confident on my knowledge of the general Cosmere background as I always discover theories that long time fans seem to take for granted, but I'll take a shot at this and fell free to shoot me down.

    We know there are 16 Shards of Adolnasium, but we don't even know the names and the intent they represent. We have witnessed Preservation and Ruin, two seemingly countering intents that tried to overcome one another on Scaram. If Odium and Autonomy collaborated into killing another Shard, doesn't it come to reason that it could be Unity itself?

    It feels that either I haven't understood something from Dalinar's narrative, or a huge part of the story has been forgotten that we haven't seen yet.

    Well there are still 6 shards we haven't seen or heard about yet (as far as I know), so it's possible there's one called Unity. Although it could also be that "Unity" is how Dalinar interprets Honor's intent (given that we're told Honor seems primarily concerned with bonds and oaths).

  3. 1 minute ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

    Problem is, that if Dalinar has learnt anything in OB it should be to not keep secrets. He should put all on the table, including T's actions. But I fear he won't talk of T knowing the coalition would be destroyed. It would be typical Dalinar to keep a secret to maintain the coalition only for that secret to be the cause of its complete destruction later on. The only thing to give us hope on T's genious actions (sarcasm) is Cultivation's mysterious hand moving events and her ability to play the long game with nearly invisible strings.

    Agreed on both points. And Dalinar has so many secrets now! Not just from the coalition, eventually he'll need to tell Adolin and Renarin that he was responsible for their mother's death, which as far as I know he hasn't told anyone yet? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have had a chance to tell Adolin anyway.

  4. 3 minutes ago, WhiteLeeopard said:

    Szeth was never truthless, so no part of those rules apply to him and he knows it. Problem is Szeth is not too good at sharing information. He may make an exception for Dalinar as he has sworn to follow him as his Third Oath, which is pretty big, but we'll see.

    I'm slowly re-reading OB, so can't say with certainty, but I think T himself told Dalinar about using Szeth to kill the monarchs. Of course T did it because he wanted to put his own spin on things and assumed the moment he saw Szeth around that he would divulge all to Dalinar. 

    True, maybe we'll find out more about his "code" in Szeth's flashback book.

    I'm re-reading too at it at the moment so I don't want to skip ahead and look it up, but I know T held back some things when talking to Dalinar. I remember him telling him he leaked the information that underminded Dalinar's authority, you may be right and he told him about Szeth too (seems like it would be a prudent course of action as with Szeth following Dalinar he's bound to find out about it eventually).

  5. New theory: The Stick was actually a piece of Bridge Four that broke off during a bridge run and was blown to the Southern Frostlands during a Highstorm. The constant infusions of investiture it received from Kaladin's lashings had strengthened its cognitive Identity so much that Shallan couldn't soulcast it to fire.

    When Dalinar uses his Bondsmith powers to reconnect The Stick to Bridge Four, it will ascend, becoming the new Vessel of Honor and defeating Odium and the Voidbringers with it's unwavering resolve.

  6. 9 hours ago, MountainKing said:

    He first killed Gavilar, that is where he got his name as the assassin in white.

    I realised after I posted that someone would respond with this! I was referring to the killings he did for Taravangian, I was thinking the coalition might not connect Gavilar's assassination due to the large time gap between the assassin killing Gavilar and the rest of the world leaders.  But as @WhiteLeeopard said it's more likely that the coalition would assume Dalinar was involved in Gavilar's assassination too.

    If the coalition thinks that Dalinar had Gavilar assassinated and then framed the Parshendi, it will all the more damnation him in their eyes while creating sympathy for the enemy.

    5 hours ago, TequilaJack said:

    That Tarvangian sent Assasin in White is still not public knowledge, right?

    I don't think so. Correct me if I'm wrong, but even Dalinar doesn't know yet, right? I would think upon Szeth swearing to Dalinar the first thing Dalinar would do is question Szeth as to who sent him. I guess he's just assumed Szeth was working for the Parshendi the whole time. You think Szeth would volunteer the information himself ("by the way, your closest ally ordered me to kill you and all the other monarchs") but maybe some part of the truthless code prevents him from divulging what a previous master ordered him to do.

  7. 5 hours ago, maxal said:

    How about Dalinar's son did kill Torol Sadeas thus making the betrayal of his former princedom not only understandable, but suddenly justifiable. How many will really believe Dalinar was not behind it? Had he just spend an entire book trying to convince the world he has changed just so the world could see.... he hasn't. 

    This. The coalition already have very little trust in Dalinar as it is. If Adolin murdering Sadeas were to become widely known, that knowledge combined with the fact that the assassin who killed the monarchs of every major nation (except for Alekthar) is suddenly working for Dalinar will make it hard to believe that he isn't trying to take over the world.

  8. Kaladin is the most relatable because of his battle with depression.  But I feel that every character has been the star of their own flashback book.

    Lift is still my favourite though.

    3 hours ago, Calderis said:


    1: Kaladin

    2: Dalinar 

    3: Shallan (trailing by a long shot) 


    Shallan's story in TWOK surprised me. At first it felt slow and dull, and seeming so far removed from the other two main viewpoint characters' story didn't help it much. But she's the slow burn of the book; for me the pay-off at the end was up there with Kaladin's. I think the fact that I'd written it her off as boring made the ending all the more surprising for me, especially with how many minor details of her story turned out to be important. I'd already read and thoroughly enjoyed the Mistborn trilogy before reading TWOK, but the way that book set-up and delivered so many huge revelations while leaving so much open for the rest of the series made me realize just how damnation good a writer Sanderson is.

    3 hours ago, MechaBiollante said:

    For me in book 3 I thought they found the perfect way to emotionally cripple Kaladin, it was believable and heart-breaking and he still gets what was probably the best fight of the book (felt like some crazy chull anime fight, honestly). But then I'm really into Kaladin's emotional struggles, he struggles with questions I feel not enough fantasy heroes do, but that could just be the type of fantasy I read and I need to read more, hah. 

    Agreed. Kaladin started the series quite morally naive and has grown so much.

  9. So I know there's a theory going that when Dalinar united the three realms, and Odium said "we killed you", he was referring to Adonalsium rather than Honor; that somehow (either in the spiritual realm or the beyond) Odium saw Adonalsium in the perpendicularity Dalinar created. I won't go into it all here, but I was thinking about the letters from various shards to Hoid in the epigraphs and started wondering about Hoid's motives. The letters seem to imply that Hoid has contacted multiple shards of Adonalsium and asked them to assist in the conflict on Roshar. On the surface it would appear that he wants their assistance in stopping Rayse, but is it really that straightforward? It seems very un-Hoidlike to simply ask directly for help, and he even contacted Autonomy (who he isn't on good terms with) and Harmony (who he doesn't really know personally).

    Dalinar's power allows him to bind together the spren of something that has been shattered but remember being whole, and we know from the Stormfather's reaction (and Odium's) that his ability to manifest a perpendicularity is unprecendented, and makes it possible that Dalinar has access to LOT of power in this department. I think it's possible Dalinar could restore a splintered Shard in the right circumstances, but could he do more and restore Adonalsium itself?  If this is the case, and if Hoid knew this, then his attempt to lure the other shards to Roshar could actually be part of a plan to get Dalinar to "Unite" the shards, restoring Adonalsium.

    This is just wild speculation, I'm not actually 100% sold on the whole "Odium saw Adonalsium". I do think Hoid's letters tie in nicely with it, but I would also like to discuss some evidence that contradicts it.

    It's still quite possible that Odium was referring to Honor when he said "we killed you", the "we" implying that Odium wasn't acting alone when he splintered Honor. If this is the case, my money would be on him working with Autonomy, after all we do have this epigraph...


    You have accused me of arrogance in my quest. You have accused me of perpetuating my grudge against Rayse and Bavadin. Both accusations are true.

    ...which seems to suggest Autonomy's involvement.

    So what do people think?  Was Odium referring to Adonalsium or Honor when he said "we killed you"?

  10. 6 minutes ago, Willshaping Crasher said:

    I can agree with this. However a question still nags in my mind.  How do we reconcile this part of the diagram:

    "Ah but they were left behind. It is obvious from the nature of the bond. But where where where where? Set off. Obvious. Realization like apricity. They are with the Shin. We must find one. Can we make to use a Truthless? Can we craft a weapon?"

    Sanderson is usually careful with language.  "Crafting" a weapon usually refers to creating it from scratch.  Was Szeth "Crafted" or used after the fact?  The WOB refers back to Peter for a final answer. ........I guess I would like something difinitive which I likely wont get for a few years.

    "Crafting" would be one way of describing how Szeth's mental state was altered while committing atrocities at Taravangian's orders. And of course the strict adherence to his code at great personal cost was what attracted the attention of Nale, leading Szeth to be recruited to the Skybreakers, which resulted in him pledging allegance to Dalinar... Maybe the weapon's main purpose was not the destruction of all the leaders but something else entirely (then again, it could be as simple as it seems, and Szeth's purpose was to kill the monarchs so that the Diagram could take over).

    Brandon probably didn't know the exact timeline off the top of his head, but whether Dalinar or Taravangian went first probably didn't matter so much until he had written the section for Oathbringer, canonizing that no human had seen Cultivation for so long. But I agree, the timeline is somewhat ambiguous (does 5 years of sickness mean 5 years or 5 years give or take?), and this is all just wild speculation. 

  11. On 03/02/2018 at 4:47 AM, deeptheory said:

    ...OR something regarding his 'squires' and allowing others to do the saving.

    I like this. I have a feeling that in some way the 4th and 5th Windrunner ideals will involve their other divine attribute, leadership. Accepting that you can't protect everyone and accepting that a leader needs to be able to trust their subordinates could tie together quite nicely as a single ideal.

  12. I was reading OB last night and was at the chapter where Odium first shows himself to Dalinar and came to a similar conclusion; that Dalinar, Taravangian and Lift all got their boons and curses directly from Cultivation herself, and they are key to her plan in defeating Odium.

    Dalinar fully regained his memories not long before Odium's attempt to make him his champion, and it was Evi's memory and the desire not to lose her again that caused him to refuse Odium.

    When Odium came into Dalinar's vision, he was able to shut out the stormfather (and presumably Yanagawn, Jasnah and Navani, who had all been in the vision with Dalinar), but Lift was not only able to get in, she was able to hide her presence from Odium:


    Odium Patted him on the shoulder. "Take a minute, Dalinar. I'll leave you here, Relax, it-" He cut off, then frowned, spinning. He searched the rocks. "What?" Dalinar asked. "Nothing. Just an old man's mind playing tricks on him."

    And then there's another connection between Lift and Dalinar; both are capable of doing things that shouldn't be possible according to Wyndle/the Stormfather (Lift's calorie to investiture conversion/ability to touch things in the cognitive realm (which is probably why she can enter visions)/Wyndle retaining his memories, and Dalinar being able to bond the three realms together). We are led to believe that for Lift this is related to her boon/curse, so it seems reasonable to assume that the same applies to Dalinar.

    That brings us to Taravangian. When Odium visits him on one of his "stupid" days, Taravangian is able to get the better of him. It appears that when Taravangian wrote the Diagram he knew that:

    1. Odium would eventually meet with him
    2. He would do so on a day when Tarvangian had "diminished" capacity
    3. Odium would want to view the diagram for himself

    So he left hidden messages in the diagram that only his less intelligent self could read, allowing him to negotiate with Odium from a position of strength. I think the more indecipherable portions of the diagram are exactly this, messages only Taravangian could read and only on his "off" days. I don't really believe Taravangian is less intelligent on those days, he just has capacity in different areas than he does on his "genius" days. There are plenty of glimmers of him possesing a more introspective, thoughtful kind of intelligence when he is supposedly stupid, while he has a more focused kind of intelligence on his smarter days, which causes him to have tunnel vision. This tunnel vision causes "genius" Tarvangian to miss the hidden messages only "idiot" Taravangian can read, he just never noticed before since on his lower capacity days he isn't allowed to interpret the Diagram.

    On 02/02/2018 at 9:06 AM, Weltall said:

    I do like the idea that Cultivation is influencing the Diagram specifically as part of some long-range plan (Honor did say she's better at seeing the future and that sort of thing is entirely in keeping with her Intent) but I don't recall offhand when Taravangian visited the Nightwatcher. Cultivation said that Dalinar was the first person she'd shown herself to in several centuries, and that otherwise she allows the Nightwatcher to do all the boon-granting/cursing herself. If Taravangian visited before Dalinar, then her influence over the Diagram might be a lot less, if not completely absent. I feel like the timing is that Taravangian went first (if he went later it's no issue at all) but I don't have the books handy to check. In any case, absent a reason to believe that Cultivation lied to Dalinar it looks like no boon/curse that's more than about six years old was her doing.

    The flashback in Oathbringer puts Dalinar's visit to the Nightwatcher at 5 and a half years earlier (it specifically mentions the half year in the flashback), and in the chapter where Dalinar meets Taravangian it dates his "strange illness" at 5 years earlier.  Lift is 13 and went to the Nightwatcher to stop herself from aging when she was 10, so the order should be Dalinar first, Taravangian second, and Lift last.

  13. 21 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

    Much has been theorized about this possible connection, but I think it is just a false positive. It makes sense to me that Shards in conflict would give rise to religions with brother-gods who are jealous of one another. 

    EDIT: Oh, and welcome to the Shard, by the way! Always nice to have another theorizer in the mix!


    That makes sense with Odium vs Honor/Cultivation and Preservation vs Ruin.  I thought the common themes between the two cultures were pretty cool, especially given the connection to Whitesands (which, I must admit I haven't actually read yet), but it seems that WoB has indeed put that theory to rest.  It will be interesting to see how the new Harmony/Trell conflict plays out, whoever Trell turns out to be.

  14. First of all this is my first post, so hello everyone!

    I was re-reading the first Mistborn trilogy and noticed the similarities between the Trelagist religion in MB and the religion of the Purelakers in SA.  I searched the forums and discovered I wasn't the first to notice these similarities (not by a long shot!). 

    Everyone who believes the theory seems to think that Trell = Nu Ralik and Nalt = Vun Makak due to the Trelagists believing Nalt was jealous of Trel and the Purelakers believing Vun Makak is jealous of Nu Ralik.  However, there are a few details I didn't see anyone mention in any of the threads about the theory, and since they were all older threads I thought I'd start a new one rather than bumping.

    First, the description of Trelagism on The Coppermind states:


    Trelagists believed that night was sacred and daylight was profane. During the night, Trelagists were able to see the Thousand Eyes of Trell (the stars) watching over them, but during the day, Nalt, jealous of the worship given to his brother, would shine his single eye (the sun) on the land, blocking Trelagists from seeing Trell's eyes.

    So Trell is linked to night time and the stars, while Nalt is linked to day time and the sun.

    Meanwhile, in Ishikk's chapter in WoK, he thinks to himself:


    He wore lake sandals on his submerged feet and a pair of knee-length breeches. No shirt. Nu Ralik forbid! A good Purelaker never covered his shoulders when the sun was shining. A man could get sick that way, not getting enough sunlight.



    His foreigners were in the corner, at a table only they would choose—the one that was raised up an extra bit, with footrests so that the outsiders wouldn’t have to get their toes wet.  Nu Ralik, what fools! he thought with amusement. Inside out of the sun, wearing shirts against its warmth, feet out of the tide. No wonder their thoughts are so odd.

    Given that it's mentioned twice in the same chapter, it seems that the Purelakers revere the sun and the day time, the exact opposite of the Trelagists.  This suggests that Nu Ralik is not Trell but Nalt, and that Vun Makak is actually Trell.  It makes sense that if two gods (whether they are shards or something else) were in competition with each other that the worshippers of each god would view their god favourably and the other god as being jealous.

    So what do you think, is Trell Vun Makak, Nu Ralik or neither?  Or as someone suggested in one of the older threads, are all four the same person (possibly Autonomy)?

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