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Stormblessed Dolphin

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Status Replies posted by Stormblessed Dolphin

  1. Let it be known that I have returned from my long absence on the Shard! School is over, and I'm allowed full use of my computer, without restrictions, once more!

    All I must say is:

    GO TUBA!


    1. Stormblessed Dolphin

      Stormblessed Dolphin

      its possible that the number of topics I follow is small enough that it didnt grow that high. since when multiple people comment on the same thing, instead of making a new notification, it combines it into one notification.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Let it be known that I have returned from my long absence on the Shard! School is over, and I'm allowed full use of my computer, without restrictions, once more!

    All I must say is:

    GO TUBA!


  3. Wait, you are exactly one year older than me. Wow, first person I met who has the 11/7 birthday. Slurpees for everyone!

    1. Stormblessed Dolphin

      Stormblessed Dolphin

      haha. That's funny. 

      There actually isn't a 7 eleven gas station near where I live, so I've never gone there on my birthday to get a free (slushee or slurpee?? which is it actually.. I'm confused now, oh well.)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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