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Posts posted by Weyah

  1. 1 minute ago, Rebecca said:

    Don't worry about it, it's not that big of a deal, just a tip. All I meant was, earlier, you posted two things in a row. Usually, you just put all the information on one post. Unless of course someone else has posted something between your posts.

    Apologizes @Rebecca I thought I was answering different posts. Thank you, I will try to be more aware!

  2. 1 minute ago, Rebecca said:

    Welcome @Weyah! It's great to have you here. I agree with all of the advice above, and hope you have a great time reading! Sanderson is a genius, and his books are so fun to read. 

    And by the way, try to avoid double posting, as it is generally frowned upon here. 

    Thank you @Rebecca ! I agree, Sandersone is a genius ! Did I double post? How does one double post so I can avoid it ! Sorry, just new and have not learned the navigation process yet.....seems my newbiness is showing.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tenziden said:


    After those I would definitely read Elantris, it's Brandon's first Stormlight book and it's got some good stuff. If you're still digging the Cosmere after that (and who wouldn't be??) then Arcanum Unbounded is a great place to go, it's got new Shardworlds to see and revisits some old ones. The Era 2 Mistborn books are also fantastic, it delves deeper into the ways of the Metallic Arts and introduces some really cool concepts. 

    Essentially, if you see a book with the name Brandon Sanderson on it, READ IT.  XD

    Thanks @Tenziden ! I have so many of his books I want to read but had no idea where to go after Mistborn! I really appreciate you taking the time to lend a hand. My brain was hurting trying to figure out where to go from Mistborn !  Sanderson is simply brilliant. I am a hard core David Gemmell fan and he has been my favorite author for many, many years, however Sanderson may be filling that spot soon. I really love the alchemy side to his books. The whole concept of burning metals in Mistborn blew me away. Just amazing ! 

  4. I liked Breeze because of his smarmyness and Marsh just because. 

    Favorite scene? That's rather hard. I liked when Breeze was first introduced but also liked the scene where Vin and Kel went hunting. 

    Least favorite scene was when I thought Marsh was dead.......Kels pain was something I actually felt and I cried a wee bit. Choked me up.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Tenziden said:

    Like I said, I read WoK first and was fine. Brandon wrote the Cosmere books to be independent of each other, so anyone could pick up on any series and be perfectly fine reading it; the lore connecting them all is meant for the dedicated readers to make connections between the worlds. So by reading Warbreaker first you could probably pick up on a few very minor details in WoK but they're fairly trivial and won't prevent you from enjoying the book in the way Brandon meant you to. Does that make sense? 

    I definitely agree with what @Shqueevessaid

    Thank you again @Tenziden really didn't want to miss out on anything of great importance. I still find it hard to believe that I somehow missed out on reading Sanderson earlier! Not sure how it happened ! As soon as I read the first chapter of The Final Empire I was hooked. Any suggestions as to what I should read after the WoK books and Warbreaker? Is there an order? I know you said they can be read independently, but again, I don't want to miss out on anything.  ( How is the Mistborn RPG by the way....have you played it or heard how it is? )

  6. 18 minutes ago, Shqueeves said:

    Welcome! Have a warning against the cookies (avoid them)! As for your concern, you will not miss much by not reading Warbreaker before WoK. When recommending books, I usually place Warbreaker between WoK and WoR

    Cookie warning? And thank you for the welcome @Shqueeves ! Excellent, will start WoK tonight, and will follow your advice as far as Warbreaker.

  7. Gramercy @Tenziden !  I was leaning towards WoK simply because of  the Wheelan cover (yes, I shamelessly judged a book by it's cover ) but was wondering if Warbreaker has a lead in to WoK. Thank you for clearing this up for me. If I do start WoK, will I miss a lot by not reading Warbreaker first? Don't mean to sound like a noob but this is all new to me. Really appreciate your help. Just don't want to miss anything of importance.

  8. Greetings!

    I was recently turned on to Brandon Sanderson ( I can hear the gasps ) thanks to a friend on Goodreads and have finished the Mistborn series ( I now have a severe case of Sandersonitis ) and recently purchased The Way of Kings and Warbreaker. This is probably the cheesiest question ever, which one should I read first? 

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