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  1. I do want to thank you for the recaps, there were definitely things I've completely forgotten. This is very helpful.
  2. "If you missed the first two Stormlight Archive recap articles" - three, not two "Between Szeth's flashbacks and the apparent directly Kaladin and Szeth are headed going into Wind and Truth" - is this meant to be "danger" instead of "directly"? I can't parse this sentence. "delusional enough to be think himself" - "to think", without "be"
  3. "protect the tower from Raboniel's and her army of Fused" - I don't think "'s" is needed here? just "from Raboniel" "Renarin is now longer the only Enlightened Truthwatcher" - should be "no longer"
  4. I think it's also worth mentioning that Shallan absorbed Veil. If I remember things correctly. That's a rather significant event.
  5. Typo: missing "be": "Will Taravangian making" I also think this is meant to be "accepting there are those he cannot protect...": "accepting that those he cannot protect"
  6. A little typo: "various forms of Surebinding" should be "surge"
  7. Hey, if you're still working on it, I can help too. I have experience with modding Stellaris (portraits, map, UI).
  8. Unless you Send another Dari bonded to Night so he can teleport them both back.
  9. This post is going to be pretty long, so here's a TLDR of potential solutions: 1. The forgotten can only be created at the pool of Night, so there's a reason for them to march on the capital. 2. The pool of Light is depleted or inaccessible, so Dari can't create Light-Forgotten from it. 3. Twins are dead and the conflict is between Aethers (this is just if we actually want the story to be published among other Brandon's novels so it doesn't repeat the whole Ruin-imprisoned-in-the-shardpool thing) I only finished half an hour ago so these are fresh impressions. The story didn't feel to me like two seperate books, perhaps, because I pretty much expect from high fantasy (and Brandon especially) to start with war among men and end with war among gods. And I did like the second army of Forgotten reveal, I half-expected it and it made things that much scarier. The deaths of soldiers weren't for nothing, they bought time. The whole story is just one big ticking bomb, after all. What breaks the story is that Dari could create the Forgotten anywhere they wanted. "Some of us hoped you can be reasoned with" doesn't explain why they had to march them all the way to the city. They could've just killed some High Aedin in their sleep, shown how helpless they are and announced their demands. 1. So let's say the Forgotten can only be created from the pool. Since Dari are controlling them it actually explains why they have to stop at night, because people need to sleep. And perhaps we just don't know about the second army coming because Vo-Dari are controlling where the scouts are Sent and time the movement when they aren't looking. But then the question is, why didn't they just create similar warriors from the pool of light? Explaining it with Intent ("because this is the power of creation, you can't kill with it") wouldn't hold up, since you can easily suffocate somebody with Verdant vines or Send them high up in the sky. And in theory the pool should be as powerful as it's oppposite. 2. Let's assume Dari can't use it then. Either the power was used up in the war or the location was buried under rubble and nobody knows where it was. Following the established rules, they only need a little of Light to bond with. Maybe they are storing it in a Holy Grail of sorts. And since Dari spend a lot of time meditating, they are more succeptible to hearing the Aether talk to them. These are small changes that keep the story the same but try to fix some of the more glaring problems. Now here's something different, so it doesn't read like a rehash of other ideas (even if it's the other way around) 3. Decay and the imprisonment of gods has to go away. Yes, it's kind of a parallel to Raeth being trapped in his position, but it's not really expanded on besides a few lines of "I want to be free" and we already have Ruin escaping his prison. Former could be kind of like Harmony, call him Twilight: he splits his power between his sons, so one gets Light, and the other Night, they fight, create weapons and eventually destroy each other. Now, just like Gol and Shateen continued living as discarded weapons (and I personally loved that part of worldbuilding), perhaps Aethers keep on fighting even after their creators perish. If this is part of Cosmere, we know investiture can create an intelligence of its own when left without a holder. It was implied thorughout the book that Aethers have emotions and are connected to something bigger. I really like the concept of intelligent magic. Perhaps, unlike spren, each Aether is one rudimentary mind which learns from thoughts and feelings of people it's bonded to, which in turn affect its personality. Aether of Night, who only touches a few people a year and instantly kills them, probably isn't very intelligent, which is why Dari can exploit it. Aethers would probably view people as hosts and actually want to spread to non-High Aedin, which ties into the story well. And the idea that magic uses people to fight is kinda cool. What do you think? I enjoyed the book and think it still has some potential. I'm really glad we have an opportunity to read these unpublished novels. Big thanks to Brandon. Edit: Also, can Raeth be a bit smarter? As soon as he thought Night is opposite to Sending, I assumed he could teleport himself. I mean, it's kinda obvious. When we learned that the Forgotten stop every night, I expected the army would kite them with archers or spill oil in front of them and try to burn them, try to abuse their behaviour in any way possible. Throwing animals was quite gruesome and unorthodox, but I kept wondering, could you Send a Vo-Dari to the ocean and order him to Send a blue whale back to the battlefield? Yeah, it's crazy and hard to pull of, but probably within the realm of possibility?
  10. This, so much this. And she wouldn't be able to deny it, since she's no longer a virgin. If you think about it, she's kinda in the right here. Impersonating an Emperor is a worse crime than screwing him before marriage. What Darro did to her was pretty disturbing.
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