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Mickey Lehtman

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Everything posted by Mickey Lehtman

  1. To follow up on the above post, we have a triangle of Intent-Command-Investiture. Ado had all three (4 Commands, 16 intents (the could have been any 16)and close to infinite Investiture). What shattered, the 16 got the intent and investiture (scaled down) but didn't take the Commands, either due to an agreement not to repeat whatever Ado did that they didn't like or just because they were 16 and there were only 4 Commands. So shards can use investiture, but in a limited fashion - derived from the their intent, without the versatility Commands provide. Maybe that is why Odium didn't take the Command on Ashyn - Rayse was bound by a deal. If that's true - what is that thing that wants the Commands? I say Trell (or who ever it is that corrupts investiture throughout the Cosmere) - a god like entity that is not bound by any shattering agreement
  2. A "Unite Them" theory: What if "Unite Them" means something all together different? What if originally investiture was spread evenly through out the living things in the Cosmere and whoever became Adonalsium managed to pool it into itself, to a degree that "depleted" or at least diminished the availability of investiture to living things? Maybe the (original?) purpose of the 16 was to break Ado completely and return the investiture to the broader universe, thus uniting the 3 realms in each living thing? Could that be BranSan's/Hoid's end game?
  3. A year later, but on this subject - isn't Cultivation what Harmony needs to become active (or be release from the semi stasis state he's in?)
  4. So, I've been reading a lot about Autonomy's avatars and the hive mind (debunked) or multiple personalities theories and the following comes to mind (forgive me if this has been discussed already. If there's a WoB, please send me the link!): Could it be that have multiple avatars for Autonomy is actually a result of the shard's intent? A manifestation/implementation of the shard remaining autonomous even if (one of its) vessels gets destroyed/killed? Basically, the multiple personalities issue happened after the shattering, due to the intent lacking the context and balance of the other intents?
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