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Posts posted by Niteshado

  1. I actually believe that all religions could be real. Nothing saying there isnt, other than "You shant worship another god". which could just be for keeping followers!

    Overall I would consider myself druid, and have deities I pray to. 

    But overall, to each his/her own. its about what makes you happy!

  2. Windrunners can retrieve people though. They can drop in, Lash someone and themselves, and then dip out. Yes it draws attention from the fused, but lightweavers would do all this by foot, and still end up needing the assistance from the Windrunner, who will still gain attention. Bringing a lightweaver makes more bodies to bring and more possible casualties. 

    Overall, Windrunner can cover the most ground in the shortest time. 

  3. On 12/31/2018 at 0:54 AM, Voidus said:

    Thanks all, it'll get better. I'm just very up and down right now.

    I suffer from anxiety/depression, and i can tell you, 99.99% of the time there is a brightside to everything.

    Look for it. sometimes its not easy to find and it might not seem like a good brightside, but it exists. Helps me fight the fight to look forward to something.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

    Perhaps I misunderstood the OP's point I was thinking of when he did punch Ati in the end did not remember him punching Leras. Truth be told I need to do a reread it has been a while.

    i do too :D

  5. 49 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

    He punched Ati not Leras.

    No he punches Leras, aka fuzz. Ati was still trapped in the well.

    Now techinally he didnt punch Lerasium as that is the metal. Leras was the Shard holder. 

  6. 7 hours ago, Quantus said:

    That was what I was saying, he has bronze and is better at using Investiture than just about anyone, if anyone can use it to detect subtle, less than kinetic Investiture it would be him.

    Gotcha! you would be extremely correct :)


    7 hours ago, Calderis said:

    SA takes place very close to Era 2 of Mistborn

    Arc 2, kaladin is fighting in the sky and all the sudden...a giant tube of metal comes space and lands!

  7. Hello and welcome @Lord Mist!

    I hope this helps!!


    Brandon Sanderson

    Also note that while Mare was an Allomancer, she wasn't what one would call a "dangerous" Allomancer. She was a Tineye, which isn't one of the top tier martial powers. She couldn't have used atium, and even if she HAD somehow found [tin], she'd simply have been able to hear and see better. Which would have made her better at finding the atium.

    The Allomancers to keep out of the Pits would have been Lurchers or Coinshots (who could have destroyed the crystals), and to a lesser extent Thugs (who could be difficult to control.) Mistborn, of course, needed to be kept far, far away, lest they get their hands on atium.

    There's more going on here, of course. If I ever write the Kelsier short story that talks about him discovering the Eleventh Metal, I will get into why the Inquisitors weren't given Mare as they wanted. The Lord Ruler specifically chose to send her to the Pits rather than handing her over to the Inquisitors. (Note: She wouldn't have ended up on a hook. Inquisitors had other...uses for skaa Mistings they captured. See book three.)



    Also This is what we have on Mare, if you wish to look. 



  8. I mean to be at a complete opposite of @Toaster Retribution


    Favorite would be Lift (i like rogues). Her personality is something i could get along with, and kinda how i am. Also, i LOVE Jasnah. Shes blunt, knows things and not afraid to show it, and just overall awesome to me. seconds would be Dalinar. 

    Dislike would be Nale, he understand he follows the "Law" but i relate a lot to Kaladin, in the sense of following your heart.


    Also, non-radiant, i have to say i really like Adolin. Im excited for when/if he becomes a Radiant, but i like his character and personality. It was annoying at first, but hes grown on me. 

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