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  1. I am starting to think that the blades have never been as dead as we are led to believe. I think they have been held captive by the gems attached to them. Also i feel that the blade has been leading adolin subconsciously down a path to becoming an edgedancer. This passage could just be Adolin understanding that he was out of his depth and wondering how he had the instinct. Previously i feel he thought he was that much better than his opponent and didn't register the cues.
  2. I have been reading Brandon Sanderson's work ever since i heard he was going to complete Robert Jordan's work. I have read the majority of the books (With the exception of the second era mistborn books as i am struggling to like the characters). Loving the stormlight series. I would love to see a standalone series of prequels relating to Vasher. I have been reading the forums for a while now but have only just had the courage to join. I am looking forward to posting and seeing what people think of my theories surrounding the direction of the cosmere. Einadan
  3. Adolin has always been good. There was a conversion in wok that says spren prefer to bond with people that are broken. Is this perhaps the way that adolin becomes broken?
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