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Image Comments posted by Ironeyes

  1. 4 hours ago, Carbonationspren said:

    Same issue as Mestiv. Also, there appear to be some artifacts, either from compression or from the hard edges of the curves.

    If by artifacts, you mean the grey/white "after images" in the background, those are on purpose. I'll see if I can't upload a larger version. I used this as a desktop for weeks and it looked fine, but then again I have the original 

  2. Better: an Inquisitorified Disney-esque princess.

    Don't show that one to any little girls. They might try to kill you, once they recover from fainting.

    PS: This will shortly become my little-picture-thing-on-the-side-I-don't-remember-what-it's-called-because-I'm-a-computer-user-not-an-engineer.

  3. I used the real projected mass for element 118. I couldn't bring myself to mess with anything but the decimal. Speaking of which, I'll get the one for Lerasium up today...

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