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Posts posted by shdwfeather

  1. QuizUp is a new social trivia game released for Android and iOS. It's actually a pretty fun game and they have a lot of categories including The Dresden Files and A Song of Ice and Fire. But no Brandon! I thought to myself, "Surely the cosmere novels would make a great trivia category!"


    Luckily, it seems that they accept user suggestion for categories, but they have a voting system to determine the most popular categories. I created a suggestion for Brandon's cosmere novels here: http://suggestions.quizup.com/forums/242990-topic-suggestions/suggestions/5661218-cosmere-novels-from-brandon-sanderson


    Help vote it up to the top so we can challenge each other with cosmere trivia for bragging rights! :lol:

  2. I am so excited about the worldhopping interaction we saw in this book!


    Did anybody else let out a squeak when Szeth recieved Nightblood? Of course, that would make Zahel a world-hopping Vasher, evident from his color-based swearing and mention in his interlude of him expecting "a voice to speak in his mind".


    It also seems that Hoid collected a fair amount of Breaths (at least 200) from somewhere, enough to give him perfect pitch!  (ch. 59, pg 727)



    Wit leaned down to tune his instrument, one leg crossed over the other. He hummed softly to himself and nodded. "Perfect pitch," Wit said, "makes this all so much easier than it once was...."


    When did Vasher arrive in Roshar? Was Nightblood forcibily taken from him? Where did Hoid get all his Breaths? And oh my god when is a Shardblade vs. Nightblood duel going to happen and what will the consequences?


    So excited for Book 3.

  3. This is "Realmatic Theory: The Book" to the point that I wouldn't be surprised if, post-shattering, Realmatic Theory was initially created on Sel. It's more or less required reading for how Forging works. It also adds some insight into the Realmatic consequences of Soulcasting.

    Brandon has indicated before in a Q&A (possibly on the one recently here) that Sel is the most cosmere-aware of all the planets. (Although the fact that their magic being geographically bound apparently limited them for a long while.)

    Also, just finished reading The Emperor's Soul, and in my opinion it's by far the best novella Brandon has written. The entire thing is well-executed, self-contained and just tight.

    Edit: Crap, I didn't look for Hoid in this book because I read it so frantically. Anybody notice him hanging about?

  4. Hello folks, long time lurker first time poster.

    I was mucking about in the Coppermind editing and adding content and I was wondering what the site policy was on cosmere spoilers and information wrested from Brandon through non-book sources such as signings and interviews.

    For example, on the article about the Seventeenth Shard, I added content about their appearance in the WoK interlude and the confirmed identities of Grump and Thinker. I figured this was acceptable since it's hard to talk about cosmere-related things without spoilers in general.

    However, what of when there is information on non-cosmere articles? For example, it was recently confirmed that

    Taravangian's fluctuating IQ is because of his visit to the Nightwatcher.

    Is it acceptable to put this information in Taravangian's wiki page?

    Is there some sort of system for Major Spoilers a la the Stormlight Archive Wiki?

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