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Posts posted by Hoidonalsium

  1. I've only just discovered that an essay on Taldain, as well as the prologue and first chapter of White Sand Prose, was included in Arcanum Unbounded. It was recorded for the audiobook, as people with the US version have confirmed, but the UK version doesn't have it included. (Got mine from Audible)

    Is this a mistake? Can it be rectified?

    If not, does anyone know the reason for dropping it?

  2. 31 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

    So the whole ideal of the spiritual is going like a computer program. The spiritual ideal is the template that as the body heals, it tries to match. That way you don't end up with extra arms, or legs, etc. But it is also filtered through the cognitive, how you see yourself. Which is why someone who was born male, transitions to female, and then is healed, is healed as female. 

    Now as to regrowing fingers, I theorize that a-pewter could regrow fingers and the like, just it would require constant pewter burning for an extended period of time. 

    A subsequent WoB regarding aluminum and cosmere healing has it as "being inert and blocking investiture".


    Brandon Sanderson

    Let's just say that aluminum through most cultures was considered a mythological metal, and when people could actually find some, they considered it more valuable than gold, in our culture. So just sayin'...

    Shadows of Self Chicago signing (Oct. 12, 2015)


    edit: to put it this way. if it prevents the magical strengthening in a localized area, then shouldn't it still be healed? If the body's immune and natural systems are augmented, then the rest of the body is still producing the extra cells, and functions that would travel to the location to heal it. So the increased production would still exist, and should still function despite the localized area lacking. So I would think if that was the case, the wound would still heal regardless, yet according to Brandon, it would not. At least that is how I reason it. 

    Sounds good. Good luck!

    I hadn't considered gender identities in relation to realmatics... Interesting to know, and curious to see if it comes up in a book at some stage. 

    Gah! Yeah, ok - I cant argue against that, other than just disagreeing with your interpretation. There are certainly one or two Aluminum bullet-holes in my thoughts that I need to address! 

  3. 15 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

    So I think I understand a bit better what you are saying, and it is an interesting way to look at the process. I think in some ways I agree we are looking at it similarly though with different wording. However I think there is one thing in the books that can shed a little more light on this. 

    (side note, not mentioning this to say you are wrong or anything. Just recalling a scene that i think is pertinent)

    I think we both know and understand the whole thing about how cosmeric healing is returning the body to the spiritual ideal filtered through the cognitive self. As to the actual physical process, I think A-pewter and F-gold function the same exact way. just one has more "power" than the other. As in pewter plateaus while gold healing does not so long as you have enough to tap. The reason I say this in regards to your post, is because of Wayne when they get bombed by the butler. Using your statement:


    "the magic being the thing that actually knit wounds, replaced blood, or repaired damage by magically creating the required matter"


    Then I believe Wayne's healing as it is described in that scene should not work as it did. His wounds should have just closed. But what actually happens is:


    "The man's back was crusted with blood and burned skin, but it had been lifted and raised as scabs, new skin forming underneath"

    "So he grabbed the burned layer at Wayne's shoulder and - with a jerk - ripped the skin off his back. it came free in almost a single complete sheet. Wayne grunted. New skin had formed underneath, pink and fresh, but it couldn't finish healing properly until the old stiff, burned layer had been removed. 


    So Wayne's body was healing as the human body normally does. Blood clots. Scab is formed. New skin grows underneath, and the old skin sloughs off. Just it was extra accelerated.

    Now further to this, if pewter was only increasing the body's immune system to assist in the speed of recovery, then when Brandon was asked regarding healing from an aluminum bullet, then for myself, A-pewter should still be able to heal while f-gold should not. As the body itself is just doing its natural job better. But the WoB indicated both A-pewter and F-gold would cease to heal where the aluminum bullet is present. Now Brandon does comment that a-pewter would not be too affected by the aluminum bullet, but I take that to mean because of their increased durability to allow them to shrug off the damage temporarily till the bullet is removed. But they are still unable to heal it, which he confirms later in the WoB, just like a bloodmaker. 



    What would happen if you shot a thug with an aluminum bullet or stabbed him with an aluminum knife?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ah, that's a good question. The wound would not be able to heal around the aluminum, but once the aluminum came out and was gone from the system, they would be okay.


    Wait, is that a Bloodmaker, not a Thug?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, you're talking about Thugs?

    It would work similarly, but it really wouldn't have a huge effect on them.


    Alright, because Peter was implying that there was some weird aluminum interaction with Thugs.

    Brandon Sanderson

    What was he thinking of...?

    There is some weird interaction but...


    In the wedding scene, Wax thinks they would have aluminum bullets to deal with Thugs, and I was like, "Oh, that's a typo." And Peter was like, "Oh no it's not..."

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, no. That would just be-- it's like I said: healing it until the bullet is gone, it's just the same as Bloodmakers.

    Footnote: Referring to AoL sample chapter commentary.
    Words of Radiance Philadelphia signing (March 21, 2014)

    Wayne's healing may show that F-Gold follows natural healing where possible (if it strives for the ideal that is understood by the soul of the person then it stands to reason that it would heal according to the same understanding of the ideal process that should happen - or maybe healing in a natural way is just the path of least resistance), and then push beyond the natural for other healing - Wayne's regrowth of fingers, Miles' regrowth of... everything... etc. The A-Pewter lacks the ability of this extra push. I wouldn't say that's disproof of my thoughts on the process - but maybe reworks how I was thinking of the "miraculous" healing that gold offers.

    The Aluminum thing... I'm taking it with a pinch of copper. Aluminum does all kinds of weird things, interfering with many investitures (and making me ignore the bit of my English brain that's screaming "Aluminium!!"), as discussed lots in this thread - which seems to have spawned the question you quoted, and have some really interesting stuff on Aluminum effects.

    Maybe it messes with the enhancement of the cells around it, preventing their magical strengthening and negating the resultant healing effects?

    Going to go do more research to see if anyone's asked more Aluminum questions, or if anyone's specifically asked something about the healing / something that contradicts my thoughts. And if I can't find anything definitive, I'll ask at my next opportunity.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

    i think there might be some confusion, though if I misunderstood, I apologize in advance. Pewter very much provides healing, just you are not going to heal in seconds, or regrow a limb. I liken it to captain america versus wolverine. Cap (as well as Spider-man, and etc) all have healing factors. They get stabbed and grievously wounded and they will be down for a time, but they heal far faster than us puny mortals. Characters like wolverine, or the hulk on the other hand, get run through or limbs chopped off and they are regenerated in seconds. Both Trilogies (Era 1 and 2) mention specifically accelerated healing, as well as WoB that I will post below. Now having said that, I think where the confusion comes in is the mention of compounding. I agree, someone with A-pewter and F-gold will not be able to compound and they would get far more out of A-gold and F-gold. However, burning pewter should counter the effects of storing F-gold not only because of "resilience" but also because of the increased healing capabilities of pewter. This should allow someone to burn pewter and store without any ill effects. Another WoB I will post below references Brandon confirming that you could burn pewter, and store the increased strength into a pewter mind, just that compouding instead would get you far more, far faster. So you should be able to burn pewter, and store the extra strength, speed, and healing in a pewter mind, a steel mind, and a gold mind without any problems to your day to day life. Just you will not get anywhere near what you would get from compounding. 


    Brandon Sanderson

    Burning metals by instinct, by the way, is something I had to add to the book for scenes like this. I had to be able to have characters be able to heal quickly–in a relative sort of way–so that I could keep the pacing where I wanted it. That meant long term, quick healing, if that makes any sense. I made it possible for an Allomancer's body to use metals–particularly pewter and tin–when they needed them.

    Mistborn: The Final Empire Annotations (Nov. 29, 2006)




    I’m very curious about pewter. How much Feruchemical pewter, steel, and gold would you have to take in in order to be equal to burning pewter and flaring.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh…um, okay. So you wanna...ok, let’s back this up. So you wanna know feruchemically what would it take to match burning?



    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay. So burning pewter, I kind of imagine...roughly doubling. Roughly.


    Double your strength?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. But without the muscle mass change, it’s a magical boost. So because of that it has some pretty dramatic effects, like when Vin jumps and things like that.


    So it’s only a double, so would flaring it bring it any higher?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. Flaring would go higher.


    Would it be like triple?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Maybe like triple.


    Maybe like tripling...that’s fascinating. So I always thought normal burning would triple it and flaring would quadruple.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah I always felt kind of double. You won’t see people burning pewter and lifting a car.


    Right, exactly.

    Brandon Sanderson

    You see people burning pewter and delivering a really solid punch.


    Gotcha, thank you. That is fascinating…and would it be about doubling speed and healing ability?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I haven’t worked out the numbers on that exactly. I have an instinct that says thatburning pewter, healing goes a bit faster but I have to look in the books and see what we’ve done in the past and then kind of canonize it.

    Calamity Philadelphia signing (Feb. 20, 2016)




    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Allomantic pewter strength can be stored in a metalmind, but it's probably easier to just Compound.

    Alloy of Law 17th Shard Q&A (Nov. 5, 2011)

    I may be wrong in my interpretation (and feel free to disprove me), but I had always assumed that F-Gold was direct investiture-based healing (the magic being the thing that actually knit wounds, replaced blood, or repaired damage by magically creating the required matter).

    Whereas A-Pewter enhances the natural bodily healing, by way of fortifying the body. Muscular strength and resiliance against fatigue, or the cold, etc, is the most obvious result - but the strengthening is universal and cellular, so the white blood cells, marrow, and reparative systems are fortified and work much faster. Here, the body's own natural functions are doing the actual healing, rather than the magic - hence such healing, while faster, is limited to natural possibility (no regeneration).

    This is the same idea as your Cap vs Wolverine scenario - and offers reasoning as to why A-Pewter "healing" is different to the magical regenerative healing of F-Gold.

    The idea that it's fortifying the individual cells of a body also offers a rationale to why A-Pewter doesn't actually increase muscle mass or show any other physical effect to provide the extra power. It's just magically enhancing the currently existing cells.

    I'm not saying A-Pewter doesn't result in increased healing - i'm just saying that the healing itself isn't a function of the magic, it's a function of the body which is enhanced by Pewter, just like the other cells. I've never come across anything (in-book or WoB) to contradict that idea. Loads of things talk about the healing, but not the two methods of how the healing occurs. (I'm adding this to my list of questions for next time there's an AMA or signing though!) 

    Either way, I agree that it will help counteract the sickness of F-gold storage, but will not offer storable F-gold power (except indirectly via the body).

  5. The magic systems, and the way investiture fuels them is key to understanding exactly why this doesn't quite work. 

    Pewter grants strength and resiliance which, at a microscopic biological level, fortifies your immune system and the bodily functions that repair injuries. You can't siphon that off as health, however, as the investiture is not keyed, or shaped, to that form.

    Metal is not power itself, it is just a gateway to the power of the shard. (Personally I think of it like one of those Play-Doh extruders that makes shapes of the dough.) Metal, when burned, extrudes power in a certain shape. Pewter (say, star shaped for the metaphor) gives strength, but change the burned metal to tin (crescent moon shaped) and you get enhanced senses. Each metal has its own extrusion shape. (note that the metal doesn't actually do the extruding... Either you pull the power to you, or you allow the power to be released, consuming the metal as a portal/catalyst - if you think of the Aons from Elantris, the same thing hapens with the correct "shapes"/symbols allowing the D'or through in different forms). 

    When you Invest metalminds with Feruchemical power, you recode the metals to an entirely new set of "shapes", again each metal having a different one. Burning the metal then allows you to extrude Feruchemical power rather than Allomantic power.

    The gained power flows into you, and you can then divert it to fill another metalmind, or use it directly.

    As Allomantic and Feruchemical Pewter-power is a different "shape" to Gold-power, you can't just fill a goldmind with it.

    As others have noted, Pewter-strength would fortify your body so you're more resilient to the sickness created by storing health - but there would still be an, admittedly way higher than usual, cap on how much health you can store at a time (say, 60% storage rather than 30%).

    Savantism gained by a constant low burn wouldn't be nearly as dangerous as if it were achieved through regular flaring. The big danger in Pewter savantism isn't the power itself, it's that the power lets you ignore things that would otherwise incapacitate you. If this is a fatal injury/sickness, you'll still die - you'll just keep going right up to the point where you keel over. With a constant low burn, the more life-threatening issues will be more easily identified and treated.

    You would probably need to keep an eye on how much pewter you were burning, though, as I imagine it would be easy for a low-burn to gradually become a mid-burn without really noticing.

  6. It seems like Brandon's contradicting himself slightly with a couple of WoB's and the in-book comments of VenDell.

    The conversation with VenDell, that Raphaborn quoted, suggests the possibility (though doesn't outright say they managed it - perhaps the research hit a wall). 

    The 2016 WoB from the Seattle signing makes it pretty clear that it's harder to access a non-blank metalmind when you are blank, than it is to access a metalmind when both it and you are blank. This suggests that, while extremely difficult, accessing a keyed metalmind is not impossible. Though - in that same WoB, Brandon does say that nobody in Mistborn is currently doing 'blank person tapping keyed metalmind', and the question asker should be more focused on identity-blank metalminds. He also notes that there are other things possible, but he's being intentionally sketchy about details on those.

    Given the 2018 comment that you can't access a keyed metalmind while blank, we can figure that either: The previous "hedging" in earlier answers was because this is genuinely not possible and he was not yet sure he wanted to canonise the other interactions that he had not yet focused on. Or that Brandon has only revealed so much, up to now, and the blank accessing of keyed metalminds is a reveal he's setting up for later.

    Essentially, I think we have to look to this WoB, and accept that we don't know enough at this stage to have a definitive answer. 



    Brandon Sanderson

    For the recording and for the sake of you, Peter and I have a big document that talks about all these mechanics [of blank identity and metalminds]. It's entirely possible that when I'm actually sitting down and building future Mistborn, like 1980s technology, that I'm like "Ahh some of this needs tweaking". So what's not expressly in the books, that I'm telling you guys, has not...I mean it's like 90% canon but it's possible that I'm like "Ahh this is just not going to work" because when we get to the actual plotting of that and future Mistborn, science fiction Mistborn, I'm going to have to look at that and decide, how is the power ratio, right, am I breaking the economy by doing these things. So things that I just have instincts on right now, I haven't worked out the economics of. 


    So that'll come later.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That'll come later in the series, so I'm just giving myself some wiggle room on some of these things, but that's how I have it in my head right now.

    Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing (Dec. 1, 2016
  7. I've been rereading Mistborn Era 1, and found myself digging for a discussion on the manipulation of Copperminds.

    The only thread I've found was this from 2011.

    While there are some interesting insights into realmatic presence, it all felt a touch... overcomplicated?

    Like the original question - I wondered how metal could be blinding to Ruin, yet he seemed perfectly able to manipulate the content of copperminds. Though, rather than the intricacies of where (realmatically) that information is, I was hoping to find a quick WoB or thread that could confirm or deny my belief that Kwaan's assumption was wrong.

    He is the first person to note that the coppermind contents were changing, and everyone (that I can find) has taken that as gospel. But it seems, to me at least, that the flaw in the copperminds was written into the way details are withdrawn and redeposited. Why else would Brandon have raised - and repeated several times - the point about Sazed instantly forgetting the knowledge he held once it had been replaced, with only a written record to remind him of the information he sought?

    Am I missing something (logically, or a WoB/thread), or is the answer not simply that Ruin was altering the written records that were supposedly pulled verbatim from the copperminds, rather than the stores themselves?

  8. On 11/11/2019 at 8:00 AM, Lunu’anaki said:

    What is your most insane, ridiculous, or otherwise unfounded Cosmere theory that you just can't get out of your head?


    I'll start:

    Hoid's gift to be where he needs to is an attempt by Adonalsium to have Hoid gather a bit of every shards investiture and prime him as a Vessel for every shard at once. Hoid will become Hoidonalsium.

    I felt that I couldn't not comment on this... 


    I share part of this theory, in that Hoid seems to be collecting the various investiture-abilities. Though I don't know about him being a direct agent of Adonalsium, as much as being an opportunist, or (more likely, given conversations Hoid has had where he's shown more drive than just self-interest) attempting something similar off his own back.

    Unless Adonalsium is to Shards as Autonomy is to Avatars (someone used the term Fractals to suggest smaller and smaller splintering, so I guess it could work back up the chain too) - then perhaps whatever consciousness remains of Adonalsium could be directing events and people like a much more grand Stormfather. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

    For the time being, we have no effective way to see and approve suggestions. So, you could edit it yourself, but it might not go live for a little while. You can still feel free to post corrections in this thread, and an Arcanist will put them in.


    9 minutes ago, Kurkistan said:

    Option #3 is make the edits and then ping us on this thread pointing to the event and/or entries so we can approve them. We can see/approve suggestions, just not all in one central place, so our attention has to be drawn to them first.


    Edited segments are my questions from the most recent Edinburgh and Glasgow Signings.

    The first entry from Edinburgh and the latter half of Glasgow (except the last). 

  10. 1 minute ago, Darvys said:

    Caution was the wiser course of action, i doubt Odium would have survived so long if he'd been reckless in his crusade.


    I'll have to settle for the first, as the second would compel me to hunt you down and put an end to your taunting existence, one Hoid is enough for both universes i believe

    I was reading the fear reaction / shrinking back as a real-time emotional outburst from the shardholder, rather than anything tactical. Sort of like a flinch, as his instincts realise the threat before any conscious actions / decisions are made.

    Certainly Odium wouldn't generally behave recklessly. But we're talking about an instant where he is witness to something he thought impossible (whichever theory you ascribe to - Evi returning from Beyond, Dalinar reuniting Honor, Adonalsium still being alive in some form - he's seeing something where even the most stoic of gods would have to do a double-take). 


    And yeah - fair point. Though I do love a good multi-layered cake...er...question. 

    But in honesty - I really would love a thought or two on the Stormfather's weird rambling in that moment. Does it actually make sense in context with the scene we're reading, is it something weird and interesting about the white stone area he 'imagines', or is he actually speaking of something greater? 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Darvys said:

    I didn't read fear in that passage, only disbelief and even anger. I recall reading somewhere ( book or WoB ? can't recall ) that Odium doesn't dare to invovlve himself too directly as it would leave him open to a strike from Cultivation, it's understandable that upon discovering that Honor's power was still a factor in the game, he'd want to pull away and rethink his position.

    @Hoidonalsium Not even Hoid knows the answer to that, and you're asking us ?

    If Honor's power was still in the game, and he just found this out, I'd say shrinking back was a pretty classic fear based reaction. 

    And yes. Two possible explanations.

    One - I'm still relatively new to the depths of the non-canon theories and the content of WoBs, so I'm still learning what the community cumulatively knows.


    Two - like my worldhopping namesake, I enjoy posing seemingly stupid questions that have unexpected depth, with the intent of inspiring, confusing or annoying people.

    ... Whichever reason suits you best :P

  12. There's an interesting tidbit from the Stormfather at the beginning of OB ch.34, when he's talking about the place of endless white stone before the first vision Dalinar takes someone else into. 


    "I Imagined it." the Stormfather said more softly, as if he were admitting something embarrassing.

    "all things have a soul. A vase, a wall, a chair. And when a vase is broken, it might die in the physical realm, but for a time its soul remembers what it was. So all things die twice. Its final death is when men forget it was a vase, and think only of the pieces. I imagine the vase floating away then, its form dissolving into the nothingness."

    I'd say this broken vase is analogous to the Shattering, and is a pretty strong argument for Adonalsium's non-death, being that people (at the very least, Hoid and the remaining original shardholders) remember him/her/it.

    It may be far more complex given the massive chasm of difference between an item of pottery and a god / sentient mass of investiture / whatever Adonalsium is - and I don't know if a vase's soul would linger and remember itself as a vase in the spiritual realm, or move to the beyond,  or somewhere else. 

    But it's really weird that the Stormfather says this here, unless there's something significant about that place of stone or it has a much wider context, because I don't really see this sentence as having much to do with what is actually happening in the scene.


    As a partial aside, in Glasgow there was a somewhat comical question about whether cake has a soul. Brandon's answer went off into ideas of an object gradually gaining a soul as a cognitive awareness of how it was perceived by people. But he never went into what happened to the souls of the flour and eggs, nor what happened after the cake had been eaten. (full audio source in the Arcanum)

    Would the vase's soul die, but each piece of the vase gradually gain their own souls?

    Can you put a vase back together and suddenly those pieces die and the soul of the vase is rejuvinated? 

    Or is it a whole new vase-soul?

    Would it be Adonalsium if the shards reformed, or something new?

  13. 13 minutes ago, bo.montier said:

    Edit: So, where is the info that he's going to die or ascend coming from? Assumption or WoB? I'm far more attached to the Bondsmith ideals than I am to Dalinar so this won't kill me (i'll probably cry, tho), but this is news to me.

    Still can't find the damnation thing - but I'm sure we have a WoB stating that Dalinar can be classed as a Sliver, having had a moment of ascention (or near to it?) in order to merge the realms.

    Theories of him ascending to reunite Honour are mostly coming from the confusion of who Odium is talking about when he says 'we killed you' - with one idea being that Honour was reforming after Odium et al splintered him.

    I guess theories of him dying are coming from the fact that nobody is safe! And why not kill off the most powerful person at a time of crisis to create the ultimate uphill struggle in a future book?

    (In no way do I want the latter to happen... Just sayin', it'd be a great twist). 

  14. 26 minutes ago, Ookla the Altruist said:

    You guys might want to look at this theory about Odium referring to Adonalsium in that scene:


    Thank you.

    Just had a look at this quickly and it may have jumped to being my favourite Cosmere theory.

    It does hold more gravitas and Brandonishness than anything that's restrictive to Rosharan events. 

  15. On 02/12/2017 at 1:17 AM, Ookla the Lightweaver said:

    As far as I can tell, Dalinar did something that made him access Honor's power, and that was how he made the Perpendicularity, Odium said, "no, we killed you!" Meaning him(and someone else) shattered Honor, and maybe Dalinar saying "I am Unity" was basically just him renaming the shard

    I'm not sure about the whole renaming the shard idea. Shardholders may impart their own interpretation and will over the shard initially, but there are numerous comments that

    Mistborn spoilers? 


    Ruin changed Ati as time went on, and he became more and more like the characteristic of his shard.

    (I'm new to this so forgive me if that was a pointless spoiler warning)

    I doubt Dalinar, even as powerful as he appears to be at this point, could just rename a trait of Adonalsium.

    Having said that I don't have any better theories on what that statement means. Perhaps it's just an acceptance of / commitment to his role in the world. Or maybe it's hinting that he is the unity of the splinters of Honour.

    I can't find where I heard it (will keep searching) but I'm pretty sure Brandon has confirmed that Dalinar had a moment of Ascention here - so he had a pretty significant chunk of Honour's power as he said it.

    And on that note - it would make sense that "we killed you" refers to Odium and someone else (probably another shardholder?) splintering Honour, if Dalinar was holding enough to be considered a Sliver. 


  16. 3 minutes ago, Aleksiel said:

    Great, now we only need to figure out why SF waited for Dalinar to finish his speech before accepting the Words - something he hasn't done before and he isn't exactly the type to wait tactfully for a convenient moment. However, I like the Oath, this was the most obvious choice if it was just one Ideal.

    He was reluctant to accept Dalinar's first two oaths.


    'Life before death!' Dalinar shouted. 'Strength before weakness! Journey before destination!



    'Fortunately,' Dalinar said, 'I know the second oath I am to make. I don't need to be told it. I will unite instead of divide, Stormfather. I will bring men together.'
    The thunder silenced. Dalinar stood alone, staring at the sky, waiting.
    VERY WELL, the Stormfather finally said. THESE WORDS ARE ACEPTED.
    Dalinar smiled.

    If he can be stubbornly silent before accepting an oath, I'm sure he can be shocked into silence as well. I don't think we need an explanation on why the words weren't accepted immediately. Especially since we should also recognise that non-essential in-world functions come second to an author providing a spine tingling moment at the climax of the novel. Sticking "THESE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED" halfway through Dalinar's  speech would have messed up the flow.

  17. On 11/28/2017 at 5:29 AM, Ookla, the Incalculable said:

    Also, I'd like to again point back to the Poem of Ista for my reasoning behind the dagger as a Dawnshard. 


    On 11/28/2017 at 5:37 AM, Sprendiferous said:

    And wow, yeah, I'm really on board with your Dawnshard theory. Just have to do some thinking on what that means exactly.

    Sorry to be the bearer of theory-breaking WoBs.

    I got this in Glasgow yesterday (audio in the Arcanum, pending trannscription for referencing)

    Is the Sapphire in the white-gold dagger specific to Jezrien?


    Do the gems swap out or are there more weapons?

    Er - I'll RAFO that one.

    Are they Dawnshards, or blades of Odium, like the Honourblades?

    Those are not Dawnshards, good question.

  18. 11 hours ago, Cenanin said:

    I have a problem with this theory. Why couldn't the cryptic just disappear into the cognitive realm? Nothing is keeping him bound to the physical realm. Elhokar literally had not even said the first oath.

    I got a WoB on this from the Glasgow signing (audio in Arcanum, pending transcription for referencing)

    Is Hoid's Cryptic the one that was meant for Elhokar?


    Is there anything more to the Cryptic than Pattern - er, Shallan's Pattern?

    There's more to every individual. But it is not a more powerful Cryptic, or anything like that.

  19. 23 minutes ago, Ailvara said:

    All arguments against these words being three oaths are valid, and my gut  feeling is, that it was indeed just one. I only have one problem with this approach - if "I am Unity" is not the Bondsmiths' third ideal, then what is...? 

    I asked Brandon about this yesterday and got a WoB on the subject. (audio in the Arcanum, pending transcription for referencing)

    In his rejection of Odium, how many oaths did Dalinar swear before merging the realms, and is "I AM UNITY" the fifth?

    No, that is not an oath. He swore one ideal in that little experience.

    Ok - how many oaths is he on?

    Er - the number you think - so he should be on... he just finished three, right? No, maybe four... I have to go look... It's the number you think it is. I'm not being sneaky on you, there's nothing sneaky there. He doesn't get armour, so I.. can't remember where he is..

    ...yeah, there are a lot of queries about spren maybe, maybe not forming armour...

    He should be at three. "Life before death" - "I will unite instead of divide" - "I will stand up each time I fall" - yeah, so he's done three.

  20. 8 hours ago, Ookla the Capricious said:

    My cookies are completely normal, I'm not too sure about other bakeries, but mine are fine. Here try one!!


    Thanks - but I noticed your hidden-hidden-hidden-hidden-hidden drawing - and I think I'll pass.

    I like my cookies to be oatmeal and raisin, rather than chocolate and hemalurgic spike ;)

  21. 5 hours ago, Argent said:

    For reference, looks like this is the event's page.

    Thanks for that. I've uploaded the audio.
    I had a listen to it and there really isn't much there. A couple of WoT questions that he wasn't allowed to give the answers to until the 10th anniversary (of series completion?), and maybe one cosmere question besides mine about Shallan's personas being mental or magical.


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