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Posts posted by matademonios

  1. On 3/11/2017 at 10:18 PM, Ammanas said:

    Oh and one more thing...if you are looking for a great audiobook try the Dresden Files. Marsters does a amazing job. Also the first three books are enjoyable, but things really start getting good in book 4. The gentleman Bastards audiobooks by Scott Lynch are good, if you dont mind some cursing, as well.

    Thanks, it's one of my favorite series and I can't wait for Peace Talks.  It feels like that one is a long time coming.  I'm looking at Aeronaut's Windlass or Furies of Calderon for this trip.

    On 3/11/2017 at 10:13 PM, Ammanas said:

    I like it, but not as much as others seem to. Most fans seem to find great enjoyment from the forshadowing and the crafting of sentences. I'm more of a plot guy so I am probably not the target audience. The plot seems to really meander throughout the two books and it has some other flaws, but I'm also a big sucker for great worldbuilding (which this author does well) and it has some other positive attributes that makes it worthwhile for me.

    Maybe this is part of my complaint too.  The world is beautiful and intricately detailed, but not much happens besides Kvothe complaining.  I like books that keep me awake while driving at two in the morning.  While listening, I kept thinking, "OK, each book is supposed to be a day's worth of story telling and in three days we're supposed to get the story of how he became the King Killer.  Each book is 40 hours long (much longer than a single day) and by the end of the second he is still a teen and they haven't even introduced a king.  It feels like Rothfuss has written himself into a corner; he either has to extend his series beyond three books, or he has to rush through a bunch of events (change in style)."

    On 3/12/2017 at 4:50 AM, A Budgie said:

    I didn't think the book was bad, but I didn't appreciate some of it and I'm not crazy for it. I thought the entire Felurian thing was...yeah, no thanks...I didn't particularly want to see that...but that's just a personal thing. I did think the book rambled a bit, and Kvote was a bit stuck up, but I enjoyed most of the book.

    Yeah, from that point on I started questioning if it was worth continuing.  I'm curious enough that I might pick up a library copy when the next book comes out, but similar personal issues make me wonder if I should.

  2. I'm looking for an audio book for a long trip, so I did a search on books for Sanderson fans. Every list puts Name of the Wind as its number one suggestion, but I listened to it and Wise Man's Fear on previous trips and I wasn't impressed. This makes me wonder, am I in a small minority. 


    The book is well written and I don't have a problem with Rothfuss' writing style. I just don't find Kvoth to be a very likable character. The whole series seems to just be him bragging about how awesome he was at everything while his life was so tough and unfair and then him describing stalking a girl who wasn't interested in him. There is some interesting potential in the hints Rothfuss has given that Kvoth is lying about his past, but I feel like the 80+ hour investment, so far, is too much for the payout of a reveal. This story disappoints me if I'm supposed to relate the the character as portrayed and it frustrates me if I'm supposed to put up with the false character until the real Kvoth is revealed. 

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