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King Cole

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Posts posted by King Cole

  1. 27 minutes ago, Honorless said:

    You can store specific senses with Tin, even magical senses, so I would guess similar should be possible with Bendalloy. I'm not sure about using iron from our blood though. That might not be viable for Allomancy. They are compounds. Plus, using trace amounts of metal that has been consumed is different from using something that is a part of the body. One would get flushed out of the system, the other is a part of the system. So Vin using her "luck" in the first book should not be taken as indicative of this being possible, I think. There might be built-in safeties against using iron from your own body by Preservation.

    Not necessarily iron from your blood but rather iron that you eat as part of your daily diet and required nutrient intake

  2. Can you store specific nutrients like specific vitamins? Can ya store specifically vitamin D in one metalmind and different vitamins in others. In that same vein could you store iron in a metalmind and potentially burn that later. 

    Is it possible to store the electricity in your nervous system? I know it stores energy but im unsure what that all entails.

  3. 1 hour ago, AxeliustheGreat said:

    Tolkien wins any way you look at it. He has Ungoliant, who kills everything, can suck the juice out of anything, and is just awesome. Ask my profile background. Also, ya see that elf in the bottom left corner of my profile pic? That's Fingolfin, who fought Morgoth. Discarding all magic, the sheer bravery and battle skill of the elves, men, dwarves, and orcs would slay y'all's Parsh and humans. 

    Discounting all magic takes away the essence of these two though. 

    If you do take away gods, TLR still exists. He's a counter to anything that has a physical form and can die

  4. 13 minutes ago, The Silverlight Scholar said:

    Thank you! I would have to say that that my favorite would probably have to be Wayne, But everybody is awesome!

    would anyone be able to point me to the thread that explains what the titles underneath your name are, both the ones in gray and the ones in orange?

    The Orange one is gained through reputation, the arrows at the ends of posts. The Grey one is made by you, although not gonna lie I don't remember where to change it

  5. Just now, Mistborn Radiant said:

    So then it implies that you could chain produce allomancers or feruchemists as long as they have access to F-gold. And you wouldn't have to kill dozens of people for it. 

    Exactly, I think this has been brought up before but I can't remember the context of it

  6. 1 hour ago, AxeliustheGreat said:

    Primarily, reading the Hobbit when I was six. After that, I watched all the Middle-earth movies, and then read all of the Lord of the Rings. I also read MOST of the Silmarillion. I admit my current obsession with it is mostly because of a friend of mine at my school who is absolutely obsessed with it. Actually, we've completely outlawed saying 'hello' to each other. Now, we both raise our right arms like we're carrying swords and yell, "For Gondor!" We also wrote a menu for a LotR restaurant. 

    Reading the Silmarillion isn't worth the pain. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Red Ferring said:

    I’m thinking the third sibling is stone-themed. The way that nightwatcher is about life and plants, stormfather is about the wind and skies, I think the third sibling is about the stone. 

    A couple of reasons:

    the shin worship stone. We know now the Shin are a more pure lineage from the original humans that arrived on Roshar, nestled in a little pocket of terrain made for them that was more akin to their homeworld. and they have their own unique religion that has a reverence toward stone being sacred. Having a major spren (like one of the Siblings) being about the stone would make sense to capture the religious focus of the Shin to worship it. the Stormfather did that for the rest of humanity with the highstorms which we know don’t reach the Shin.

    Plus, Szeth’s oathstone. What if it’s more than his loyalty and discipline to obey the holder of that stone.   what if it’s more about the fact it has something to do with their deity being all about the stone. And it being a spren that tries to inspire men to keep oaths just like Stormfather. 


    Might tie in with how it's related to Urithiru. I really like this idea

  8. 41 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    He would be Ruining to Preserve.  He would have to Ruin something, and he chose to Ruin others besides his people.  Besides, I think he might fall into discord by that point.  Brandon has said that there is at least one other way those shards could've come together...

    Harmony is his nature. He is bound by that nature to not sway one direction strongly. 

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