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Status Replies posted by Rage

  1. Would this be OK for an character for the Role playing game? (I Haven't written short story yet


    Name: Phoenix


    Phys Des: Tall, 20 years old, has blond unkempt hair, hair and hazel eyes. Always has a cigar and tends to take it out before a fire blast. Male

    Des: Generally a good guy. Tends to be arrogant.


    Weapons Summoning: Can summon two flaming katanas.

    Fire-Blasting: Can shoot fire out of hands and mouth.

    Incorporeal: Can change body into fire reflexively and on command.


    Chemical Burns

    1. Rage


      Also could you fill me in on what has happened in Salem so far. (I don't have enough time to read it all) Sorry.):

  2. I have found out why I put Rage as my name...

    I am one of the four horsemen that obliteration saw.

    (If I was in the Reckoners then my powers would be Invulnerability and Super strength.)

    1. Rage


      Have you seen that anime?

      It's AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. I have found out why I put Rage as my name...

    I am one of the four horsemen that obliteration saw.

    (If I was in the Reckoners then my powers would be Invulnerability and Super strength.)

  4. I have found out why I put Rage as my name...

    I am one of the four horsemen that obliteration saw.

    (If I was in the Reckoners then my powers would be Invulnerability and Super strength.)

    1. Rage


      I reread firefight last night...

      I realized that he didn't see them (the four horsemen) he read about them. And he considered himself to be all of them...

      So I decided to just be a really angry guy who smashes stuff...

      Named Rage.

      Well this is boring...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I love how we all talk about Brandon like an old friend.

    1. Rage


      How do you know he's not?:ph34r:

  6. I just realized that your profile pick is Maka!:o^_^

    1. Rage


      In that case don't hurt me please.

      My favorite character is Death the kid.




    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. tumblr_ohlr9fF0B31vwflsfo1_500.png


    That is what darkness Ascendant means. Bettering the darkness
    and ascending to your place in the stars
    don't fear the night
    for it contains who you are
    what you were
    and what you will become
    I've always wondered
    why I called myself that
    I had a bunch of retarded names before this one
    but then, I thought of Infernal Amalgamation
    I loved that name for some reason
    then it came to define me
    an amalgamation of all things horrible
    Then one day 

    I came back to the shard

    (I had been away for 3 months)

    and I renamed myself

    Darkness Ascendant

    I didn't know what it meant back then

    It was just a cool name

    to me

    but now

    It is who I am

    I was forged in the night, raised in the night. Soon, it will be my time to shine with the stars.

    1. Rage



  8. Don’t be angry. There’s far too much to do with the years slipping through the sands of your glass skin to waste on a futile emotion.

    Don’t be sad. Tears waste energy that can be spent listening to others, learning, growing.

    Don’t feel regret. Too many dreams remain unfulfilled, and you are in a race with time to make this life useful. Don’t allow limiting thoughts to diminish your dreams.

    Don’t simply grow older, but wiser, stronger, enriched, and more alive than ever. Strip off all your layers and dive into the ocean fully naked at midnight. Feel the danger on your skin and find delight in the unforeseeable risks.

    It’s time to live fully, wildly, quixotically, exotically. There are no regrets in a life lived richly and loved fully.

    Now is your time.

  9. Don’t be angry. There’s far too much to do with the years slipping through the sands of your glass skin to waste on a futile emotion.

    Don’t be sad. Tears waste energy that can be spent listening to others, learning, growing.

    Don’t feel regret. Too many dreams remain unfulfilled, and you are in a race with time to make this life useful. Don’t allow limiting thoughts to diminish your dreams.

    Don’t simply grow older, but wiser, stronger, enriched, and more alive than ever. Strip off all your layers and dive into the ocean fully naked at midnight. Feel the danger on your skin and find delight in the unforeseeable risks.

    It’s time to live fully, wildly, quixotically, exotically. There are no regrets in a life lived richly and loved fully.

    Now is your time.

    1. Rage


      You have become... a philosopher.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Daily Inspiration 


    1. Rage


      I agree!


      I like pain.


  11. I would like to join the Dark alley...

    1. Rage


      Don't let him he hasn't kil- I mean sold any pasteries!!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. 50 somethingth hour of being awake! It's a record...

    1. Rage


      Also how do you guys do the hidden message thingies.

      I cant figure it out.:(

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. 50 somethingth hour of being awake! It's a record...

    1. Rage


      My favorite is S.A.O. (Sword Art Online)

      I live in East Wenatchee. You?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. 50 somethingth hour of being awake! It's a record...

    1. Rage



      ...or I will show you why my name is Rage.

      Actually I watch pretty much any anime.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. 50 somethingth hour of being awake! It's a record...

  16. 50 somethingth hour of being awake! It's a record...

    1. Rage


      I've stayed up 4 days straight Binge watching...

      ...beat that!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. You might want to make an introductory post, and also, folowing all the threads will become a pain in the nari soon if you don't stop.

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