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  1. Good news, everyone! It is WOB-confirmed! Hoid ate the bead, is a mistborn. Hmm, the forum won't let me post the link, I'm too new. It's at the wob-coppermind-net site, /events/377-idaho-falls-signing/#e12210
  2. Oh! Right. I was just now reading through the Brandonothology for the first time, and saw the stuff about Hoid's activities during the Mistborn books. So yeah, it seems all the more likely that Hoid is an Allomancer. (And he even could have eaten multiple beads, making him very powerful.) On the other hand, even if he now uses Allomancy for longevity or time-dilation now, I have a hard time believing that he didn't already have some method of prolonged survival. If he didn't, that would put all of the Cosmere stories prior to Mistborn within a normal human lifespan. That seems unlikely.
  3. Don't forget cadmium. Hoid's longevity could involve burning cadmium, but I don't know where his allomancy would come from. And for DeMoux, Hemalurgy-assisted atium-compounding seems more likely. (Or he could have a cadmium-burning friend who takes him on time-dilating trips.) But I'll be surprised if none of the world-hoppers use cadmium-based time-dilation. Update: On second thought, I like the idea of Hoid using allomancy--or using allomancy-like effects drawn from the spirit web by a means other than metal-burning. Because if he was a supercharged electrum oracle, that could explain his ability to nudge the plot-lines in the right direction. (Alternate Loony Theory: Hoid is Brandon! Complementary Loony Theory: Brandon--or fictional Brandon--lives in the Inkheart universe, where he wrote/invented the Cosmere in order to enter it.)
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