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Posts posted by Shardmonk

  1. 3 hours ago, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

    Just want to quickly throw my crazy idea in. In BOM we see the first instances of Harmonium, a metal with unknown affects. I thought it might be interesting if the "Lost Metal" name might be referring to Harmonium, a metal that only has (potentially) appeared once before in Scadrialian history.

    I was thinking that since Preservation and Ruin worked together in order to create life on Scadrial, this cooperation could have resulted in a temporary Harmony shard. At this point, since they were new Shards they might have allowed some Harmonium to form before Preservation trapped Ruin.


    So you're saying that the Investisture merged for a while? Could Feruchemy be the result of this, or does it predate Ruin and Preservation entirely? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Andy92 said:

    I still think the whole book is about Wayne losing his gold pocket watch, but I haven't gained much support on that theory. 

    Well, you now have mine. Alternately, the title is a typo and it takes place during an economic depression where Allomantic metals are increasingly rare, culminating in a desperate hunt for the titular Last Metal.

  3. 10 hours ago, hwiles said:

    Atium, lerasium, harmonium, and "trellium," (not a canonized name IIRC) aren't the only candidates for being the "Lost Metal."  Brandon has mentioned that:

    1. There are metals which any allomancer could burn regardless of their orientation
    2. There are vitally important things about how the metallic arts work that haven't been revealed yet

    It pretty much can't be lerasium as far as I'm concerned, as that would really undermine the world-building and designing Sanderson has done following the fall of the FE.  New full-power mistborns would undermine a lot of the plot structure of era 2.  If there are new mistborns, they have to be "weak" and extremely rare.

    Also, Harmony is confirmed to be the only shard Invested on Scadrial, so "trellium" wouldn't count as a God Metal in the commonly understood sense unless it is some alloy of atium, lerasium, and/or harmonium.  Despite this, Sazed didn't recognize it.  As far as I can tell, it's possible that there are metals outside the chart that are either compatible with the metallic arts, or that can be made compatible through some sort of hack.


    For example, if a hemalurgic iron spike is alloyed or soulcast, it might still confer its stolen attribute.  Just because no mistings/ferrings are born who are able to use a specific material, doesn't 100% confirm that that material can't be used in the metallic arts.  Previous analyses of the heredity of allomancy and Scadrian population breakdowns have, IIRC, largely concluded that things like malatium mistings don't appear naturally despite the fact that malatium is a viable allomantic metal.  It's possible in my mind that metals like titanium and cobalt could serve as a focus for Harmony's Investiture, but no one has discovered this because those mistings/ferrings just don't exist or are extremely rare.

    I suppose part of Era 2 Allomancy is that it's more specialised. I'm starting to think it's atium alloyed with an off-world metal. 

    7 hours ago, Extesian said:

    Right? It's great. Combined with the previous one, and our knowledge of Bavadin, it's pretty compelling.

    Yeah, the Autonomy theory seems really strong.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Calderis said:

    I really hope it's a new Shard, but realistically I'm not going to be surprised if it's Autonomy. 

    Yeah, Brandon will probably reveal the Shard he's been talking about for years without actually showing, and we probably shouldn't try and figure out what new Shard it could be despite having absolutely nothing to go off. At the same time, though...

  5. 38 minutes ago, Yitzi2 said:

    Unlikely, as that religion was very different from what we see from Miles.  More likely, the invading Shard just picked up on the name in order to get more supporters.


    And I don't think it would be that big of a spoiler for us to know what metal the title of the book refers to, so I'm still leading toward it being atium.  None of the other candidates were really "lost", more "never well-known in the first place".


    32 minutes ago, Calderis said:

    Well the leading candidates for Trell are as @StrikerEZ said Autonomy, or Odium. 

    SA spoilers 

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    The time from for Era 2 Mistborn is roughly in the 15 year gap between the first and second half of SA and a number of people think the end of the first half will allow Odium to get free of the Roshar system. 

    Of the two I lean towards Autonomy, because, again as StrikerEZ stated, We have WoB (don't have time to look it up at the moment) that Bavadin has appeared as entire pantheons before. 

    The first instance of Trell in Mistborn is from Sazed preaching to the crew. The religion he preached, and the Trell that Miles speaks of in AoL are very very different.. So the theory is that Trell hijacked a preexisting religion to undermine Harmony. 

    I personally have no evidence, but hope Trell is a new Shard using tactics Bavadin has already proven work, mainly because I'm greedy and want to see a new player. 

    As far as the magic system... It's a little of both options. By my understanding (and I'll gladly accept more input here, because I haven't looked into this extensively) a magic system naturally forms by the relationship between a Shards investiture and the nature of the planet. But the Shards do have some control. 

    The annotations of Mistborn state that the hole in Hemalurgy that allows Ruin (and therefore Harmony) to control spiked beings was intentionally put there by Ruin. 

    So Trell investing enough to create a God metal could mean a new system (or considering Feruchemy, multiple new systems) emerge, or it could create additional effects within the existing systems. I honestly have no clue how it will play out.

    Edit: some WoBs that may be relevant



    And on that second one, is it Ba-va-din or Ba-wa-din, cause I really dislike the w sound in the middle and never considered that possibility... 

    Oh, for some reason I never noticed the difference between Era 1 Trellism and Miles' idea of it. I guess there's a fair chance it's Autonomy, then, or it could be a new Shard (didn't consider that, so thanks Calderis), possibly working with Odium, who fears Harmony, and using Bavadin's tactics.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Shrimple said:

    The "Lost" Metal could very well be misdirection.  As for the other point, lemme start with saying I'm not the best versed on Shardic Investment on a planet.  I'm not sure if creating a magic system is an automatic thing or only if they purposefully make one. I think it's the latter. I figured Trell was just piggybacking off of the Magic System already in place. Converting agents and using Subterfuge and whatnot.

    I think it's more likely that Trell is using the existing systems, since Scadrial's magic tends to be pretty easy to discover. Of course, this depends on how much control Shards have over magic systems. If Trell could design it, then he might only choose to give it to certain followers. But again, I think "simply" twisting the magic is a safer bet.

  7. 9 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

    Yeah, that's part of what I'm thinking, but at the same time, how could Trellium have been lost? That would've required it to have been known at some point.

    But this got me thinking, if Trell is a shard, which most people think they are, then if Trellium is a god metal because this shard has Invested in Scadrial long enough for it to create a godmetal, does that mean that at some point, this shard would Invest to the point of starting another magic system on Scadrial? 

    Yeah, and we know there was a religion that worshipped something called Trell, so he's at least visited. That said, why don't Preservation or Ruin make any mention of a third Shard? Can Shards hide from others sharing a planet?

  8. I'm not entirely sure this goes here, but do we know what the titular lost metal is? My first thought, and I think the more accepted theory, was atium. Clue is this quote:

    "The plaque read: ATIUM, THE LOST METAL" (Pg 161 of Shadows of Self)

    But recently I started thinking, what if it's lerasium? It would certainly fit the Set's goal of making Allomancy more accessible to the public, and they'd probably make a mean profit in the process. 

    The only argument I can think of that could explain an sudden atium hunt is if the Set have heard of its future predicting ability, which might've been exaggerated to the point where they'll gain far sight into the future. Now while I would love to read the look on Sequence's face when she realises it grants a couple seconds best, surely Harmony would've explained atium in the Words of Founding, and if not, they have Trell working with em. Surely it would know.

    Anyways, these are just my thoughts. There's a fair chance I'm wrong, and this might've been discussed to death before I got here, but I can't remember seeing anything. 

  9. 7 hours ago, bleeder said:

    Like, if you have a stone wall and are full of Stormlight, you can use Cohesion, press your palm to the wall and remove it again and there will be an imprint of where your hand was.

    I wish I was a Willshaper.

    Huh. Now I'm wondering how many different ways that would be useful. I could be the world's greatest vandal? What did you get, @bleeder?

  10. 61% Willshaper

    35% Edgedancer

    29% Elsecaller

    26% Windrunner

    24% Lightweaver

    22% Dustbringer

    18% Bondsmith

    17% Skybreaker

    17% Truthwatcher

    0% Stoneward

    I remember taking this before, and I think I got Windrunner, but this time I considered more. I'll reserve judgement on whether I'm happy about this until we've actually seen a Willshaper. Does anyone know what Cohesion is meant to do?


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