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  • Member Title
    Assassin in Heliotrope
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    The Shattered Plains
  • Interests
    I love cringe worthy jokes and puns. Dark humor and "potty" language humor are what really get me laughing. Cosmere conspiracies and regular theories are coooool. I love music and rpg style video games. I like to study rocks, minerals and earth processes. Physics is cool.

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  1. @Elenion Yeah, I pinged the server through MC and it didn't even show up. Thought I would try out being a member of a server. Oh well. I have been playing alone since beta, so, I am pretty used being a lone wolf.
  2. *lift head high and waves to nothing in particular* "I accept my title with forbearance to those in need of Technicolor wisdom and will spread justice to those in need of insight." Assassin in Heliotrope raises shield, Color Wheel of Honor, and salutes Assassin in Xanadu.
  3. @bleeder I will be colorful instead of dull I will advise against any and all baked goods I will greet all newcomers and not provoke guild war The Assassins in Technicolor clothing must rise again! Ultramarine is what I would like to be named, it at all possible. *bows head awaiting approval*
  4. Is this still going on? I know it has been a while, but I would love to be a part of a server.
  5. @bleeder I wouldn't mind checking that out. When I do fieldwork looking for rocks I need to know what certain minerals look like to determine what the rock is. This could be shape, texture, color, habit, cleavage etc. So that sounds like something that might be cool. I'd accept an invitation.
  6. Yeah. I have always preferred the way it looks in fluorite. Maybe it is the cubic habit or the way light passes through it, but, yes.
  7. That is a really nice color. If you search for purple fluorite crystals, those are the shades that I really like.
  8. These are some colors that I don't believe I have really seen before. So, I just searched for ultramarine and found some in powder form that is awesome! Really pleasing to the eyes. I may have to reevaluate my favorite color, because indigo was the closest one I had found. Thanks for asking that question.
  9. I had to look that up. What a beautiful color! It makes my brain happy if that makes sense. That is very close to the color that I like.
  10. Thanks for the welcome! I like the wavelength between 400-475nm or something close to indigo. I know we can't really see indigo, but there is a color that is not quite blue or violet that I really love. Yourself?
  11. I love candy! And vans. Do you have a van?! We could go for a drive into the middle of a forest and look for worms! Worms are the BEST!
  12. Hi Bleeder! Good to meet you. Go ahead and link the file if you don't mind. My wife picked up a Kindle DX at the Salvation Army for $9 bucks, and between Warbreaker and the Emperor's Soul I am sure they are worthy to break it in. Are they both a part of the Cosmere? I should see what is and isn't. Thanks!
  13. Thanks for the compliment. I'd be interested in getting those if it isn't too much trouble. I hear a lot of talk about Warbreaker on here, so I guess it is good? An old college friend has read them all and she says The Emperor's Soul was a goodie. I was thinking about picking those up and maybe getting the Unfettered II compilation for Dalinar's flashbacks and the novellas that Sanderson puts out. edit: Thanks for the link!
  14. Hi everyone! I came to this place after hearing about the Shardcast on the Legendarium podcast, which I am also new to. I have read TWoK and WoR once and the audiobook once for each. The first three Mistborn novels were rad and I have only delved into a little of the fourth. Currently I am reading Elantris 10th Anniversary Edition from my local library, and really enjoying it. A cosmere really piques my interest within a series, and the only other one I know of is Asimov's. I hope to learn some and say some, probably more of the former.
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