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Posts posted by NightFrost

  1. 1 hour ago, Skullknight said:

    New here but I had to ask, do you all think that Spensa’s Cytonic gift is based off of Shadesmar a little bit? A dangerous place with ancient creatures that works outside of regular time?

    You never know Sanderson has the habit of bringing ideas from previous works into current books all the time, but the Cytonic gift seems more unique to me than simplly based off Shadesmar especialy as skyward is essentially the squeal to Defending Elysium which was written before Stormlight

  2. Just got done reading it all in one sitting, someone remind me not to do that again. First thoughts I had after finishing was I really got to work on my insults and battle cries some the ones I read were just too good. Second thoughts I had was I felt that the answer to some of the questions answered were answered to close to the end of the book I understand that we are getting more books, but come on at least give us more time to take them in.  Other than that I really liked how Sanderson developed Spensa over the course of the series. Oh and there is totally something up with Doomslug I mean a slug that can move incredibly fast in an instant screams teleportation to me.

  3. So I was reading oathbringer and came across something interesting when Szeth swore his third oath it mentions that he felt approval from a hidden spren. Well we know the Szeth has bonded a spren and with his third oath he should get a shardblade but because he has nightblood it doesn't appear. This is interesting because he now could theoretically duel wield shardblades. So i am thinking that in later books nightblood is going to go back to one of his orginal owners and then Szeth will then finally summon his shardblade. A note on this is I wounder if Nightblood somehow makes spren nervous as Szeth has not really meet his spren yet.

  4. 2 hours ago, Yata said:

    As Renarin is bonded with a Corrupted Radiant Spren is hard to define what is normal and what is dictated by the Odium's Corruption.

    About Dalinar and his Spiritual Adhesion is the result of his Resonance affecting the Surge...no proof yet

    So somewhere there is a post on the fact that because Renarin is bonded with a corrupted radiant spren he is actually using Voidbinding to see the future and because of this he is seen by the voidbringers as an ally

    "As he approached the ramp up to the Oathgate, the Fused descended. Four landed on the ramp before him, then gave him a gesture not unlike a salute," Oathbringer Chapter 120 Renarin POV

    This essentially makes him  ,and i am going to coin this term, a Voidknight. Hopefully we will see what impact this has on the series in later books hopefully by infiltrating a Fused camp.

  5. 38 minutes ago, .S.A.M.K.M said:

    I just had an idea, what if surge binding is required to make those multiple types of fabrials? So only the knight were capable of building the items necessary to replicate the 10 surges properly.

    Do you mean replicating just what the surge does or all the aspects of a surge such as making a fabrial that could basically turn you into a windrunner because i am pretty sure there are already fabrials that replicate parts of a surge

  6. oh well i was just brushing up on my knowledge of soulcasting after this and the arcanum of OB says that they are different but it still seems mysterious that this is so as Sanderson could have written in the fabrial and made up a whole new surge. Hopefully we get to learn more of soulcasting in later books. 


    oh yea i forgot about that but i am not convinced that was a fabtial

  7. So I was thinking one day and realized something soulcasting exists in two different forms as a Surge accessible to two of the KR orders and as a fabrial. Now why would Sanderson do that? From what we have seen surges and fabrials have stayed mostly separate except for soulcasting. My theory is that the surge of soulcasting is something completely different from fabrial version. this can be seen through the effects that the fabrials have on people and the requirement of gems in order to even operate it.

  8. You know if TGK can awaken objects without touching them then he could theoretically awaken everything in the palace with the command of kill TLR. Plus since everyone hates TLR hire some iron and steel mistings to collapse the palace on top of TLR while he is distracted by the awakened objects.

    Fight smarter not Harder

  9. On 12/8/2017 at 11:05 PM, Pestis the Spider said:

    So there is this guy, called Eoin Colfer, known for his Artemis Fowl series (at least in Poland that's his most well known series). But one time he wrote this book called Airman. And Airman is the best YA book ever created. It feels like a fairy tale. 

    Did you know that he also finished the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy I read it not that bad.


    On 12/7/2017 at 9:09 AM, MasterJack said:

    I'm not sure if this's what you mean, but when I tell my fellow adolescents I read Brandon Sanderson, they inevitably reply, "Is that the guy that wrote Fablehaven?"

    At least you have this problem no one i know has even heard of Fablehaven much less Sanderson

  10. Personally I think the hidden blades are on Akinah i mean an island that no one is allowed to get to perfect hiding place. but you guys are forgetting one important question where is the plate.  Hidding the blades in shadesmar is all well and good but how do you hid something that doesn't disappear on command?

  11. I think that this argument can be summed up by a Kaladin quote, "Fine. But it's still about perception...Storms, I'd hoped...I'd Hoped you could tell me, give me an absolute right." (Sanderson, Oathbringer chapter 31) Everything is about what perspective you are in. From one point of view Elhokar is not redeemable from another he is, and so far I have not seen anyone look at this from Elhokar's perspective

  12. 1. my primary power would be to accelerate anything i touch to their terminal velocity, and my secondary power would be to transform the very air around me into tungsten in a 10m radius

    2. my weakness would be tacos traveling at exactly 45 mph 

    3. would have to be Terminus

    4. my evil is that i really like to see if people can survive traveling 122mph into a tungsten wall

  13. You know what I would do If I was David I would lure Obliteration into water to make him think he could defeat me with my weakness then turn the water to steel trapping Obliteration can't teleport if your legs are stuck in steel. Also at the end of Calamity we see that the weakness doesn't effect them as much if they fully accept their powers.

  14. You know it makes me laugh that I made this post for talking about Shardplate and got huge arguments on if it is possible to through a man through the air with soulcasating.  However this did pop up.

    15 hours ago, Oversleep said:


    The level for Shardblade varies between Orders, it's totally possible it varies for Shardplate too. At best we can guess Windrunners gain Shardplate at Fourth.

    I think that the level that Knights get plate is dependent on how their surges relate to combat. This would make sense as the windrunners where one of the main combat orders meaming they should get plate sooner in order to be more effective faster. 

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