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Posts posted by jwchrono

  1. I have been wondering, is it possible that Nightblood was stolen from Vasher somehow.  Then Vasher and Vivienna worked together to create another type IV sword that had the command sever life or breaths, (or some other command that would work against type IV weapons) that might be used to finally destroy Nightblood specifically?

  2. So you think that Hoid was born a human, took his master's name, and then killed the Vessel of Adonalsium before taking that power up...and then it was Shattered by the 16?


    And yes, the rock is Topaz. The world Hoid is from is called Yolen, so that rock is not a reference to the world.


    I am assuming that Hoid's origin is unknown and older than Yolen it'self.


    I am suggesting that Hoid was a god with all 16 shards on Yolen and then had his connection to his powers removed somehow, and then he was left with nothing but a human body and his experiences with the powers.


    And yes Hoid was called Topaz at one time, that does not, however, discount the possibility that the reference to a rock might have a secondary meaning.  Though granted the Topaz analogy is very weak in comparison to the other analogies.  

  3. Unfortunately not. Hoid lived before Adonalsium was Shattered (it's what we'll see in the Dragonsteel books), and his original name was  different. His master was named Hoid, and he took the name sometime later. There are some chapters of Liar of Partinel floating around online that deal with this (though, of course, that's non-canon as of now, it does line up with what Hoid says in canon books).


    As for the rock, it was a gemstone, not a world. I've not read the manuscript of Dragonsteel that's at the BYU library, but apparently he shows up in it under the "rock" name.



    Hoid certainly would have lived before Andonalsium was shattered, in just the same way that Sazed still lives now with the unshattered shards of balance and ruin.


    His master's name was Hoid, and Hoid took his master's name. I was wondering if his master, was his master, because he was able to remake the cognitive construct that Hoid became.


    And the reference to the rock was Topaz, as I read somewhere, and My assumption was that Wit would rarely make a comment with only one meaning if he had a reason to do so.  

  4. I am new to Cosmere Theory, so please bear with a question that many will probably consider simple.  I am unfortunately on  very limited time frame, so I can't dig into all of the theories out there.



       -What is the possibility that Hoid is actually the sliver of Adonalsium?



    The main reasons that I am wondering this, is due to the fact that he doesn't hold a shard currently, and then all of the strange stuff that he says in Way of Kings about being torn apart and having a former name.


    “ Nonsense. Balderdash. Figgldygrak. Isn't it odd that gibberish words are often the sounds of other words, cut up and dismembered, then stitched into something like them—yet wholly unlike them at the same time?
    “I wonder if you could do that to a man. Pull him apart, emotion by emotion, bit by bit, bloody chunk by bloody chunk. Then combine them back together into something else, like a Dysian Aimian. If you do put a man together like that, Dalinar, be sure to name him Gibberish, after me. Or perhaps Gibletish.”
    Hoid to Dalinar (after name-dropping Adonalsium)
    “ I've abandoned my real name. But when next we meet, I'll think of a clever one for you to call me. Until then, Wit will suffice—or if you must, you may call me Hoid. ”
    Hoid to Dalinar
    “ I began life as a thought, a concept, words on a page. That was another thing I stole. Myself. Another time, I was named for a rock.”
    “A pretty one, I hope.”
    “A beautiful one,” the man said. “And one that became completely worthless for my wearing it.
    Hoid to Kaladin



    Other related questions:


        -Since Sanderson has his Masters in Creative Writing and works as a professor at BYU, I wonder if the entire cosmere is an exploration of how postmodern thought might work with a Mormon worldview.  If we, as human beings, create reality with our own perceptions, and then we killed our concept of god, when god is meant to create offspring to populate the universe (as my limited hearsay understanding of Mormonism leads me to understand), how would it all work out?  Would that God actually die, à la Nietzsche, or would only a part of him die as in a part of his power and authority over his world, while leaving his individuality intact?


     “Authority doesn't come from a rank.," Kaladin said, fingering the spheres in his pocket.

    "Where does it come from?"
    "From the men who give it to you. That's the only way to get it.” 

    ― Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings


    This is also partially supported by the fact that the cognitive realm is so important, and that the thoughts of men (and their concept of honor) play such an integral part of controlling and limiting the powers of Odium.


     -I know that Adonalsium was said to have been killed by the original 16 vessels, but is it possible that his death was actually was faked (or the idea of him was slain in the cognitive realm) and Andonalsium fled into a body when his powers were stolen from him?

        -How would you go about destroying a god with the powers of all 16 shards unless you destroyed the thought of him in the cognitive realm and forced him to take a bodily form.

        -Could it be that the rock that Hoid was originally named for was actually the world that Adonalsium inhabited?  Or could this be related to Harmony's comments about the power being the power of the rocks etc. (I couldn't remember the exact quote from Mistborn Seceret History).

        -Is Hoid a storyteller, because he is working to retell his own story; as in, he is the ultimate Lightweaver, and he is using his stories and machinations to try to eventually put himself back together in the mind's of all of the peoples of the Cosmere

        -And finally, is Hoid collecting the investures of each shard in the hope of regaining himself eventually?  


    I appreciate any thoughts on these questions, they have been bugging me for days now.

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