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Everything posted by HoidGoodfellow

  1. After reading all of your comments (belatedly), Sazed could indeed kick Odium's This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules. Whatever is happening in Scadrial at the moment (Odium or not), Sazed will handle it.
  2. Also yes. The Audible version is cool. Especially if you are too busy to read a super long book like "The way of kings." I listened while I drove to work.
  3. This was not a criticism by any stretch of the imagination. Just an observation. I too love Mr. Sanderson's wordplay.
  4. Maybe "The Stormlight Archives." It seems to be a culmination of the cosmere series. Odium seems to be the primary villain. on that note HURRY UP OATHBRINGER!
  5. I honestly think that Adolin (as much as I love him as a character) might turn evil. The fact that he has been left out of the radiant's (and maybe Kallidan stealing his girl), might make him an antagonist.
  6. I think my favorite might be the "Stormlight Archives." It seems to be culmination of many of the cosmere stories.
  7. Hello all. This is my first time posting to this forum. Trying to get myself hyped for "Oathbringer." I already have it pre-ordered on audible.com. I have listened to Kate Readings and Michael Kramer's narration about three times already. They do an excellent job. I am listening right now so I am caught up for "Oathbringer," and I noticed something. One could make a drinking game with how many times the characters in this series say "perhaps." This is not a criticism of Brandon Sanderson's writing, just an observation I found to be fun. We'll see if the pattern continues in "Oathbringer."
  8. In the "Wax and Wayne" series, Trell has been mentioned a few times. In "The Bands of Mourning" after Wax "dies" and is speaking to Harmony, he sees a red mist around Scadrial. Harmony says he is holding it back. Does anyone else think that is Odium? I know he is trapped in the Roshar solar system, but how long after "The Stormlight Archive" is the "Wax and Wayne" series. Just a thought.
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