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Article Comments posted by Farnsworth

  1. Me: Man, those shardcast guys are easy to irritate! They’re annoyed with either the Cosmete at something somebody says each podcast!

    Brother: Hey, maybe you could submit a really annoying Whose That Cosmere Character!

    Me: What if I submit the stick! He’s not even a character!

    Brother: Yeah! Let’s do that!

    Shardcast: :angry::angry::angry:

    Me + Brother: :D

  2. @StrikerEZ

    complete agreement with Aonic pronunciation and pronunciation in general. It’s partially because I think that pronunciation is important to worldbuilding, so for me, saying that kelsier is pronounced KEL-seer instead of Kel-see-AY (confirmed by WOB) is like saying that Nightblood is actually not sentient. It’s a fine head cannon, but it’s just not true. You can say that, and think that, your head is your own, but I wish people would understand that there is a canon. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Canton of Finance said:

    53 hours in. We've only just begun. 

    Yeah, the sad part is, most of my Cosmere friends say they are going to get it some time this week. We haven't even come close to starting.

    @Canton of Finance

    The Southern Scadrial coins are described in The Bands of Mourning. A copper/nicrosil one is on pages 184-185. The most common are nicrosil/brass, or nicrosil/duralumin.

  4. I love how they have to keep adding new stretch goals! I guest they had no idea how far this would go, but to be fair, I think anybody in their right mind would be a bit unnerved at just how far the Cosmerenauts are willing to go for something like this. The ash blackened clips and bronze clips sound awesome! (new stretch goal idea... @MPHRD's southern scadrial coins!)


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