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Skaa pirate

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Posts posted by Skaa pirate

  1. I don't know if many people know that there are a few Dalinar flashback chapters in the anthology Unfettered II. Just thought those should be added to that master list thingy. Also, some spoilery new info and something I would really like to talk with someone about in those chapters. I think the chapters are still rough and subject to change by the time Oathbringer comes out, but they're still worth looking at. 

  2. The shade launcher has runes along the sides. Silence's knife also has runes I believe. Maybe different rune combinations create effects on shades?  There were runes in the small shrine room too weren't there? 


    So, perhaps these runes work in a similar way as aons in channeling and manipulating investiture?


    There's too much we don't know about Threnody and shades. The Ire are concerned about what's going on there, maybe someone found out how to weaponize shades. A truly terrifying concept in my opinion.

  3. I don't think he ever planned on having a successor, like ever. He just figured he would continue to take the power at the well and keep Ruin trapped. He might have had plans of his own on dealing with Ruin once the well was ready, but he was killed before he could take up the power again.

  4. I agree that the shard pool is the one in the mountains. But I don't think it's a new pool. The Lord Ruler moved the well of ascension from its original location when he ascended, so I'm thinking Harmony did the same. He moved the well to a new location, as close as he could get to where it was probably located originally. The shard pool is easier to access now, and without it being a prison for Ruin, I'm sure traffic via that perpendicularity has grown over the years. It's safe to use with Ruin gone. It is probably just like the other shard pools now.

  5. I was wondering about this as well. It sounds similar to what Eshonai did to change forms, only in her case the spren appears to connect to Odium. And he then proceeds to control her in a very similar way that Ruin controls the Inquisitors. Maybe there's a correlation to these spheres and hemalurgic spikes. Like maybe they operate in the same way in establishing connection with shards, but the mechanics of making them work are different. Has anyone asked Mr. Sanderson about this yet? 


    Maybe the Eyre have been to Roshar and studied the spheres and gemstones, and the Parshendi's transforming method. Then made their own versions(and I'm am 98% sure that's what Kelsier found, andstole). They did  seem to know about other worlds, like Threnody, after all. 

  6. Hey everyone! 


    I've been a fan of Brandon Sanderson for awhile now, and I've read most of his works. I am a huge fan of the Cosmere books! I actually own at least two copies of most of them(an audiobook and phyisical copy). I'm pretty sure I'm the only Cosmere fan within a 50 mile radius, so I joined this site so I can have somewhere to go and chat with fellow Cosmere 

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