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Posts posted by MagpieMaydin

  1. It seems to be implied in BoM that a Kandra can't just use any old pair of blessings, that while a Kandra could carry around two blessings, they can't change spikes entirely without it affecting their personality.


    So what would happen if two kandra swapped both their spikes? Would the personalities switch bodies? Would both feel "off" and a little crazy/schizo? Would nothing happen, and they both stabilize wholly as themselves with a different blessing? I think the second answer i the most likely...


    So what would happen if a mistwrait ate a Kandra? Would it be a new personality entirely? Would the Kandra simply dominate? I think it would be a new person...


    I think we've been told mistwraits are people, but there is a block between the phyical realm and cognitive realm that prevents them from being sentient. I think a hemalurgic spike must act a a kind of bridge allowing the proper cognitive-physical connection to take place. However the connection possesses it's on DNA and influences the resulting personality form completing the connection. So a Kandra's personality a mix of who'd they be if they were not broken AND some characteristics from the SDNA in the spikes.  


    (This could be why Kandra are born mimicers; they are already a mix of several souls/personalities, so they are less concretely trapped in one.)


    The specific combination of THOSE spikes with THAT body is what made the whole Kandra-Person and changing a small bit would feel wrong; like if someone suddenly made an introverted person an extrovert or something.


    By the way.. 

    and also... if a Mistwraith ate a Koloss... Would it becomes a Kandra? (the spikes are the same for the blessing of potency..)
  2. This has always bothered me too. i guess it boils down to that "faith" thing. The southerners were the "natural Scadrians" They were relatively untouched by the lord ruler an adapted naturally to the warming planet. Perhaps, even though Sazed radically changed their planet, he didn't feel right messing with them any further and decided that they would copw with the hardship. Which, technically from a gods-eye-view they did; Kelsier went and adapted their culture.


    Sazed says he only interferes where it's REALLY needed; I guess their plight wasn't actually serious enough...? I still don't agree though since their plight was his fault.

  3. Yeah I always wondered, I mean the Set was all up on Hemalurgic knowledge. When he said he was waiting on a miracle, was he waiting on an unknown solution, or was he waiting for an unlikely but known one, such as teh Set granting him gold feruchemy as a reward for service?

  4. SO ANYWAY back on topic... ((BTW There were female humans made into Koloss, though I do not know if that translated into having female koloss))


    I thought about this the other day too. I don't want to spoil anything, so lets just assume Kandra CAN match the DNA of the flesh they replicate. (the flesh they make is a perfect copy) Melaan could become any woman, and have that woman's baby with Wayne. She would have to learn to carry it in a womb though, learn how to make amniotic fluid, how to eat food for it, give it oxygenated blood, carry away waste... more work and research than has probably been done. And in the end who knows how the SDNA thing would work out; tied to the human mothers? or to the surrogates who carried the baby? (Melaan)


    What I personally think is most likely, IF a half Kandra is possible, is that it would be born a little baby mist-wraith BUT wasn't so blocked cognitively. Basically it would grow up, slowly learning to use bones and copy it parents. You would end up with a Kandra that didn't need spikes but wasn't immortal and could also breed true.


    I like to imagine that kandra human hybrids are actually the future of the species. Though since Kandra themselves can't breed (and thus can't even copy however mist-wraiths do it) I imagine this would require Era 4 science.


    I wonder; If Milaan took her spikes out, could she temporarily breed then? HOW do mistwraiths do it? That seems important...


    [Edit] Goofy (and 'adorable') mental image of a little translucent pile of gooey muscle rolling around the floor making a 'skeleton' from baby toys like wooden blocks and plastic car keys, and Wayne is just grinning like any normal glowing parent watching a crawling baby, seemingly obvious to the oddity of the situation.


    Meanwhile while Melaan makes an off-handed remark about the time Wayne left his dueling canes out and the baby broke his shins before giving them up.


    "It would have been easier for you to get them back from her..." -Wayne

    "My shins are an heirloom, and yours are much easier to repair!" -Melaan

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