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Posts posted by Nashan’Elin

  1. I asked a question, but I don’t have audio, so I guess I’ll just drop it here. 

    I asked Brandon “If a Sleepless had enough hordelings, how big could they get?” He said that there is an upper limit, but they can be bigger than we’ve seen in the books so far. I asked “chasmfiend sized?” And he RAFO’d me. 

    So there’s that question, I guess!

  2. Elantrians can heal, too. Plus, they have the whole “silver skin and luminous white hair” thing going on, which might make them, well, not elves, but maybe more similar to that kind of high-fantasy human-esque race. 

    Plus, Surgebinders tend to have huge swords, whereas Elantrians tend to fight with more mage-like blasts of power and fire and whatnot. 

    Thinking about it, though, they might be too OP for and RP setting. 

  3. My username for this forum came from me trying to make the absolute Sanderson-iest name I could, so I think I took the word “Ashan” (like Asha’man) from WoT, then Rosharan-ized it into the good Vorin name Nashan, then slapped on the Herald suffix of ‘Elin. 

    My username on several other things is Voidbinder, just because it’s a Cosmere name few people have likely seen and therefore it’s usually available on games and other platforms. 

  4. Well, that was... a thing.


    From a purely visual standpoint, I enjoyed the storms out of it. The chasmfiend looked (and sounded) really good, the Parshendi looked nice, the chasms stunnning, and all the spren a nice touch. 

    From a story/fan standpoint, eh. They tried to accomplish too much, and it all came off rushed. Plus, the inaccuracies about how Stormlight and Lashings work was not unexpected, but still frustrating. (Though I did like the little “have I told you how to fly yet?” Iine at the end.)

    From a VR standpoint, most of it was good. I actually liked how the camera perspective changed when you first stand on a wall, even the disorienting effect of it felt justified, because Lashings are described as being disorienting at first. But I kept having this one problem, especially on the top of plateau, where I’d turn quickly to look at something and my vision would go black, like there was a big black space behind me that glitched out of the way. 


  5. [just fyi this title probably should have [OB] in the title, cause spoilers]

    Until then I’ll just say this:

    Read Warbreaker!

    Until then: [Slight spoilers for Warbreaker and Oathbringer, as well as a spoiler for Mistborn: Secret History]


    It is totally possible to travel between planets, like what those two did. It hasn’t really been shown directly in books yet, but if you’re read Mistborn: Secret History, the idea of how to do it can be seen there.


  6. I don’t know if this is quite the right board for this, but I’ll just go for it.

    The Escape the Shattered Plains VR experience is coming out tomorrow, and since I assume the vast majority of people won’t be strapping on a VR headset to try it themselves, I thought I’d volunteer to try and record a playthrough of the experience, if people are interested in watching it. I’d probably make it this weekend, but given my minimal experience with screen recording and video editing, who knows. 

    The playthrough, if people want it, would likely be just the game’s sights and sounds, no commentary from me. I could do one with commentary and my thoughts and reactions, too, if people were interested in that as well. 

    Maybe someone’s already planning to do this, maybe not, but I figured I’d offer. What do you all think?

  7. I don’t have definite answers for any of these, but I’ll share my thoughts. 

    1. I don’t think that animals are born with a Breath, purely because why would Endowment do that? There’s not much point in giving an instinctual creature Investiture that requires some pretty specific Cognitive focus. 

    2. I... maybe? I could see it happening, even if the Awakening-related ones wouldn’t do much. It’d be hard to tell if the goat had better hearing or sight, but the immortality and life sense, I could see those working. 

    3. You’d have an immortal prismatic goat! I don’t see the point of it, especially since I doubt you could get the Breaths back, unlike if you stored them in an inanimate object. 

    4. I very much doubt the goat could Awaken. Even if it could form a Cognitive image and “baahhhh” a Command, it probably lacks the necessary Spiritual DNA required to Awaken, the same reason that people that are not native Nalthians cannot Awaken. 

    EDIT: Sort-of ninja’d, colors. :ph34r:

  8. What it says on the topic. Given what we’ve learned about spren, how they partially manifest in the Physical Realm, and what they are like in Shadesmar, why does good old Axies the Collector do his spren research in the Physical Realm? 

    Do we think he’s researching which spren manifest, and how they do it? Is there something going on with Siah Aimians where they can’t enter Shadesmar? I find it unlikely that he doesn’t know how to get there, even with some difficulty. 

  9. This is a hard question, because I like so many of the surges for different reasons!

    • Gravitation, because flying is awesome and I’d love it
    • Transformation, because it would be so amazingly useful
    • Transportation, because (somehow) teleporting, or hopping into Shadesmar? Great!
    • Division, even though we haven’t really seen it, the sheer FIREpower!
    • And finally Abrasion, so you skate everywhere

    Basically all the Surges are good. But I voted Gravitation, because, c’mon, falling with style

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