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Image Comments posted by sheep

  1. ...

    If you rubbed Adolin's head, his hair would still look the same after as it did before.  That is how I imagined it would be like when I drew it.  Not curly hair, but thick and gets fluffy looking 3 hours after a trim from the barber. 




    I drew the eye as a grey-ish blue, or how blue eyes look on Earth.  I don't know if blue eyes on Roshar mean bright blue like gemstones, of it's just Radiants who have them.  But Alethi are humans so I went with the more natural human look.  But of course you can't really tell in low resolution.  The original file when I was working on it was around 4000px wide.


    I like to explain why I drew certain features because I like seeing explanations from other people.  Drawing a character in a stylised way means you condense your perceptions into an image, and summarise hundreds lines of text to convey one or two main traits.  It's part of my process, and lets other people see what I see in a character and what parts of them struck me as significant and character defining.


    For example, some people would see "mop of hair" in Adolin's description and draw it all the way down to his forehead and covering his eyebrows, Bieber-style.  To me, that would be too young since I would consider Adolin a man and not a boy.  Some other people would have it shorter, 2cm below the hairline.  But to me, that kind of Roman soldier haircut wouldn't fit Adolin because he never wanted to be a soldier, and he rebels against Dalinar's uniform regulations without actually breaking the rules...


    Yeah I think about these things when trying to draw a character design.  Small things having meaning to me.

  2. ....

    Thanks!  Every reader and every artist forms their own impression and voice for a character...well, as long as the author knows what they're doing. 


    That is why representative cover art with character faces like a movie poster turn me off.  Your first impression is coloured by it immediately since cover art is accepted as semi-canon, even if the author had no input. 

  3. ...

    He becomes slightly acceptable at the end of WoR but then I reread WoK again and I'm just like 'ugh'.  When he develops enough to be honest with himself while sober I will like him more.



    Pattern? What are you planning? Why are you so sinister?

    He's just looking at Jasnah's bum.  Maybe he wonders why people bother to wear clothes since everyone knows what a bum looks like.




    Roshar has only 20 hours/day

    Thanks, I remembered that the hours had fewer minutes and the years had more days, but I couldn't recall if there were fewer hours in a day.  20/5 doesn't sound quite that cool, sadly.




    why would Renarin be shorter?

    Fair enough question.  In my personal interpretation, I put him at ~180cm while Adolin and Dalinar are 184/185cm.  My reasoning was that he probably didn't eat as much or get as much exercise as he ought to, due to a sickly childhood and the awkwardness of glasses (reading is fine in glasses, try running and you get a dizzy headache from the frames bouncing up and down on your nose).  I imagined that if Dalinar asked everyone about their day at the dinner table in the proper dad way, Renarin would finish quickly and leave while Adolin would just shrug and clear all the plates and talk about heroic things that happened with a mouth full of chicken.


    180cm is still tall, taller than average in most countries.  And Renarin is still young enough that there's potential for more growth, especially since

    he healed himself

    .  But when all the people around him are curvy Alethi women or fit soldiers I think most people draw Renarin much shorter as shorthand (hah) to show how he is less physically imposing than the rest of the cast.

  4. Particularly clever. I'm hoping that Renarin won't get involved here, though...

    Renarin appears in the next episode...




    Shallan is soooo popUlar! I wonder who will take her to the prom?

    Kaladin doesn't do proms, and he is unlikely to be convinced to go "ironically".  He would rather stay home and eat stew.

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