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Everything posted by Kaidenbo

  1. Amaran also had what he thought the qualitys of the radiants were which were honor and such too. Little did he know...
  2. I think what I can guess as to why no one realized Kal is a radiant simply because the radiants have been gone and their powers "dead" for most of their history. In Szeth's very first chapter he noted that no one would recognize his powers and would be confused by him because the powers he has was "dead" for centuries or whatever it was. So I guess it'd just be hard for them to think that these powers are back from forever ago and this random bridgeman has these powers. It'd kind of be like if someone in our world randomly possessed anicent Greek-like powers and ended up being a Greek god from ancient times. Thinking they are an ancient greek god wouldn't come first to mind I don't think.
  3. I think the reason why I liked Shallan's plot in WoR so much more was because she had so much more growth as a character. Going from being a sheltered and naive to becoming such a huge driving force in WoR was fascinating to read. How she handled the bandits and sort of "creating" her other selves to find confidence in herself was really cool.
  4. Well I think he equated that sort of innocence and naivety with Tien and after seeing person after person that reminded him of Tien (including of course Tien himself) die over and over again it was almost as if equating the death of that person proof that innocence and "goodness" doesn't exist. Syl reminds him of Tien and those other young boys he tried to save and showed him that innocence and "goodness" can survive.
  5. Yeah it kind of reinforced her "innocence" per say. Which I think is exactly what Kal needed to see in her.
  6. Yeah I loved that Kal & Syl scene. Especially when Syl mentions that she almost lost herself trying to get the leaves to bring to him. It's so sweet and adorable
  7. Oh my. Well thank you for the warning. No cookies for me please.
  8. Hello everyone! Longtime Sanderson fan and I've finally gotten my lazy butt to create an account here instead of just creepily lurking all the time. I'm borderline obsessed with the Stormlight Archive books and really loved the Mistborn books and am currently reading Warbringer. I'm currently forcing all of my friends to read the SA books Aside from reading I enjoy certain TV shows like Orphan Black, Game of Thrones (of course), etc.
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