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Status Updates posted by KidWayne

  1. Relationships are hard. It's surprising that you can try to help someone and walk away with the knowledge that your effort did more harm than good.

  2. Moose (the pup in my photo) died this past weekend. Rest in peace buddy, you were loved.

  3. Ungh...still freakin' sick! I I had a viral infection (bronchitis) that has setup a bacterial infection (sinus infection). Good Lord, breathing is getting to be a challenge...

    1. Kasimir


      Sorry to hear that, but my first impulse is: "You really shouldn't be storing health at a time like this..." Get well soon!

    2. KidWayne


      Lol! That's exactly what this has been like. I've had some kind of respiratory infection since Halloween. I actually went back to the doctor for the third time on Thanksgiving. I don't think I've ever been sick this long before. The first time the doctor was like, "Oh, you've just got a cold. Come back if you aren't better in two weeks." The second time it was, "OK, you've been sick for a while and you've got some chest congestion and a sinus in...

  4. I'm sick. I want to be on whatever cosmere planet it is that has invested germs. What's the point of all this aching & coughing if it doesn't grant me magical abilities?!

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