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Posts posted by MrsCostello

  1. I've been meaning to post this thread for more than a year, but I just want someone else to appreciate as much as I do how perfectly the music and lyrics to the songs on Snow Patrol's album "A Hundred Million Stars" fit the plot and themes in Oathbringer. 

    As a teaser, here's the chorus from the first track, "If There's A Rocket Tie Me to It":

    A fire, a fire
    You can only take what you can carry
    A pulse, your pulse
    It's the only thing I can remember
    I break, you don't
    I was always set to self-destruct though
    The fire, the fire
    It cracks and barks like primal music

    A sampling of some of the other titles: "Take Back the City" (*cough* Kolinar), "Please Just Take These Photos From My Hands" (about unwanted memories), and "The Lightning Strike."

    I could flush everything out for you all, but I'm just going to leave it here for you to discover yourself instead.

  2. Here, you guys might like this. It's every useful quote in the first three books describing a mistcloak, excluding repetitious references. 


    I was originally going to post this with commentary on my interpretation of each quote, but then my internet page shut down and I lost like two hours worth of work. So you guys will just have to interpret for yourselves. 


    [Note: All my pages numbers are Kindle locations from the "Mistborn Trilogy" Kindle edition which has all three books in one eBook. There are about 10,000 locations per book, to give you an idea of approximately where each quote is if you want to try to find them in a hard copy.]


    "[Kelsier] pulled open the pack, then whipped out a dark grey cloak. Large and enveloping, the cloak wasn't constructed from a single piece of cloth--rather, it was made up of hundreds of long, ribbonlike strips. They were sewn together at the shoulders and across the chest, but mostly they hung separate from one another, like overlapping streamers. Kelsier threw on the garment, its strips of cloth twisting and curling, almost like the mists themselves.


    "[...] Dockson said, 'They all wear the things--it's kind of like a... sign of membership in their club.


    "'It's colored and constructed to hide you in the mist,' Kelsier said. [...] He spun, letting the cloak flare dramatically." (MB: Loc 1472)


    "Kelsier turned from the bodies, cloak rustling." (MB: Loc 1591)


    "[Kelsier] hung in the mists for a moment, ribbons from his cloak curling and flapping in the wind..." (MB: Loc 1673)


    "[Kelsier] returned a moment later carrying [...] a small cloth bundle. [...]


    "The cloth was slick and soft in Vin's fingers, and she quickly realized what it was. She let the grey material unroll in her fingers, revealing a Mistborn cloak. Like the garment Kelsier had worn the night before, it was tailored completely from separate, ribbonlike strips of cloth.


    "[...] She paused, then threw the cloak over her shoulders and tied it on. It felt...different. Thick and heavy on her shoulders, but light and unconstraining around her arms and legs. The ribbons were sewn together at the top, allowing her to pull it tight by the mantle if she wished. She felt...enveloped. Protected." (MB: Loc 2192)


    "Remember, nearly all Mistborn are members of the Great Houses--and the rest are from lesser Luthadel houses." (MB: Loc 2222)


    "Vin rode on the seat directly across form him--her legs tucked up underneath her, her enveloping mistcloak pulled close, hiding her arms and legs. [...] When she noticed his attention, she glanced away, huddling down a little more within her cloak." (MB: Loc 2552)


    "[Kelsier swept] into the room, throwing back his mistcloak." (MB: Loc 7865)


    "[shan] wore a black outfit of trousers and shirt, her dark hair pulled back, her mistcloak worn almost stylishly." (MB: Loc 8188)


    "Shan landed dexterously--mistcloak tassels billowing" (MB: Loc 8226)


    "She turned to [Kelsier], a tall, proud figure in a majestic mistcloak." (MB: Loc 8655)


    "Standing as [Kelsier] was, she was suddenly aware of his clothing--dark gray mistcloak, long-sleeved black shirt, charcoal trousers. In the night, the clothing was simply camouflage. In the lit room, however, the black colors made him look menacing." (MB: Loc 8747)


    "A man stook above him in the night. He was dressed in a large cloak that appeared to have been shredded to strips. [...] The ribbons of his enveloping black cloak billowed around him." (MB: Loc 8790) (Alt: Spook's non-mistcloak "survivor of the flames" cloak is singed and torn.)


    "And there, at the bottom, lay her mistcloak. She closed her eyes and reached into the side cloak pocket." (MB: Loc 9879)


    "The Inquisitor grunted, her kick tossing him into the air and ripping his grip free of her shoulders. Her Mistcloak came off in his hands..." (MB: Loc 9990)


    "[Vin] wore the cloak's hood down, as usual..." (WoA: Loc 10876)


    "Vin [...opened] her eyes, whipping her mistcloak behind her with a throw of the arm." (WoA: Loc 11655)


    "'No,' Vin said absently, reaching up to tug [Elend's] cape. It came free easily, and she nodded approvingly. Mistcloaks were the same; Elend wouldn't have to worry about someone grabbing his cape in a fight." (WoA: Loc 13358)


    "She passed into the tunnel-like corridors of the palace, feet and mistcloak tassels trailing marks in the dust." (WoA: Loc 19442)


    "[Vin] wore no mistcloak. It felt odd to be leaping about in the mists without one of the garments, but in truth, she as quieter this way." (HoA: Loc 26199)


    "She landed on the street, then stood upright, her tasseled mistcloak falling around her, hiding her arms and chest." (HoA: Loc 32856)


    "Mistcloak: A garment worn by many Mistborn as a mark of their station. It is constructed from dozens of thick ribbons of cloth that are sewn together at the top, but allowed to spread free from the shoulder's down." (Ars Arcanum)

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