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Posts posted by Cadmium

  1. Eureka! Well of Ascension, Part one. Vin receives a package from a metallurgist with a sample of Duralumin. The note attached mentions that aluminum is hard to come by, but the writer managed to buy some aluminum flatware from a fleeing noble’s estate. 

    There’s at least a tiny bit of confirmation that Gemmel’s fork could’ve been aluminum.  Guess I know what I’ll be asking Brandon next time he stops through!

  2. On 2/17/2020 at 8:06 PM, Honorless said:

    I don't see what I did to offend you here: "they don’t inject anything more interesting into the conversation"

    Dang text. You can’t trust anything not written in metal.  I wasn’t upset with you, just disappointed with the lack of anything else being out there!

  3. At the end of The Eleventh Metal, Gemmel finds a book of theories on an Eleventh Metal, throws it away, then digs through Shezler’s metallurgy equipment. 


    Then he carefully and meticulously selected a fork from the fallen tools and other scattered laboratory remains. He smiled and chuckled to himself. “Now that is a fork.” He shoved it into his pocket.

    So... I’ve searched the forums and WoB and reddit and no results for anyone ever asking, WHY? Why was this fork noteworthy to a cracked Mistborn? Was it just a fancy fork of an allomantic metal? Aluminum? Malatium?  Or was it hemalurgically charged?

    Any theories?


  4. 1 hour ago, Vulcronos said:

      I was the guy with the giant backpack and the one who asked Brandon's sister about their schedule.

    My wife & I were sitting behind you (maybe a different guy) when you were chatting her up. We were kinda smirking to each other because we legit thought you were asking for their schedule trying to get her digits (or whatever the kids ask for these days)... She is… very attractive. 

  5. 10 hours ago, CosmereQuestioner said:

    Haven't we seen Nightblood...and it's sheath?  Couldn't that be aluminum?

    WoB confirm that the sheath is at least partially metal. 

    My question last night confirms it was specifically prepared but was not Invested  at the time of Nightblood’s initial Awakening & it wasn’t part of the original intent.


    I dont know if that implies Nightblood has been Awakened more than once or Invested more than once or if more than one intent has been placed upon it. 

  6. Words of Brandon: (paraphrased until transcriptions)

    Elantris says the Shaod often comes at night. Does it always come at night?


    Was Nightblood’s Sheath present at its Awakening and is it part of the Intent. 

    No. I mean, it may have been there and prepared for its use, but it is not part of the first Awakening or the Intent. 

    So at some point we may learn how it learned to stop with the sheath?

    I... The sheath is specially made and is special but it was not part of the Investiture, the Command, or the Intent. Good questions.



    From lightingrani's Tumblr post:


    I am not sure of this is a fan moment or an actual report, but I would love a Mizzy series. Or even a book. Or even a novella.
    Has anyone been able to figure out what "subastral" refers to exactly?

    At the Houston Signing, Brandon said he's in talks for a "side-sequel" series in an alternate Universe/timeline.


    I wish we had the Elantris sequels already.

    I know! At the Houston QA he said everyone is bugging him for Rithmatist 2, because they've been waiting for the longest.

    I hollered out, "Elantris 2!?!"

    Several others smiled at me and snickered. Only been 10 years.

  9. Not 2 more years. Summer 17 would be 1year 3 months to 1 year 6months more.

    Sanderson puts out more books than any similar author.

    Titan Arum, Brandon didn't rule out fossil fuels in future books.

    yes, coin shots can levitate a southern airship, but that's not a doable basis for all transportation.

  10. I sought Words of Brandon regarding Connection Medallions last night in Houston.




    1. Me: Would a Connection medallion work for sign language?
      BS: Yes.
      Me: Would it make the person’s fingers move or would spoken word be interpreted mentally as the appropriate sign? Would it overcome deafness?
      BS: (a non committal “ehhh noise”)  It would translate the communication. I can say that.

    2. Me: Does a Connection medallion account for heavy sarcasm?
      BS: It would. Maybe not the heaviest, most deadpan sarcasm.

    3. Words of Radiance Spoiler?

      Me: Would a Connection medallion accurately interpret a Listener’s Rhythms?
      BS: Yes, it would, but not all of it, some would be lost in translation. You’d probably lose some of the nuance. It would probably be better to give the medallion to someone who couldn't understand it than someone who spoke it.

    Original thread: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53221-calamity-tour-houston-tx/

  11. I sought Words of Brandon on this subject last night in Houston.

    Link to my write up: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/53221-calamity-tour-houston-tx/




    Me:  You’re in Houston, questions of Oil & Gas and energy sources will be naturally be bandied about.
    BS: Naturally.
    Me: Is the gasoline on Scadrial a fossil fuel or biodiesel?
    BS: Oh. Hmm. Well It’s fossil fue… no. What they’re using now is mostly biodiesel, I think. It’s not something we really talked out.
    Me: Ok, we had a whole thread on 17th Shard and even discussed how scientifically fossil fuels could have been put into place during the Catacendre.

    BS: Well, fossil fuels are possible, and I don’t want to seem like I’m clearly giving credence to those that believe in a Young Earth, but Scadrial *is* a relatively young planet. Relatively.
    Me: Young Earth doesn’t bother me, though I know I’m not the majority.

    Me: Where on Scadrial is it being produced?  No mention of refineries in Elendel or the Roughs.
    BS: Where on Scadrial… Well It’s… I’m going to have to RAFO that for now. It starts to touch on questions of the future as they will need new sources of energy for travel and they’ll need to look for different sources.

    Me: Okay. I just didn't see any mention of oil derricks in the Roughs or fuel producing infrastructure in Elendel.

    BS: We’ll just leave it at “If fossil fuels are there, they were placed intentionally.”

  12. Questions I'm planning to ask tonight in Houston are:

    "Would a connection medallion account for use of heavy sarcasm?"
    "Similarly, If someone using a connection medallion told a joke, would the medallion interpret the meaning so that the other person understood humor was implied?"

    "Who cut up Lopen's food since he can't use a fork and knife simultaneously?"  (It's odd, I know, but for some reason I really want to ask this one.)

    "Is the gasoline on Scadrial a fossil fuel or biodiesel?  Where on Scadrial is it being produced and why didn't we see any evidence of oil derricks out in the Roughs?"

    My wife wants to know if a kandra could actually compress themselves enough to turn into a "rusting bunny."  She also says thank you for Wayne. He's her favorite.

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