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Posts posted by TheRamblingInsomniac

  1. So basically, I'm a terrible example of what a forum member should be like, BUUTTT I was informed thay spring cleaning was being done on WHiO, and I wanted to inform you Vesania will still be an active character, with a new update coming soon, not soon enough, but soon.

  2. SI.png

    Vesania approached Salem, daydreaming as she walked. She remembered a time, before Oregon's destruction began, and a half forgotten thought that had come with it drifted into her mind, "Here I am looking at blackness, speckled blackness. Looking up at it, I can still conceive questions, which I can't answer: Why are we here, why not someplace else entirely?, Is this where billions of years of evolution has lead us?, and still there are more that baffle me. There’s a obviously a finiteness to life, but what surrounds us seems almost.. infinite. Even worse, the seeming infinity that surrounds us is chaotic, random even.”

    Random, Vesania never enjoyed that word, it always seemed to her to be nondescript, and to be random seemed impossible to her. “Is anything ever truly random, or do we lack the logic to derive the factors that lead to it?” This was always Vesania’s opinion, sometimes she was even quoted by her friends for saying that phrase.

    “Maybe, everything I can see is teeming with life, that’s quite a horrendous thought. Though, even more terrifying, what if everything I see is devoid of life?”

    Vesania hated the thought of being alone. Her brother, Luke, and herself were always together when she was younger. Now, he was with always her as well, though she questioned his tangible or even existential state.

    Vesania kept walking, and her daydream continued, “What if I am alone, what if I destroy all the other life in the house? Nah, Dad’s home, and besides the toilet seat’s got some serious germs on it anyway.”, Vesania thought just before she wiped the food specks off the inside of the black microwave, and she left the existential debate they initiated behind to go talk to her dad. Though, her daydream stopped in its tracks, as did her walk, both abruptly ended with a faint grin and earnest curiosity about the city of Salem which sprawled out before her, the fruit of her travel.
  3. @Jacob: welcome!

    just a few questions though.

    Does his power affect people?

    Why does anyone tolerate his presence?

    Does he fight in the arena at all?

    Can he control the powers at all, or does he choose not to?

    Well, her power can't be used on people, but the changes made can affect them. I.e, say a character was standing on a platform, Vesania could fire an impropabolt (A word Chouta came up with), also a bolt of energy rather than a crossbow bolt, just as a side note, at the the platform and cause it to ignore the earth's gravity and float into space.

    Her presence isn't a particular nuisance, as she can control her power; she just is unreliable in her decisions on things like which side she'd be on during a power struggle. 

    She most likely will not fight in the arena, but may begin fighting if she deems it a good use of her time.

    As for the power situation, they are completely under her control as to when she can use them and on what, the effect is just random

  4. Heyo, if not already obvious.. the name's Jacob. I want to join the Salem RP; I have an idea for a character heavily inspired by the Daedric prince of madness from The Elder Scrolls, Sheogorath. I think it'd be an interesting addition, especially as a minor epic, so as to not be very powerful or important. Chouta Connoisseur helped me a good amount with the concept of this (Thanks). Anyway, here goes..


    Epic Name: Vesania 

    Epic Power: Vesnia has the ability to cause absolutely random and widely preposterous and impossible changes in things she can see. These changes would be including, but not limited to, changing the laws of physics that govern the object, changing an objects shape or size, sending objects to other dimensions, turning objects to dust, etc. 

    Background: Vesania would be a mental escapee, who fled an asylum during the mess that was the epics' battle for power in Oregon. 


    Versania would be very random, crazy and unreliable as a character, and would also have a varying level of mental degradation, and at times episodes of psychosis as well as manifesting his psychosis into reality via her power of randomness. 

  5. Hello, my name's Jacob (I hope that's fairly obvious). I was actually introduced to 17S by my friend, Chouta Connoisseur; for months, Chouta was sending posts from all the members, and the community seemed to be made of interesting, outgoing, intellectual people. I finally decided to join, so here I am. My main intent for joining is to contend in the Reckoners RPG with a character created by Chouta, Peristalsis. I hope to meet and make friends with Brandon Sanderson fans from all over the world. In advance, nice to meet you all.

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