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Posts posted by TCshard

  1. Hobbits are lovable.

    So are pugs.

    Hobbits love food and place great importance on mealtimes.

    Pugs do that too.

    Like hobbits, pugs are warm, friendly, social creatures who are often underestimated.

    Hobbits are the pugs of Middle-Earth.

    Sauron was defeated, and Middle-Earth saved, by two pugs.

    Or... Pugs are the hobbits of earth. You are friends with two hobbits. *MindBlown*
  2. I don't think a lot of people know of Brandon Sanderson in my hometown. When I went to the library all three copies of WoR were still there and looked completely untouched. Plus I'm nearly positive that no one at my school has read any of his books. This makes me sad because I have no one to talk to about the books

  3. So like in band every year we have a little game night thing where they separate us by graduating year and we do time based games; whoever finishes first wins. Like... Weird food eating contests and three leg races, those sorts of things. Well, its kinda accepted that the seniors win, regardless. They cheat and nobody cares because heck they're seniors and there aren't prizes or anything.

    So anyway we did the hula hoop challenge thing where we all hold hands and try to get the hula hoop to the other end of the line. The seniors just grabbed their's and ran, and then came and stole all the underclassmen and junior's hoops. Well, the band director was like "i mean that wasn't fair so seniors lose 20 points."

    The freshmen took the lead.

    Until one game. They were tallying up points and the director was like "well i mean someone came up and erased the freshmen's score i mean I don't remember i think zero is okay" and omg

    I think the sophomores, somehow, made it in the negatives at one point.

    But weird food eating contest is always so bad like. The seniors get oreos and jelly beans and the others get like boiled oysters and marshmallows with ketchup and straight mayonnaise and coffee beans with chocolate and ketchup and canned dog food what the hECk

    That is okay tho, is worth it because my year is next year.

    Reminds me of a bean boozled challenge my friend gave me. All of the beans I picked were bad. Had barf and dog food taste stuck in my mouth for hours.

  4. Hello! Hello! Welcome to the Hurt'n'Heal 17th Shard Boards Round 2! 

    The Winner of the last match was Sanderson Elimination after the M.A.D(Mutually Assured Destruction) of Stormlight Archives and Reading Excuses.

    Match 1: Sanderson Elimination

    Match 2: ???


    For those of you who haven't played before, on your turn you:

    • Hurt one person for two health points or hurt two people for one HP each. Always highlight whomever you're hurting in red.
    • Heal one person for one HP. Highlight this person in green.
    ​You cannot hurt and heal the same person in one turn. You must hurt and heal on your turn; don't just do one or the other. Once you hurt'n'heal, you must wait for at least 2 more people to post before posting again. Anyone who reaches 20 HP becomes immune and is highlighted purple. You cannot hurt this person until the second round, which starts when there is only one non-immune person on the board (that person's HP is automatically raised to 20 and kept on the roster). The second round's HP cap is 30 and no one can become immune.


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