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Posts posted by hypatia

  1. Perhaps the story of a bad day in my life can help:

    You need to know that the birthday of my daughter is the 11.7. - short time before the release date of OB.

    And that in Germany the book was delivered before this release date.

    And that I personally had two secondary characters I was interested in before OB - Elhokar and Moash.

    Long story short - I was able to get one example of OB and decided to send it to my daughter as a birthday gift using up all the  motherly love for a year.

    But before I wrapped it up in gift paper I thought to look at the pictures in the first chapters.

    And then to read one - only one -  page somewhere in the middle.

    The first thing I read was:

    "Lowering his spear, Moash ran Elhokar throught the chest."

    At the same time I realized that I couldn 't talk about this because of spoilers.

    This happened shortly before I started my lesson and until today my pupils ask about the next book in the hope something like this will happen again.

  2. I think this long delay is perhaps really impossible without Odium "helping" Taln to endure, but is this the reason the humans are unprepared?

    Taln died in a fight, but 9 Heralds stayed back on Roshar - this was a unbelievable opportunity that would have given the other Heralds the chance actively preparing the humans - but they didn't do their job.

    Worse even - they lied.

    They told the humans that they had won, that this was the last desolation, they are imo responsible, not the one who had bought time for the humans and his fellow Heralds.

    Perhaps Taln thought he had time because all this time his 9 companions were supposed to prepare the humans.

  3. Don't start laughing, but all of this reminds me of Terry Pratchett's story about the Koom Valley - two races in a fight for ever because what really had happened is forgotten.

    What boggles me most is that at different point of this forgotten history a group of both races broke their bond with their "gods".

    After OB we got a glimpse about why the Radiants made their decision and now I hope for the next volume with more emphasy on the Listeners - what did they know that the Last Legion was rather living in powerless forms than further follow Odium and his minions?

    Both groups are now seen as traitors, both names - knights and legion - are military terms.

    And the Listeners seem to know more about this part of the story, because against common believe and the lies Odium orders Venli to tell the Parshmen Gavilar was assassinated in an attempt to stop him from bringing back the old "gods".

    All in all this left me much more interested in the next book.

  4. It is possible that they had talked about the whole affair and this shows that talking has no inpact on the outcome at Kholinar.

    Personally I believe Kaladin hadn't told Dalinar - or perhaps even Elhokar because he's the one in danger - about Moash and his reasons for vengeance.

    The whole Roshone - Affair left too many questions for me Moash's story couldn't answer. I always thought we need to know what happened from someone who was there at the time and wasn't involved in this affair - Dalinar.

    Obviously Kaladin had the same opinion and asked him - but the author chose to let Dalinar tell nearly nothing about what really happened.

    The interesting part for me was that there were rumors - ever since this I saw a boy coming back to Kholinar with his grandparents dead and the city full of rumors and was asking myself the question: Is the story he told Kaladin the truth or one of the rumors?

    In fact - I think it's a rumor because Brandon Sanderson didn't let Dalinar talk about it. Why would he if it was the same story?

    But there are more questions:

    What was Roshone doing for the crown aka Gavilar?

    Who did Elhokar trust?

    What happened with the shops?

    Why didn't the grandparents train Moash as a silversmith when he was their only relative?

    Then with OB we got Moash's PoV and one little tidebit:

    The grandparents not only allowed Moash to leeve, they encouraged him to find his way outside their shop.

    And he wasn't alone - there was an uncle with him.

    First - he lied when he told Kaladin his grandparents were his only relatives.

    And second - this uncle is possible to be a son, perhaps even the heir of the grandparents.

    This would be an answer for the last questions.

    And of course there's the WoB about Elhokar - that he was "maligned".

  5. I agree - Kaladin should come clean with Dalinar before someone else - I'm thinking of Damlan or Taravangian - let the bomb drop.

    WE know what had happened with Kaladin in the palace, WE know his reason, his past, his decisions, but what about other people?

    If another source than himself tells about his involvation in the attempt to kill Elhokar, what will they think about it?

    He let the assassins escape, sided with Parshmen, didn't do anything in the fight and then let his old companion just kill the king.

    Espacially the salute is possibly same powerfull evidence against Kaladin.

    Even if there aren't real consequences for him, this will bring distrust within the orders and isn't this something Odium would want?

  6. IIRC Hoid didn't warn Shallan about the ones who see the future, but the ones who say they know the future.

    I always thought about this like in the Hierocraty - they just said they were able to see the future.

    It seems likely for me - and this is more a feeling - that Hoid was talking about Odium - really, when you look at it - how many times was he right with his predictions?

    The Everstorm killing everyone?


    The return of the Radiants?


    Venli bonding with a spren?

    Odium always talks about how good he is, but personally I'm not convinced.


  7. My greatest problem with this possibility is the wording:

    REnewing, REmaking, REstoring - whatever you call it, for me this is REgression, not PROgression.

    Old ways, old mistakes in contrary to innovation, orginality, novelty.

    Is it even possible to go back?

    There were so many changes, like - as said above - the Everstorm.

    Whatever happened with Jezrien - we just have 9 Heralds more or less living at the moment.

    Nale has switched sides.

    All of the Heralds are now broken. Until Taln was left alone on Braize, he was the "last man standing".

    The Parshendi/Listeners are starting to enter the system - and I believe this possible because the Oathpact has lost its fuction.

    Odium has agreed to the fight with champions.

    Last, but not least - Honor is dead.

    Getting the knowledge of the past is good as long as you also try to avoid past mistakes and especially in OB - with the novelty of Renarin or Venli - we have gotten the base of a new pacing.

  8. With the epilogue it seems to be obvious they are looking for this spren - for me a little bit too obvious.

    They also aren't really 'looking'  - if the Fused want to find a spren in a city full of spren shouldn't they tell the workers what to look out for?

    Or supervice the area personally?

    For me - whatever the reason is - this endangers this little pattern, but this just doesn't look like a search especially for a spren.

    Moash or one of the  Parshmen can see a pattern on a stone and then what? They aren't able to trap or kill it and I really don't think one of them will try to bind it - so I can't see a point other then the possibility that perhaps they would tell a Fused about it - and even that is unsure, because does anyone working there know about Cryptics?

    I think they are working on a greater plot and the spren is just a deviation.

  9. Whereas I believe/hope there will be an interesting plot when Adolin knows the truth about his mother - Evi wasn't just his mother. The some can be said about Renarin.

    Frankly - I hope for some distress between father and sons for the plots sake, but for one of the sons to side with the being who had driven Dalinar to this point?

    Siding with the one who wants to kill Renarin? Shallan? Navani? Kaladin? And..and..and..?

  10. But we see Shalash effected by the death of Jezrien and because it is in her PoV with her ending unconscious we don't know how this possibly had also an effect on Taln, Nale or the other Heralds or if this was only her because of a special connection with her father.

    Personally I think it was on all the Heralds and Nale as the Herald of Justice is possibly more effected with this unjust death.

  11. Over all I don't think Odium will get another chance to choose a champion - the rule seems to be one champion for every side and whoever wins gets the price.

    For me the new plan is about the elemination of the Heralds - this starts right after the fight in Thaylen-City - and perhaps an attack on Cultivation.

    But even without the need for a champion, Odium's position will be stronger the more humans will get under his influence.

    Adolin doesn't look like a easy target - he isn't after the power, he isn't plotting, at the moment there is nearly nothing Odium can work with.

    Nontheless there is something that is able to change the game for Adolin - the truth about the death of his mother.

    At the moment he believes Evi was kidnapped and killed by the Rathalanians, but this isn't what really had happened.At the moment Adolin believes in his father, like Amaram had believed in the Almighty. Bad things can happen when a believe is destroyed, but over all this will depend on the personality of a person and I don't see Adolin as a duplication of Amaram - he has family, friends, Maya - Odium might try the same trick, but I strongly believe Adolin won't side against everyone else just because there are problems with his father.

    This will perhaps change his further way, but not necessarily in the direction to Odium. This can also be something he needs for the Maya arc.

  12. I don't know, but for me Nale is too fixed on the Honor vs. Odium plot and forgets the influence of Cultivation. Before the arrival of Odium, there were Honor and Cultivation - and as we know the Parshendi were of Cultivation even if not originally.

    At the moment everything is just humans and Parshendi for him, but what about the Aimian, the Unkalaki, the Herdazians?

    The Parshendi don't seem to be the only original inhabitants of Roshar.

    What about the Iri? They weren't from Ashyn, they didn't come with this wave and we don't know if they came before or after the people of Ashyn.

    Another question  - isn't he following the one, who had started the whole conflict? The one, who had messed up a system under Honor and Cultivation? Odium wasn't on Roshar right after the splintering of Adonalsium, he just started to invest there after he was imprisoned. I don't think Odium was originally interested in Roshar, he just wanted to kill the vessels and splinter two other shards who didn't follow the rule of separation.

    The problem with Nale is, that he is judging without knowing all the facts, in my opinion a cardinal mistake for someone who claims to be "the law".

    Perhaps he will change sides with every new information, perhaps he will get problems with his spren. Or he will be the next Herald to be killed if Jezrien was only the starting-point for Odium. If Odium wants the Honorblades when a Herald is killed, then Nale is a target Odium can get access to his blade and give it to the one he'll choose to kill Nale. 

  13. Rock thinks about having lied to Bridge Four, he is happy no one is able to understand his language - for me this sounds like he really had told lies, that we can't trust him.

    Are we sure this story about the sons is the truth?

    Why would the Nuatoma go to a fight with non-combat trained sons - with farmers and cooks?

    Was - if the social structure is not a lie - Rock even the fourth son?

    Or was all of this a lie, because Rock sees himself responsible in a way for what had happened and just told this story so he won't have to kill anymore?

    I'm not sure we can base the speculation on anything Rock had told - everything can be a lie.

    In a way Rock reminds me of Kadash - a formerly willing fighter, who had experienced something, that led him on a pacifistic way. Just not religion, but cooking, nursing others, can also give peace.

  14. The problem is that he was asked wether Hesina's parents were Darkeyes, not darkeyed.

    This is a term for the social status in Vorincountries and I don't think it possible for foreigners to automatically fit in this system.

    I can't believe that a beggar from Iri would become a Lighteye or a vezier from Azir a Darkeye. Other counties don't fit in this system and perhaps won't be really integrated in the caste - system in Alethkar.

    Is there something known about Aesudan?

    Prhaps she also had partly brown hair?

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