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Brightness Enna

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Posts posted by Brightness Enna

  1. When your 10-hour project display consists of my collection of Sanderson books (plus a few other little fantasies that might be easier gateways into obsessive reading) and a description of how I reviewed a bunch. I only managed to talk to one person about Sanderson, but it was a young mom with two kids, so I talked a lot about Alcatraz, plus some plugs for others in case she needed something else to do. :D I'm a wonderful person

  2. I had an iPhone 3 for a while, as a hand-me-down from my stepdad. I just really needed a texting thing. But I couldn't download anything and it was annoying. So then the 6 came out, so my stepdad got the 6, handed his 5s to his brother, who gave his 4 to me. The 3 is sitting in a sad drawer somewhere, its screen pretty broken. Then... I don't know exactly why, but then he got me the 6s for myself. 128 GB. I'm pretty happy with it - it comes with iMovie and Garageband, which makes me ridiculously giddy. I still use the 4 as a timer and alarm, especially when I'm giving presentations for school and need both a timer and my notes and a presentation device. I've created a lot of cool stuff and have no idea how I survived drawing on that tiny 4 screen!

  3. Granted. You get the ability to compound feruchemy and you have access to the metals. (Just feruchemy, though, not allomancy. Despite "compounding"'s connotations.)

    As a bane, every piece of paper you ever touch will fold itself into a paper airplane and start following you around, Paperman-style. You can drive away from them, but they will always head to where you are and find you. They don't ever do anything helpful or hurtful, and you can walk through the swarm, but they're always there and seem impervious to fire.

    I wish for the power to make anything glittery. (Yes, I'm a girl, get over it)

  4. Granted. You become a pre-Reod Elantrian with the ability to draw and execute Aon Omi perfectly. 

    You now cannot wear any metal on your body. It is repelled from you as if you had a strong steel bubble on permanently. It only affects metal you are wearing (not touching, so electronics are okay), like jewelry, belt buckles, zippers, shoe eyelets... 

    I wish for a can of chicken noodle soup to appear in my pantry every time I want one.

  5. Hello! Welcome!

    You can find the option for editing sigs when you click on the little arrow next to your name at the top right of the website, then clicking "Account Settings". There, you can change your name, password, email address, and yes, signature. Off to the right of the box, there are links for other settings pages, too. Of particular interest is "Edit Profile", which is where you can access your title, birthday, and About Me. (If you're interested in changing your profile picture, click on your name or picture at the top right instead of the little arrow.)

    Hope you have a wonderful time here! :D 

  6. @Sunbird the meme on his jacket still had the beer in it, but he had multiple Mexican* Fantas and Cokes and Sprites with him. And yes, he drank them. Sad to say, not very many people got his joke. 

    *(Mexican because they come in glass bottles, but they also have cane sugar instead of corn syrup so try them if you ever get a chance. They're great, but I don't know if they're actually Mexican. That's just what the stores say.)

  7. My stepdad is a US veteran, and I was trying to explain Ranette's Hazekiller rounds, specifically the Coinshot ones, to him. He had a few questions that I'm hoping somebody may be able to explain:

    • How does the ceramic tip thing work exactly, like the mechanics? If the ceramic is attatched too loosely, it would fall apart inside the gun, but too tight and it would follow the bullet when it was Pushed away. 

    • Aluminum shouldn't work for bullets. They are using some sort of Allomantically-inert alloy, right?

    • Why don't they use half-ceramic buckshot or ceramic bullets, or even every third bullet aluminum as those have already been proven? What's the point of just making the tip different?

    I know that the last one has a fairly easy answer, that Coinshots can't sense aluminum or ceramic and would know to get out of the way, but I think my dad's point was more about alternating materials rather than making complicated bullets. 

    Thank you!!

  8. On 10/10/2016 at 1:14 AM, Sunbird said:

    When you see one of your friends on GoodReads post this quote and you think, "Huh. That doesn't sound like something Kazan Smedry would say..." because your mind jumped to Alcatraz the minute you saw the name Kaz.

    Kaz Quote Crooked Kingdom NOT Alcatraz.png

    I read the quote before I read your comment and thought the exact same thing! :D Dare I say "great minds think alike"?

  9. 23 minutes ago, Sarevok said:

    I might have a look at that if the night shifts two weeks from now turn out to be boring. I probably won't be much, though, considering I've never done that sort of thing before.

    For the record: I haven't figured all of that out, it was a bunch of different people and their work is just awesome. Making a wiki page based on their work sorta feels like stealing their thunder. :/

    Oh, I understood that you didn't "figure that out", as you said. When I said you had it pretty well in hand, I was referring to your statement that you have looked up these things multiple times and seem to have use for them. 

    I think it would be totally fine to create a wiki about Thaylen script, and have information sourced in that thread. We're an open community, honestly. However, if you are worried about "stealing their thunder", as you said, you could probably contribute to the thread, or message a single person, asking if it would be okay to create the article. 

    If the Coppermind really is missing that article, it needs to be added in one way or another. If you don't feel comfortable using somebody else's thoughts, you could write a small page telling what is strictly canon. Sooner or later, somebody may come around and edit your work to add in the speculation part. (The women's script page has something similar going on.)

    No matter what you choose, good luck! :)

  10. On 10/1/2016 at 9:27 PM, Arraenae said:

    I've always wondered if I could Riot someone into killing themself. Now I'll get to find out. :)

    Knives work just as well on Roshar as they do on Earth. 

    In response to quote: very minor Dark Talent spoiler


    That reminds me of the Shamefiller's lenses. :) Essentially guilt something into exploding. Love it.

  11. Just wanted to try to answer your questions, in case you didn't get whatever answer you wanted. Not that you can't find this info elsewhere but I like to be thorough. 

    Yes, many of the adult series are connected in the cosmere. You don't need to read them in any order, though there sometimes is a general read-this-before-this. (One of the big ones is Warbreaker before Words of Radiance, but you can tell it didn't hamper your experience not doing that. As a side note, read Warbreaker soon, and keep in mind that WoR happens after Warbreaker.)

    Knowledge of the cosmere is an advantage when reading, and looking it up in, say, coppermind.net (our wiki), will result in spoilers. It is a lot of fun to reread the books and see things you didn't catch before, though! Read all of them quickly!

    Mistborn: The Final Empire, Well of Ascension, and Hero of Ages (in that order) are Era 1. The Alloy of Law is a standalone, but is in the same era as Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, and The Lost Metal (that last one is unpublished. Also in the right order), Era 1.5. Era 2 is planned to be set in the equivalent of American 1980s and Era 3 is going to be a futuristic. (1.5 was unplanned, which is why it is 1.5 and not 2.) Mistborn has a lot of cosmere stuff the second time 'round, when you've read some things without worrying about spoilers.

    Warbreaker has an important aspect that shows up in WoR, as well as a few worldhoppers. It's a standalone, at least right now.

    Also in the current-standalone zone is Elantris, an early work that is generally considered not as good writing-wise but still very much worth reading. It doesn't have a whole ton cosmere-wise either, besides sharing the same fundamental structure of magic and stuff. 

    There are a few short stories and novellas out. Emperor's Soul has a good explanation of that fundamental structure of magic and stuff if you're looking for it. Sixth of the Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forest of Hell, Secret History (ONLY read after Mistborn era 1!) and Edgedancer (almost published) are coming out in an anthology, Arcanum Unbounded, in November. White Sand (three volumes, only the first is out) is a graphic novel set in the cosmere that introduces a significant worldhopper.

    Also, look for Hoid. He's in every book, 'cuz he's a worldhopper (You may also know him as Wit.) 

    The rest of Sanderson's work is great, too. Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians (5 books), Reckoners trilogy (Steelheart, Firefight, and Calamity), and Rithmatist, along with some other short stories and things, are not in the cosmere but worthy reads themselves. 

    Hope I helped! Be wary of spoilers. As Sanderson plot twists are legendary and often mind blowing, people like to talk about them. Beware. :) and welcome!

  12. I'm an artist (or sort of, anyway), and so many of my ideas end up expressing themselves visually at some point. I expand upon those drawings, and as I work, little pieces of story come and connect. Some of my previous ideas insert themselves very neatly into the drawing. After that, if I want to write or expound upon it, I use the Pixar formula: Once upon a time, there was ____. Every day, ____. Until one day, ____. Because of that, ____. Because of that, ____. Until finally, ____. From there, I write the plot out like a history textbook recording the events would, without too much detail. That stews for a while in my head, and I keep making the plot more complicated. Sometimes I put it into various structures you find, like the three-act structure, or the Save the Cat beat sheet (which I love.) I figure out what the chapter breaks would be, what scenes need to be in there in which setting, what conversations need to be in the scenes, what needs to happen in those conversations. From there, it's not too much of a stretch to turn it into actual prose. 

    The real magic happens in the stewing phase. I think about it when I go to sleep, when I take showers, when I'm driving. Things just happen during then that make it work. I have a few ideas a day for stories, but I have to focus on just a few to make them work. Makes me sad but whatcanyoudo 

  13. On 9/22/2016 at 5:17 PM, Elenion said:

    I wish for a Tesla Model 3.

    Aside - my dad texted me a joke in the middle of calculus today: If you drive a Tesla and it gets stole, is it now called an Edison?

    On 9/28/2016 at 5:53 AM, ShadowLord_Lith said:

    Your bane is that you can no longer eat wheat or wheat by-products again, under penalty of them becoming three foot long, green, venomous snakes from the very lowest pits of the underworld. 

    And you forgot to wish for something! You hereby obtain all the banes that have accumulated in free parking since the last poor soul forgot to wish. 

    I wish to be an electrum compounder. (Determination would come in very handy when it comes time to do homework. I'm a horrible procrastinator.)

  14. I agree with all y'all. The issue with making movies and stuff focused on the entire series is that there's just too much source content. The plots are too storming huge. 

    Now, perhaps if we took some individual arcs and made those separate movies... There would be a lot of people feeling jipped (imagine if the only movie focusing on WoK revolved only around Kaladin and cut out Dalinar and Shallan completely, or at least partially.) I'm sure it would work, sort of. 

    One of the reasons the Marvel Cinematic Universe works so well is that each movie is its own story, and comic book characters function on a series of single plot arcs, maybe with a slightly bigger one over a few of the little ones. Sanderson series work this way, but the individual Stormlight books/characters do not. 

    Perhaps, if we really wanted a movie out there, it could be like the Lift novella coming in Arcanum Unbounded - independent and unnecessary for the main plot line but fun little gateways to Roshar on their own. 

  15. Random thought: has anybody tried graphic novel-style with actual photographs? I like how the live-action feels, because that's how it looks in my head, but I also understand production costs. So... pretty photoshopped pictures?

    In response to the TV show discussion... My favorite idea is a large-budget episodic movie. Does anybody here watch those really long Regency romances? My mom loves a lot of them, and many are actually much longer than normal movies. I guess that technically they're mini-shows or TV serials, but they're very nice watched all at once. North and South, Cranford, and Wives and Daughters all have this sort of format. North and South is 234 minutes according to Wikipedia, and it's split up into four parts. 

    Another nice option would be LoTR style - longer movies anyway in a series that may or may not correspond to one book (I'm thinking maybe parts, since each has a climax and pretty story on its own.) They could have the extended versions with Interludes and flashbacks and the whole shebang. 

  16. 24 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Mhm. It was being silly anyways. 

    I thought so. :) Sorry I sounded a little disgruntled.

    14 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    True. Really, the only time when a close-up of spheres is necessary is when Kaladin is trying to buy the bandages with dun spheres, so no glowy effects. I can't image another time when you would need to see spheres close-up, except on first introduction.

    When Teft is giving Kaladin spheres after the highstorm might merit a close-up. In addition, whoever's in charge of the cinematography may have some close-ups on transactions or other bits. 

  17. Good thread idea. :)

    Being a female millennial in Utah, I had a lot of girl-geared low-fantasy authors to choose from: Shannon Hale, Jessica Day George, Gail Carson Levine, and ED Baker. That doesn't even mention authors like Brandon Mull and Rick Riordan and JK Rowling that were (and are) very popular among like-minded kids my age. The ones I loved the most had imaginative worlds that may have jumped off of typical fantasy tropes, as in they included dragons and elves and things, but each was just a little different.

    What I took from those is that the worldbuilding doesn't need to be too extensive in fantasy or sci-fi stories. It should have a unique flair, though, and the characters and plot should interact with the world extensively. My favorite plot points hinged on the world points, special or not.

    (If you want some really interesting stuff, the Frog Princess books by ED Baker are really weird and fun)

  18. 5 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Also what gore? Last I checked, Shardblades made very little. :P

    But Parshendi don't use Shards on most of their battles. I recall lots of bridgemen dying and being trampled and shot and, in general, bleeding. But I suppose I would amend my statement about the gore, since you don't really see a whole ton except in the heat of the battle. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Naturally. We'll get a beautiful episode of Szeth assassinating Gavilar, with epic special effects for the lashings, shardblades, and stormlight in general... then we'll get low-key ones for the rest of the season.

    Unless the prelude is the first.


    Never mind. That's not long enough. The prelude could be a special trailer. And the first-episode-pretty-special-effects-very-little-for-the-rest-of-the-season would work well for part one of WoK, since the biggest need for computerized effects for that bit would be the scenery for the Shattered Plains and little glowing spheres. And highstorms. And some of the animals. Practical effects would probably run out of budget after just the Parshendi and gore.


    14 hours ago, PantsForSquares said:

    The bane-ana is alright - kinda like that one guy who just saw the world upside down. I'll get used to it, I suppose.

    That's kinda what I was going for, actually. Baxil implies in his interlude that most banes can be lived with and hidden. I try to sort of aim for that

    12 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

    I wish to become CEO of Microsoft, so that I can do the world a service and make Age of Empires 4.

    Granted. Satya Nadella (the current CEO) mysteriously contracts a fatal disease. His last words are recorded and broadcasted live - "Lord... of... Awesome... is my... heir... Give him... carte... blanche..." He then dies and you become CEO. Somehow it even works out legally. You make Age of Empires 4.

    Your bane is that the public is now prejudiced against you. The game is everything you wanted it to be and more, but everybody hates it. Due to your leadership, everyone does their best to switch to Linux or MacOS and Microsoft spirals, causing a horrible PC OS monopoly by Apple.

    I wish for a few time management suggestions.

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