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Posts posted by phattemer

  1. Both of those sound awesome! I haven't read the books associated with the Dreaming though, what are they?

    Herowannabe, with the Extendable Arc Welder droid ability, you say


    Extendable Arc Welder- private

    A droid with this attachment may use it during any Bay cycle to cancel the vote of any one player. To use this power, just PM the GM your target each Bay cycle. NOTE: this will not stop the Enraged Wookie ability.


    What is the Enraged Wookie ability? And why would cancelling a vote affect either a vote that doesn't count or a attacker's death?

  2. Yeah, but she doesn't have atium. I also went with Vin, but with the condition that she has all 16 metals, not just the 9 she knows about and is allowed to have based on the original post. I mean, bendalloy? Chromium? Aluminum? We don't really know how those affect other Investiture systems, but we DO know that they do. Chromium! Szeth falls out of the sky... (bendalloy) in slow motion... (duralumin brass) Szeth loses all emotions internally as well... (duralumin pewter + steel) he falls, dead by sheets of metal. There is the problem that he can heal with Stormlight, but maybe Vin has aluminum knives now?

  3. I'm new at this, so correct me if I do anything overly stupid.

    I'm intering as Thraim Frothginton, a very vocal person, especial if he's been drinking

    Edit: which he does a lot.

    Welcome to Sanderson Elimination! Reading previous games is a great idea for improvement, as well as the google docs, which GMs usually make available.


    Unfortunately, looks like this game I won't have any eliminator to blab to.

  4. "Oh yes, it was no problem, no problem at all. And about the signature, that one has to stay on the contract, just so you don't sue us, but would you mind signing this piece of paper for my collection?" Seixa grinned winningly.

  5. Seixa interrupted, looking smug. "There will be no payment necessary, My Lady. The fact that we have helped you will suffice, and that I finally collected your signature. I have many of the greats, but have never been able to get yours."

  6. "Standard tricks of the trade. If I say it's not routine, then a smart customer, like Queen Elsa, can tell I'm overcharging. But if I put my skills as an actor to work and look worried, while assuring her that everything is fine, her gratitude at a specialist who can safely remove it will be boundless. Check the unofficial (as of yet) rules that I nailed to the door. I know you've only adopted three, but take a look, at the last one especially." Seixa replied.

  7. "You are very welcome. I see that you obviously needed our assistance, but we can discuss the small matter of remuneration after Dr. Rab and I save your lives. Now, to business. Where exactly were you spiked? And with what?" Winter stepped up. "It's like a regular spike, but for Rayse, not Ati." Seixa looked surprised for a minute, but quickly suppressed it. "I haven't seen one of those since... er, yesterday! Routine operation, at least for someone of my skills. I could just pull it out, but that might leave you with some... let's say, side effects.They may include nausea, fatigue, blindness, permanent paralysis of the entire body and mind, loss of limbs, defenestration, bankruptcy, etc..  Just sign here." Seixa produced a white box from somewhere up his sleeve. Wait, that was paper. He opened it to the last page, pulled out a ink pot and a highly elaborate feather quill as tall as he was, covered in glitter and feathers that made everyone sneeze, and motioned for the Queen's signature. "Oh this? Don't worry, it's just regular boilerplate. The legal doctors among us insisted, myself included.Except for page 253, in which you swear allegiance to the Guild of Doctors and promise to always come to their aid, do their laundry, collect their children from sports practices, take bullets, give money, and provide anything a Doctor, whom you shall recognize by the signal "Oorlo..." will need.

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