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Everything posted by rasinrice

  1. Thanks for all the comments guys! Wow and I just saw that on Brandon Sanderson's blog, that is so exciting
  2. Ooh yeah, thanks for the clarification. That was actually a clip from the movie the Fog. It isn't waves, but the fog rolling in from the ocean. I used it because I thought it looked like the mist coming in when the sun went down. I watched it again though, and I can definitely see where the confusion comes in. You know, I am thinking I may want to come back and cut a more polished version of the trailer. If you guys can think of any movies that have visuals that reflect the book, let me know! That was by far the hardest part for me. It would be cool if we could get some more ideas out there and then I will edit something that is more tailored to the books and the story it involves. What do you guys think?
  3. The waves? At what part?
  4. Thanks! The clip with the discs is from underworld. And I've got to say, the shot with the plants...lol...honestly I don't know how that slipped past me.
  5. Thanks for the comments! and I agree firstRainbowRose, the outfits drove me crazy too! I wanted to use Ellen Page as Vin but she is just not in any period pieces (at least that I know of) that would lend the clothing to a more mistborn look. So I tried to use tighter shots...ah well.
  6. So all this talk about a potential Mistborn movie made me want to make a fan trailer. I hope you guys are willing to check it out! I tried to stay true to the book, but it was pretty difficult since the world is so unique. Let me know what you think Feel free to be critical (constructive is preferred), it was done out of fun, and just wanted to share with fellow fans. Enjoy!
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