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    i am father to my only son, a fiencee to my loving girl, a stonemason, a manchester united supporter and o lover of quality masterful storytelling.

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  1. I subscribe to AudibleUK myself. Maybe it's different but I can't find a KKC book narrated by anyone else. The only other audio books I've listened to are from iTunes but not many.
  2. Rupert Degas reads the kingkiller chronicles and is excellent. My favourite infact. The way he seems to be able to imitate actual actors is great for creating the scene in your mind. Saying that I would listen to pretty much anything narrated by Kramer and Kate Reading. I first listened to Kramer with 'the final empire' and took a little while to get used to that deep dark voice when he's not reading lines of character but the guy is quality. It pleases me that he continues to read BS's books and I think he should do more. It also pleases me that he narrates WoT with Kate. It's made getting through book 7-9 a bit easier. Although with the amount that's going on in them with characters all over the place I'm not surprised they going so slow.
  3. I'm back on WoT, took a break after struggling with the first 4 books but enjoyed FoH and almost through LoC. I'll keep going as well I think.
  4. Because of how epic this series is. I'm putting down and picking up the eye of the world. Starting again.
  5. enjoying the fires of heaven at present. The first of the WoT series were i haven't wanted to put the book down
  6. Ha, I meant I've read half of warbreaker. tWoK's was the first Sanderson book I read on recommendation, WoR inevitably followed. But I wasn't left thinking I was missing something, just an urge for the next instalment. Thanks for tip, no doubt I'll go back to warbreaker and find myself going "huh, cool". But SoS is different, it's almost as if I'm in the dark.
  7. I've enjoyed reading this thread almost as much SoS. It has enlightened me to the fact that I don't know enough about the Cosmere to have picked up on some of the finer points toward the end that would probably of made the story better for one who does. Obviously I've heard of shards and not just the shards of Roshar, and I'm guessing the well of Ascension is a shard pool. Someone was going on about a character called Lyatel. Who is this. Would the general opinion be that it would of been worth while to have read all the Cosmere novels to be able to have picked up on certain things? Cosmere novels I've yet to read: Elantris 1/2 warbreaker And the novellas Apart from Hoid doing the odd bit of world hopping, this is the first time there has been a cross over that has left me confused and I can only think that maybe it's because I haven't read all of the above before hand.
  8. And you put him as number 10... To be fair, they did sight that it was in no particular order
  9. Kaladin was told of the so called squires of the Knights Radiant by Teft once szeth had been slain. Explaining that's probably why a few members of bridge 4 were "glowing". Obviously it isn't proof that Lopen isn't a surge binder but I think it's safe to assume that the members of bridge 4 that can consume stormlight will be Kaladins' squire's.
  10. I'm looking at maybe starting Pratchett. Now apart from Discworld, which other series would be a recommended start?
  11. I'm looking at maybe starting Pratchett. Now apart from Discworld, which other series would be a recommended start?
  12. I'm looking at maybe starting Pratchett. Now apart from Discworld, which other series would be a recommended start?
  13. I'm looking at maybe starting Pratchett. Now apart from Discworld, which other series would be a recommended start?
  14. Just finished the republic of thieves. I enjoyed the it as much to say I just enjoy the feel of the world and characters created by Scott Lynch, the humour he uses is very much to my taste. The way it ended though for me was a bit... meh. But if there is to be 7 books in the series then I guess there's plenty room for more Locke!
  15. Currently in the middle of the republic of thieves. I must say I'm finding it just as entertaining as the first two gentleman bastards instalments.
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