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Titan Arum

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Article Comments posted by Titan Arum

  1. Well this is what happens when an Australian talks about US geography. :P

    How can the largest city not be the capital? 

    Kaymyth has the right of it. Another example: Sacramento is the capital of CA. Not LA. Not San Francisco.


    Part of the reason Washington, DC was made the final capital of the US (Philadelphia and New York were both former capitals) was it's central location to the states at the time. The other reason being they wanted to develop a city that was just the capital. It was more or less built from scratch and planned accordingly (by a French-born American, L'enfant, no less!), with the diagonal state-named roads heading towards the Capitol converging to form circles and squares that were easy to defend in all directions with canon.


    Now if only DC could get statehood so that my vote matters. Our license plates in DC have a tagline that says "Taxation Without Representation"...eerily similar to the call of the Revolutionaries!


    I always wondered why Canberra was the capital. Making it neutral ground between two of the biggest cities makes sense. If I were to visit Australia, where should one go assuming they will already go to Sydney and Uluru? I have always wanted to go up to Darwin and the Far North of Queensland to look for Rainbowfish...sort of a hobby of mine. 

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