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About Pupper

  • Birthday October 22

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  • Member Title
    Probably lurking around the forums.
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  • Location
    USA, Texas.

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  1. Well... this is probably not going to do much as we're pretty much doomed, but why not. Willa.
  2. Alright. time to break this tie. Alim. If it really was Joe that asked if he was tapping awhile back, then he's probably more likely. I'm sorry Alim if you are innocent, but we can't afford another tie.
  3. You need to green the original vote too, otherwise it doesn't count. Also on the subject of Malliw, Joe asked if he was tapping in that little chatbox on the website awhile ago, so it seems he's a target, even though that was not for this night cycle.
  4. Well... Redacted no longer looks like a word after that... And I'm sorry for being inactive, I kind of have a habit of just lurking on things and never posting which isn't exactly helpful on here. In the writeup, it seems the player who was body snatched tonight is male. Not sure if that's any help. Kind of getting late, and I've had a long day, so I'll post more tomorrow
  5. I'd guess they are avoiding the more active players, which puts me into the category of being in danger. What I'm wondering is where Kamden is. I don't think he's posted since the game started.
  6. I would expect the Kandra to go to a quieter player without any suspicion on them. I don't see why they'd steal someone's body who has suspicion on them, so there's that.
  7. Alright, So we know a Kandra is in the body of whoever the Tineye was, but I have no idea who that was. If anyone has anything on who the Tineye might be, go ahead and say something.
  8. Oh dang that sucks. Hopefully you get better soon!
  9. I'm sorry I haven't been too active, have had a lot on my mind (Rather not go into it), but I can understand why I seem suspicious. I have no powers, so know that if I do get Lynched, you won't be losing anyone with a power. And I would have responded sooner, but I was busy all day yesterday and most of today. Next game I join I'll try to be more active.
  10. I'm going to go ahead and vote Peng, as said before he's not being active at all.
  11. I haven't been posting a whole lot because I got nothing. Seems to me all we can do is just kill off someone randomly, and hope for the best. Which I would rather not do, but we shouldn't just waste this day cycle. If anyone has anything, speaking up would be nice. Also, Teen Titans reference? I haven't seen the show.
  12. Terra sat in a chair on the porch of her new home in Elendel, as she watched the city. It was interesting. The day she arrived to Elendel, chaos took the city. Terra had been planning to come to Elendel for almost a year. She had set up herself as the new house lord to the Aurelia house,a small noble house from one of the smaller cities, who had come to Elendel recently. With all the chaos recently, and most of the people leaving the city, it wasn't hard for her to get a spot of power in the city. She wanted to see what happened with all of this, even if she gains nothing else from it. I'm not sure what to add to the discussion, as we really don't have much information so far. Going to get interesting on the later days, though.
  13. I'm going to just vote to not kill anyone, as we have no information outside of which faction everyone is in.
  14. So, since it's gonna be awhile until we start, I decided to do some RP. I'm not the best writer, but oh well. Terra looked down the iron-sights of her pistol, aiming at the target. She fired, and the sound of the gunshot filled her ears. The bullet hole was right in the center of the target. Terra figured it wouldn't hurt to get some practice in before heading off to Elendel, as one needed to know how to defend their self. Anyone who didn't would most likely end up bleeding out in a cold, dark alleyway. Or that's at least what her mother had said, before she died of an illness, around 3 years ago. Since then, Terra had given up on anyone people considered "Good", as no one had helped her or her mother when she was ill, while Terra barely had enough money to feed herself much less take care of someone who was deathly ill. Terra had taken to stealing to survive. She didn't feel bad about it, though. No one helped her when she was starving, so they did not deserve her kindness. She wasn't afraid to kill, but she avoided it when possible. It was much too messy. Terra preferred to sneak in the shadows, leaving no traces that she had been there. Most of the time, she got in and out without any problems, getting rather rich in the process. But, one time she was stealing from a noble's home, she got caught by a guard. That guard had ended up destroying her left eye with a sword, but Terra killed him quickly after. Terra now wore an eye patch, covering her damaged eye. Since then, she had never been caught. Terra shot 10 more bullets, all of them hitting the center. She put the gun back in her hidden holster, and went back to her home, to finish getting ready to head to Elendel.
  15. That doc is going to be really interesting to read after this is over. (Yes, I will read all of it. I don't care how long it is ) I will probably be joining more games after this, so expect me to be around for awhile! Looked like a lot of fun while I was lurking, and this opening up finally made me come out of my constant lurking. Let's just hope I don't die instantly, knowing me, that will probably happen.
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