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Image Comments posted by Lyraina

  1. 5 hours ago, Spren of Kindness said:

    Is it okay if I use this as my profile picture?  Because it's absolutely gorgeous!

    Thank you! Yes you can use it as an avatar, but I'd appreciate if you can credit me somewhere in your profile. :)

  2. On 04/08/2017 at 10:07 AM, Darkness Ascendant said:

    Iridescent Tomes! :o That's awesome

    Thank you! :D

    On 04/08/2017 at 4:14 PM, ccstat said:

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing these. Let us know how this works out in your portfolio. Are you actively applying for something?

    Thank you! People seemed to like the project but job wise, only time will tell! I am applying regularly to job offers I see (animation and games industry), but not desperately so, as I am enjoying freelance life as well. It's a hard industry to break into so I will just have to improve, do more projects, and keep applying :)

    19 hours ago, winter devotion said:

    dang this is lovely


  3. 3 hours ago, Landis963 said:

    Interestingly, it doesn't quite fit the hospital room connection with everything as it is in the diagram - but you can very easily see how his doctors, while trying to make his chambers a suitable operating theater, might make it so.  (Remove the plants, for example, and 90% of the room is suddenly devoid of color.  Remove the black lacquered furniture, and that 90% suddenly becomes grey and white)  I'd love to see this in movie form.  

    Ah, I thought you were referring to the hospital room more as a general feeling. The specifics obviously don't match, because I didn't intend it to be one! And I agree, I would love to see this as a movie or short film :D

  4. 1 hour ago, Landis963 said:

    Maybe the palace gets remodeled every time a faction rises to power?  And Shai's room was overlooked because before it's literally the worst guest room the palace has on offer, so the purple-ish coloring is a remnant of whichever faction was in power 3 or 4 emperors ago?  

    That would be a possibility, yes :)


  5. 4 hours ago, Windrunner said:

    These are lovely, I've really been enjoying seeing the Imperial Palace brought to life! Thanks for sharing them:)

    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them - there will be one more!

    1 hour ago, Landis963 said:

    Absolutely gorgeous!  And it captures the feeling of Ashravan's rooms exactly like Shai describes it - the whites and silvers and greys evoke a hospital room, and the positioning of the bed is more practical for displaying a body in state than for sleeping, the design of it more like a shrine than a bed.  

    Thank you! Hospital room is an interesting connection here, not something I aimed for - but I guess given the circumstances here it does work!

  6. 1 hour ago, Landis963 said:

    I'm not certain that Forgery works that way, exactly - what she did with that particular alteration is retcon the construction of both rooms so her room is larger and is furnished with a hearth.  Furthermore, I suspect those two changes are the products of different stamps.  In any event, what Forgery cannot do is create Cognitive presences from scratch - and I spy upwards of 9 different objects which don't have counterparts in the before picture, but now exist and therefore have a presence in the Cognitive Realm.  

    Then again, Shai is a Forging master who created a nigh-seamless AI copy of a living human from (basically) scratch within a quarter of a year, as well as a master con artist who was basically one step ahead of her captors for the entirety of her captivity.  It's well within the realm of possibility that she simply asked her guards for more things to Forge.  For example, that table with the cards on it was undoubtedly brought by the guards to while away yet another boring shift in Shai's room.  

    Maybe you are right. Maybe you are not. Maybe she found some more fragments of an object in the corner, or stole another item from the hallways on her way back from a bath, like she stole the vase. In the end I choose to go with the visually more pleasing version, which from my interpretation of the book is not an impossibility in this case. I do appreciate you actually taking the time to analyse and count my pictures this closely though!


  7. On 2.7.2017 at 6:14 PM, Landis963 said:

    Speaking of "each and every furniture":  Where did the accoutrements around the hearth come from?  The vases, the dustpan, the folding screen?  Also several other bits of furniture that materialize from the aether between the before and after pictures.  

    She has to break down the wall to the next room, which is a storage room - and in the process even manages to find material for a hearth. So given that information, I am pretty sure there will be some old clutter in that other part of room that she can get her hands on for some additional furniture as well. :)

  8. On 14.7.2017 at 7:44 PM, Landis963 said:

    I noticed that the color scheme changes inside and outside Shai's door (even before she Forges it).  What do you suppose is the rationale for that?  

    Good catch! Half of it is probably the light, as I painted the "shabby" room in cold lighting, and the other half is ... I could make up something like "they wouldn't design every room exactly the same style, even in the same wing, because that would be boring". But in truth you really just caught me here, I designed Shai's rooms first, and the corridors second, without thinking it through well enough - I was more focused on making Shai's wing look different from Ashravan's. So thanks for pointing that out - some visual anchor would have been really important here (for the "before" version at least)! With the emperor's quarters I actually did just that - make them coherent. Oops. :)

  9. On 13.6.2017 at 6:27 AM, Landis963 said:

    It is indeed beautiful.  I love what you did with the wallpaper.  However, something I immediately noticed:  Shai's bed is in an inopportune spot for Zu to crash through it during Shai's escape attempt.  (Or for Shai to "cower" behind it when Zu tries to kill her)

    That's a good point. I did not think of this at all! Oops!

  10. On 11.6.2017 at 7:04 AM, Landis963 said:

    The illustration with Gaotona?  I presume you mean of the scene where Shai Forges the mural into the wall?  (I seem to recall that said mural was "the last thing [Shai] wanted to do for the room.")

    I mean this one, I also set it in the time after she already forged most of her surroundings into nicer versions:


    On 6.6.2017 at 7:21 PM, Ecthelion III said:

    Let the upvotes come rolling in!

    Aww, thank you :D 

  11. On 1.6.2017 at 0:56 AM, Parttimedragon said:

    Ah I love your visdev! Especially the environments, Absolutely stunning.

    Sorry arty question, do all your environment start out in the grey format before adding of colour? Sorry, just super keen to see how you went about it.

    Love it so much. Art frothing.

    Thank you! I usually start in color right away, if I intend on making them colored that is (as opposed to just lineart). That way, it is easier for me to get the mood right. When starting in greyscale and applying colors later, it never turns out as nice as if I start with colors right away.

  12. On 22.5.2017 at 0:36 PM, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

    Definitely awesome.

    Thank you!

    On 22.5.2017 at 1:44 PM, Darkness Ascendant said:

    that is sweet

    Would be really cool seeing your ideas come to life in a video game or something :D 

    Thanks! I would love that, haha! Video game, or a short animated movie might work too I guess!

    On 23.5.2017 at 2:04 AM, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

    This is really impressive.

    Thanks :)

    On 23.5.2017 at 0:25 PM, Alfa said:

    Absolutely impressive! Upvote. Wouild give two if able.

    Noticed a small (not really important) part: wasn't there something regarding an aluminium (or however it is called in the Rosean Empire) wall behind the stones?

    Thank you! Yes there is... well, Landis already explained it, basically :) I could've put it in the "cell" drawing, but I actually imagine the rocks to be thicker than the part shown in the sketch, and the ralkalest lining being *behind* that.

    On 24.5.2017 at 3:24 AM, Landis963 said:

    There was a thin sheet of ralkalest (read: aluminum/aluminium) supposedly encasing each of the cells designed for Forging.  However, in this concept there's no reason for the aluminum security blanket to ever be rendered.  Maybe, during Shai's summation of her escape plan, will the rocks be pulled away to showcase the metal wall behind it, but that's the only reason I can think of for that piece to ever come up.  (And even then, it wouldn't be a full cylinder, like the cell itself - it'd just be the patch where the stones were pulled away)  

    Thanks for explaining :)

  13. On 20.5.2017 at 0:48 AM, CarolaDavar said:

    This is amazing and beautiful. It's so well done and you have great attention to detail. Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks so much :) Glad you like the detail, I did try to pay special attention to everything I put in the scene.

    On 20.5.2017 at 5:14 AM, Ecthelion III said:

    Beautiful, amazing job!

    Thank you!

    7 hours ago, ccstat said:

    I really love this one! Quite possibly my favorite Shai fanart yet. (It's absolutley in the top three, but I have a really hard time choosing favorites.)

    Aww thank you! No need to choose, one can like more than one thing, right? :lol:

    6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    Woah that is simply incredible :o

    *grumbles about how everyone seems to be amazing at art >>

    That is seriously some top notch stuff

    Why thank you~ for whatever it is worth, that feeling never goes away!

  14. On 14.11.2016 at 4:09 AM, Emmabug said:

    This has been my iPhone lock screen for a long time! It is my favorite Kaladin picture! Syl is exactly how I saw her in the book!

    Emmabug, this is a super late reply on my part because when I first saw your comment I was out of the country and didn't have my login with me. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your kind words, I feel very honored that you'd choose my painting as your phone lock screen! Glad you enjoy it :)

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