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  1. I just finished the first book of Sandman by Neil Gaiman. I've always been impressed by the few books that I have read by him, and I've heard a lot of good things about the comics on here so I thought I'd give it a try. It was very good. I didn't really think it was scary, but after putting the book down for a while it started to feel very disturbing. I'll keep reading as my mood suits me I guess.

    I want to read the next powdermage, but can't make it to the good library to pick it up any time soon. At the moment I'm reading a book about Turkish culture and history, and it's good, but I want some fantasy or sci fi.

  2. Just now, StormingTexan said:

    So I stopped after Children. There are many times I think I should pick it back up. The Dune universe is almost haunting and it's killed me sometimes to think I've never seen how it ends (does it end?). I've read a few people's reviews that say you really should just stop after Dune and then just imagine the rest how ever you want. 

    I know the feeling. So far, having read the six Frank Herbert books, there isn't a proper ending. After Children each book ends, and I want to stop, but I can't because too much was teased and I just have a horrible ache in me wanting to know where the universe is going. Whenever I recommend Dune to people I always tell them to only read the first book. There's no need for them to try to get into the rest and then get pulled along in this agony that I've been going through for the past three years as I fight myself on whether or not to keep reading. 

  3. I finished Chapterhouse Dune. It was actually quite a bit better than I was expecting. I'm frustrated by the lack of a conclusive ending, because it makes me want to start reading the sequels that Brain Herbert wrote. I'm not actually interested in reading Brian's work though. I'm probably going to end up reading some, because there's something in me that really wants an end to the saga. A full explanation of the true purpose of the Golden Path, the effects of the Cyborg, and the final reprucussions of the Scattering. Ugghh....I should have just quit reading after Dune because I'm sure there's not going to be an ending that will satisfy me. 


  4. Flash: 


    I really liked this episode except for a few things. I don't get where the villain came from, aside from the future obviously. Like, why is he so far back in time, and if he's from so far in the future why is he an enemy with this Flash? 
    Caitlyn's abrupt crash at the end of the episode felt very, very out of no where. I get that she needs to turn back to Killer Frost, but why not have her transform after the initial surgery started to fail, not after the surgery works, she stabilizes, and then that weird crash. 

    But those are nitpicks. I just bring them up because those little flaws in writing bother me and break my suspension of reality. 

    Cisco and Gypsy I liked, and I'm wondering if Gypsy's partner was Cisco's doppleganger on Earth 19. 

    No H.R. almost the whole episode, very little Kid Flash too. I get why they minimized Wally to just helping Barry capture the Abra Kadabra, but I'm curious if HR's absence is foreshadowing of something. 

    Since we're likely to get an answer to Who is Savitar next episode, I'm going to lock in my final guess. HR, or possibly an evil version of Kid Flash. I think it's slightly possible that it's an evil version of Earth 2 Flash, but I don't think it is. I really don't think that it's Julian, since he's already been revealed as Alchemy.  



    I love it when Rip is doing something unique. I honestly think he's at his best when he's not trying to be all Wise Captain and he's just having fun. 

    They really did a much better job on this episode than I thought they would. Mick's redemption made me so proud of the big guy, and the interplay between the Legion was a lot of fun. Nate's basement and his mum's sandwiches were beautiful. I'm really looking forward to the finale next week and seeing how everything goes down. 



    Dang bruh, Arrow really has actually gotten good again. I loved Diggle's time with Oliver. I'm impressed with the way they had the team working on several different threads working to take down Chase and then tied it all together into a perfect solution. Just unmask the villain and get law enforcement on him. Oliver and Anatolly...I really feel bad for Anattolly. He wants to be a good man so badly, but he's had five years of having to make impossible decisions in an organization that doesn't want him to be a good man. I would watch a spin off show on Anatolly. 

    I'm really confused about where this Helix storyline is going. If they end up being the season finale villain, I'm going to be crazy dissapointed. But It would also be really weird pacing wise to spend a couple episodes now taking them down before a big show down with Chase. Mayhaps they team up for the finale and it's only with Ragman's help that the team pulls through. 

    Chase's performance as a villain has definitely grown on me. His brooding manipulations and obsessiveness, while also understanding Oliver at a very deep level, really give him the kind of charisma that Dhark never quite had and Ra's never approached. 


  5. For those who have read Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Wiliams, he wrote a novella to bridge the original books to the upcoming books. The novella is The Heart of What was Lost, and was really good. 

    I'll also mention Patrick Rothfuss's polarizing A Slow Regard for Silent Things, a quircky little book about one of the side characters in the Kingkiller Chronicles. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Koldun said:

    I'm currently reading Grace of Kings, Riyria Revelations, and the Red Rising Trilogy.

    Upvote for Red Rising. 

    I'm approximately a third of the way into Chapterhouse Dune. It's pretty meh so far. It hasn't gotten as disturbing or weird as Children of Dune, but it's not especially good either. I guess the best comparison is that it's like God Emperor, but with a lot more characters/conflicts, but none are really that interesting.  

  7. 2 hours ago, A Budgie said:

    I'm currently watching The Librarians. Quite a fun series.

    I want to watch this just because it's got one of the guys from Leverage in it, but alas, Netflix doesn't have it.

    I'm on Cheers season 10. Help. I've almost finished it. I don't know what I'll do when I finish it. It'll be like Norm without his stool at the bar, or Cliff without encyclopedias and trivia books. :(

  8. I finished the Earthsea trilogy yesterday! Wow, Ursula Leguin has to be one of the most underrated fantasy authors of her time. Her work was far better than anything that Brooks, McCaffry, or Goodkind put out. I mean, set aside the fact that the books are fantastic, Sparrowhawk is black, the priestess of Atuan was a vulnerable but strong female character, Sparrowhawk is awesome not because he kills dragons but because he can talk with them safely. How on earth are these books not considered as important as Middle Earth, Pern, and WoT? 


  9. 7 hours ago, AngelEy3 said:

    Two thumbs up! Two of my favorite RPGs ever. 

    Ugh... Telos has some really slow parts, doesn't it? My last playthrough I got stuck where you get attacked coming back to the ship without your main character on the planet that you either get Mira or Hanharr on. Can't remember the name just now. 

    Nar Shadda. There are parts of that planet that I love, and then there are parts that I hate almost as much as Peragus and Telos. I'm almost halfway through Onderon/Dxun and have made my lightsaber-double bladed- but haven't jedi fied any of my companions yet. I'm trying to take a non-jedi order light side approach, while still spamming force lightning at anything that moves :D 

  10. On 3/22/2017 at 2:08 PM, Quiver said:

    Semi-rambling side note: I wonder what the "original" Arrowverse timeline looked like.

    Anything else jump out at anyone?

    Well, Supergirl wouldn't know about Earth...er, 1? Which earth are we on right now hahaha? Earth 1 version 5?

    The Aliens crossover invasion would go very differently. I assume Firestorm, perhaps the Hawks, Ray, and Team Arrow would still fight the aliens, but without Cisco's vibes and Flash's speed....I don't know, I can't imagine it would go well. Although maybe the invasion wouldn't have happened in the original timeline in the first place. 


    Alright, I finished catching up this afternoon. 



    Hey hey, I like it. Mostly. Everything in the musical worked very well. Stein, Kara, and Merlyn all made excellent appearences. It was also cool for me to see Martian Manhunter in action without having to watch Supergirl. 

    The idea of Music Meister is neat, but maybe not executed as well as it could have? I don't know what he's like in the comics, but his kind of Hoidish vibe was interesting. I just don't understand why he does what he does, and maybe I'm not supposed to, but it was confusing. 

    I did not like the end, the whole Barry (obviously faking it) seranading Iris and her being like, Oh yeah, you can sing, LETS GET MARRIED. Ummm...At least in my experience, that's not how real relationships work. 



    I loved this episode, so much happened, and it rocked. Mick finally cracked and broke with the team, Snart is resurected from pre legends timeline, and the staff is reunited, and then stolen. 

    First, Mick broke my heart. I was worried about this....I've really grown fond of him....he's gonna die isn't he:( 

    Second, Snart coming back wasn't neccesarily as cool as I thought it would be. I was expecting more from it. I guess I was expecting them to rescue him from some kind of frozen time zone, not evil snart to reappear. 

    Tolkien and WW I, well done. 

    As a religious person I really like that they're gonna respect the time around Christ and not mess with that. If they did it would probably make me pretty uncomfortable, and I appreciate that they'll leave it at kind of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade levels. 



    Woah:o I did not see all that coming. That got DARK. It's making me rethink the entire first season. I mean...woah. 

    Ummm, yeah, good episode. Little messed up. But dang, Arrow just had its best episode in seasons. 


  11. I've started book three of Earthsea. I'm really impressed with the first two books, I've read books similar in spirit but not written so skillfully and I really respect Ursula Leguin for that. 

    I'm hoping to get a hold of Sins of Empire soon, but it may take me a few weeks. I really want to read Chapterhouse Dune, except that I keep picking it up and start reading and then want to put it straight back down. I'm also about to start reading a book about modern Turkey's culture and customs. 

  12. So crazy news everyone, Netflix is making an American version of Death Note. They just released the trailer, link Here . 
    For those of you who don't know what Deathnote is, it's one of the most famous manga/anime and is probably the most famous manga/anime pyschological crime series. It's about a young high school grad with a supreme sense of justice who is suddenly given a notebook. If he writes a person's name into the notebook, that person will die. He decides to use his new power for good, or at least what he sees as good. 

    I'm hopeful about this remake. I didn't especially like the anime, but this trailer looks promising. There's a lot of ways they could screw it up, but Netflix has a good record with grim psychological shows/films. At the moment I'm looking forward to it  more than Ghost in the Shell anyway. 

  13. Alright, so I'm going to rush in my reviews before this week's episodes. I meant to do it over the weekend but was too busy...But it was a fun busy :)





    I'm pretty satisfied with how Savitar is coming back into the world. I was a little worried that the writers would get lazy with it and make it feel really cheap, but it was actually well done. Wally's emotional conflicts, that largely come from Barry's crap, made a good motive to try and beat Savitar. Savitar being several steps ahead and masterminding his own rescue worked better than I thought it would as well. 

    Rescuing Wally was cool. I love it whenever the Speed Force starts taking on an active role in correcting Barry's screw ups. 

    My problem is that right now the show is still being more depressing than positive. Flash is at its best when there's positivity and optimism. I mostly blame the current situation on the writers forcing the Barry/Iris romance. Barry has been obsessive, creepy, and the relationship seems really unhealthy. Again, I'm still bitter that Patty didn't work out. 

    Still, this season has improved and is definitely better than season 2. The musical crossover will be fun to watch! 




    Prof. Stein spontaneously breaking into a pub song. Ray geeking out on the moon. Rip realizes that Sara is by far a better captain and doesn't try to take over. Amaya learns the truth and realizes that the awkward romance going on isn't going to work out very well. 
    YES!!!! There's not much that I don't like about this season, and this episode shows why. The villains are excellent, the protagonists work well together, and the writers are having such a fun time with it all. It all just makes the show a ton of fun. 

    I'm really excited that Snart is finally coming back, and the fact that they're going back to the vanishing point to do it makes a lot of sense. 

    So I'm looking forward to season three and thinking about changes I hope to see. 
    Amaya will obviously be leaving, but I could see Vixen taking her place. It won't be a big deal to me since I'm not overly attached to Amaya, but I do hope that whoever replaces her continues to be a uniquely strong woman. Maybe Gideon could become a fully embodied Legend. 

    I'm also getting hints that Stein might die by the end of this season. I'm not sure how that would affect Firestorm, and I really love Stein, so I'm worried about it. 

    If I had to choose one character to lose for season 3, I would be tied between Ray and Nathan. They're good together, but sepperately I don't enjoy either one very much. Nathan gives off a very arrogant dude bro vibe, while still apparently a nerd, and it doesn't work for me. Than Ray has always been a male Felicity, and I'm tired of it by now. 
    So who would I want as replacements? Constantine would obviously be great, and he would bring a very unique set of skills to the table. He's also gotten his own little cartoon on the CW seed, so I could see it happening. They could poach Tom Feldman from Flash if he leaves after Flash season 3, or Ragman/Rory if he quits team arrow. Of the heroes in the DC universe that I'd like to see introduced, Nightwing and Greenlantern are the only two off of the top of my head that I'd like to see. Nightwing would obviously be a problem since Batman so far has been excluded entirely from the multiverse, and I would expect Greenlantern to appear in Supergirl, not Legends. 



    Awhhh...First, I was wrong. Adrian is prometheus, not Tommy. 
    Second, Adrian had a lot more charisma as DA than as prometheus. 

    I'm really not getting where Felicity/Helix storyline is going. 

    Seriously, couldn't they just have Cisco open a breach and toss Adrian into a volcano? There's got to be a better way of doing this than another eight episode sequence worrying about how to take down the villain. Damian Darkh was bad enough. 


  14. 1 hour ago, Mr. Staccato said:

    Oh my God, you're mom is awesome. Me however - I'm currently playing ObsCure, ObsCure: The Aftermath, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, an english translation of Nanashi no Game on the DS, and as soon as I'm done with any of those I'm going to go back to playing the original Fatal Frame and maybe Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. If none of you hear from me in the next couple of days, then that's probably because I've suffered from a heart attack or a caffeine crash of epic proportions.

    Whoops, nope, typo. *im* still playing FE H. My mum only uses her phone to play solitaire. 

  15. I tried Supergirl, but I couldn't make it past the first few episodes of season one. I've heard season two is much better, but I still haven't felt the need to watch it. 


    My reviews for the shows will will be written after this week's episodes. I ran out of time last week, and I would really like to see how events pan out before I comment since all three shows had major events. 

  16. 11 minutes ago, maxal said:

    I am really fond of the Rithmatist: I think it gets much less hype than Brandon's other books. I thought it was an intelligent well-thought YA story with an intriguing magic system. I found myself looking at those pictures rather intensely. Also, it avoided everything I disliked about the Reckoners. 

    It is a good book, but unlike Alcatraz, it lacks appeal for a lot of older readers. Out of all of Sanderson's books it is the most kid targeted. So since most of the sharders are older people we don't pay as much attention to it. 


    What im currently reading: Chapterhouse Dune, book two of earthsea, and I just finished re reading Morning Star. I bought my own copy so I could ink out the f bombs, I'm still don't understand why he put those in, they feel really off with all the other in world curses. 

  17. 1 hour ago, AnanasSpren said:

    It isn't technically confirmed, but there is a hint in the first album memory. I just can't wrap my head around the timeline, period. Where do people even get the idea there's 3 anyway, I could ha e sworn its fan-made anyway

    It's in the Hyrule Historia book, an official encyclopedia ish book. Before the book was released we had basically zero idea that there were as many as three timelines. 

    I like the idea of a reconvergance of the timeline, from the articles I've read it would make the most sense. 

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