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Posts posted by OdiYum

  1. If a person from our universe moved over to the cosmere, would they bring over concepts with them.  Obviously their knowledge and memories would be there but would that create a counterpart in the spiritual realm?  Could that person align themselves close to a spider-man ideal and get spider powers?

  2. I have a question.  TOdium is bound to preserving the people of Kharbranth (sp?) from his apocalypse.  Does this mean he would have to protect them from Cultivation?  What would happen during the contest of champions if Cultivation attacked Kharbranth?  Would TOdium be able to do anything while he is so focused on the battle of champions?  Would that open him up?  Is this all just a big distraction to put the shard in a position to permanently bind it to a system?

  3. I am sorry, I saw it on the top of the thread list and asked before realizing it was dead.

    So I have a silly question.  Does living plate have an eye slit?  It’s basically a transparent power armor that can assemble and disassemble at will and even fit a number of different sized people in an instant.  It’s a sapient armor that is directed by a sentient radiant spren and radiant.  So if the radiant wishes it, is there no eye slit?  Sensory information can make it through, sound can make it through, light can make it through, air can make it through, but pointy bits can’t.  Sure seems selectively permeable, why would it leave a stab by slit in the brain area?

  4. Sorry I explained that poorly.  I meant that as their bond deepens Syl is pulled towards Kaladin in behavior and mannerisms.  The end of ROW was a role reversal of sorts for them.  Syl was morose and Karl is the one who is helping her.  Meanwhile Kaladin is pulled towards being a more ideal Windrunner, cheering Syl up and reminding her of the memories they have of Teft.  They still have their distinct personalities but they are becoming more and more similar to each other.  Did that make sense?  I also don’t think that Kal being a tragic hero will necessarily mean he is depressed, but I cede the point that it is more likely Dalinar or Adolin who will probably suffer next book.

  5. 15 hours ago, earthexile said:

    That sounds like an absolutely miserable ending for Kaladin. Alone, unique, burdened with endless responsibility, slowly becoming more and more a creature of raw emotion. No stews with his men, no woman, no family. I guess he could still have Sylphrena but what would ascension do to their bond? To be Odium would be the loneliness and unfreedom that Kaladin has always dreaded. Whether or not he'd be good at it, no matter how much good he could do, I would be so sad to see it happen.

    I agree to all of your points.  


    Throughout the cosmere, I have read through numerous examples of heroic sacrifice.  Vin kamikazes herself to take out Ruin, Elend lets himself get killed by Marsh to free Vin to do the previous, Brightsong (or Lightsong can’t remember) gave his breath to heal the God-Emporer’s tongue, the Elantra’s protagonist bore the brunt of the Dor; seemingly giving him insight into fixing the Elantris Aon thingy mcgiggy, Wayne nuked himself finally one upping Wax; gaining closure to the fact that he IS a hero, and probably some others that I forgot.

    My point is that those sacrifices all wrapped up a character arc with their deaths.  That hasn’t been Kaladin’s MO.  He endures.  Like I said the first ideal helped him cope with his depression and suicidal tendencies.  He eventually let go of his depression.  This is by no means saying that he doesn’t still experience it, but it is no longer his defining characteristic, so he endured.  Leading up to his second ideal, he let go of his apathy, it was his call to action and he endured a suicide mission saving Dalinar, Adolin, the Kholin army and his bridgemen.  His third ideal taught him to let go of his biases and prejudices (sp?), justified or not.  He The fourth ideal led him to let go of his failures, which were dragging him down.  I don’t mean to diminish his losses, he still feels them, the gravity (pun?) of them.  But now he can learn from them and not have them become all consuming.  He has always endured.


    11 hours ago, Dalinar_Kholin said:

    I imagined the final ideal would be related to something like trusting others or working together. Bonding with Odium might not be an incredibly depressing ending, but it doesn't seem to fit with Kaladin's character arc. I can't imagine it ending with him accepting loneliness. If anything, I could imagine him rejecting Odium.

    I think his fifth ideal will have to do with letting go of his needs, leading him to a blanket statement of “I will protect.”  This will take into account everything that he has learned up to this point.  He will choose to protect his friends from Odium at the cost of what he wants more than anything, a peaceful life.  It has seemed like it has been hinted to both in universe and out of universe that it is possible to resist the character altering characteristics of wielding a shard.  I don’t think Kaladin will be alone though.  I think Syl will be intact with him because they are pulling each other towards each other (I am not sure that makes sense).  Soon they will be so connected that they will be indistinguishable from each other.  But even if that is not the case, he will still have his memories to cherish allowing him to carry the bridge far enough before he can safely set it down. All the sacrifices I mentioned earlier ARE heroic, but they resulted in the end.  Just like the Heralds, the personal consequences of this sacrifice would endure, being all the more tragic.  And Kal has always seemed like a tragic hero to me.

    Sorry if this is rambling.  ADHD is bad today.

  6. 3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

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    Hope that helps.


    Thank you. 

  7. I have had a weird idea for a while now and wanted to share it.  It seems like the consensus on Kaladin’s arc has involved him coming to terms with his limits, as a surgeon, a leader and a radiant.  First ideal helps him deal with his depression, second ideal states his purpose, third ideal refines it, and the fourth ideal limits it to within reason.  To me it always seemed like he has been controlling his passions.  It always seemed like he had to protect almost compulsively and the fourth ideal assisted him with that.  Could he be highly connected to Honor (Child of Tanavast) but also highly connected to Odium? Didn’t Cultivation tell a certain someone that he was chosen to wield Odium ‘honorably.’  The current vessel of Odium never really struck me as honorable in the vein of Tanavast.  Maybe she wasn’t talking about That person.  Wouldn’t Kaladin be a great holder of Odium?  A man of passion bound by honorable intent?  Wouldn’t this be even greater as he reaches the 5th ideal and his spirit web irrevocably (maybe?) changes?  Not sure but would love to hear thoughts.


    Thank you

  8. On 10/9/2021 at 9:23 PM, Tani said:

    @OdiYum Wow you're so cool I wish MY teachers would do that!!!!! Can I steal your idea and suggest it to some of them?

    Also, what's an attack?

    Certain classes can attack questions on assessments to change their grade.  So if you got a 10/15 on something, and you kill a 2 point question you got wrong, it becomes a 10/13, changing the percentage score for the assignment.

  9. Hello

    I am a middle school/high school science teacher and I am piloting a “classroom game.”  Basically, I turned my classroom into an RPG.  Students create avatars and level them up via experience points earned through completing assignments (I call them quests).  The kids were intrigued at first, but now they are invested (ba dum dum).  I have only had two assignments not turned in so far, and the kids stayed after school so they could complete the quest for partial exp.  But this is a pilot program and the classes that I created are pretty generic and bland.  I worry that the students will grow tired of them.  I was hoping the 17th shard could help me come up with some new cosmere inspired classes and abilities.  I also wondered if someone can tell me how to ask Brandon Sanderson if this is ok?  I am not selling this idea or anything, but I don’t want to just take his stories and ideas.

    Important note:  I do want the kids to be able to exploit this system.  They already can, but they have not figured it out yet.



    - block: can block incoming damage 10 times per marking period.  (Can be upgrade three times)

    -Moralizing shout: can scream self encouragement to gain bonus “HP.”

    - Ultimate block (upgrades block):  can block damage to yourself and one ally (upgradable).  Can only block identical damage (same question).


    - Heal:  can heal 1 entire attack (question: single points or multipoint) 5 times a marking period (upgradable).

    - Resurrect: can raise any assignment from the dead and reattempt it for full credit.  New grade replaces the old grade once a marking period (upgradable). 

    - ultimate heal (upgrades heal): can heal 1 entire attack for yourself and an ally (upgradable).  


    - backstab:  can assassinate a question, removing it from the assignment.  Can be used to remove multipoint questions, but it messes with the scaling of the grading and exp is lost by killing the question.  Can be done 8 times a marking period (upgradable)

    - stealth:  can use stealth ability to hide from unexpected dangers (questions in class) 5 times a marking period (upgradable)

    - ultimate stealth:  upgrades stealth to allow students to sneak in late assignments for no penalty at all (stupid teacher meme).  One assignment per marking period (upgradable). 

  10. Why is Kaladin so awesome?  He starts out saving his bridge crew and they see him as something more.  Then he saves a high prince from Sadeas’ betrayal, and beats down the a shardbearer, and they see him as something more.  Then he saves Adolin by dueling two shardbearers at the same time, and they see him as something more.  Then he stops the assassin in white in front of the entire army and casually floats over the entire army.  Sorry about the repetitious format but Kaladin is so much better than every other Windrunner in terms of combat.  The spren bond pulls the spren into the physical realm, and possibly pulls the radiant closer to it’s order ideal (head canon).  Does the fact that Kaladin has such a legendary reputation influence him, similarly to how the collective consciousness of humanity effects spren?  Even Vyre expects Kaladin to be the storm.  If his bond pulls him closer to the cognitive realm could this explain some of his Stormblessedness.  Sorry if this was asked before, wrote this during nap time.

  11. So Vasher and Shashara came to Roshar to learn how to make an Endowment analogue of Shardblades.  They return to Nalthis, and create the absurdly powerful and destructive Nightblood.  This made me wonder, why is Nightblood so powerful.  1000 breaths is a lot of investiture, but is it comparable to Honor’s perpendicularity or that vessel he murdered (don’t know how to do spoiler tags, and I don’t want to ruin it for anyone).  I didn’t think so, and it made me think maybe Vasher and Shashara took a Dawnshard and gave it to Nightblood, which would explain how he is so powerful.

    Kaladin also has some over the top feats as well.  He was able to deflect a highstorm, fight two shardbearers on even ground; unarmored and lacking a shard blade.  He is the only character (aside from Dalinar - but he has been bonding to a super-spren, partial shard, I have no idea what the storm father is) who is describe as having preternatural combat abilities.  And I mean this in terms of pure combat abilities and not incorporating the surges into fighting styles.  When he saves Adolin, he is basically fighting two shardbearers with his eyes closed.  He completely outclasses Szeth in WoR.  He defends a bridge, by himself against an entire squad of Parshendi. Every time this happens his inner monologue describes him as the wind, you cannot stop the wind, etc.  No other wind runner is described this way either.  Teft was arguably closer to the 4th ideal in RoW, and he needed to be treated by lift to stay awake, so it wasn’t because of that.  Maybe Kaladin has a Dawnshard about Protect/Defend/something along those lines, one that Tanavast also had before the shattering.  Maybe that is why he is called the “Son of Tanavast” so much.  Maybe that is why Vyre said Kaladin was basically a force of nature.  Maybe the poem: “Taking the Dawnshard, known to bind any creature voidish or mortal, he crawled up the steps crafted for Heralds, ten strides tall apiece, toward the grand temple above.” Is about Kaladin.  

  12. Can a bondsmith connect anything?  Could it connect someone to the ideal of fire and burn them like a dust ringer?  Weaken their connection with frictional force, allowing them to slip like an edge dancer?  Remove the connection a person has to their spirit web, or the intrinsic investiture in all life in the commerce?  Add in the willshaper honorblade and they can do this ranged and that’s crazy.  I don’t know though. :unsure:

  13. Sorry on mobile device....

    Ghost blood goals:
    - secure investiture and move it off world.

    - learn more about cognitive shadows conditions for the lord of scars.

    They seem to be aware of heralds and their honorblades and capabilities.

    Do they want to get the lord of scars Ishar’s honorblade so that he can create a real connection to a body as well as an investiture source for him to power said honorblade.  Thinking of him with the insanely OP bondsmith powers is terrifying.

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