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Lopen Skybreaker

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Posts posted by Lopen Skybreaker

  1. Kinda sad I'll have to miss this. Just got back with my ex after an extended break and have other plans for next Saturday. Hopefully there'll be another meet in the not too distant future. Good luck to those who are still attending though. Hope you all have fun.

  2. I was half asleep when I realised this so I thought I better post it quick lest I forget by morning. I scanned the thread quickly and saw no mention of it so far.

    I think Gavilar's Sphere contains Midnight Essence, the vaporous creatures Dalinar fought in one of his visions. The one where he was protecting his family, fighting with a Poker and then the Radiants turned up, in WoK. Or at least if not the creatures themselves, then the means to bringing them back. Although i tend to think the creatures are in the sphere.

  3. Thinking about Shards, we know the people of Ashyn gain powers from illness. This doesn't really seem to fit any of the Shards that we know of in Greater Roshar. Definitely not Honor, possibly Cultivation; it is a sort of twisted healing, but its a stretch. Maybe Odium, but there's no real "hate" involved

    There was the incident with the Mist in Mistborn. Those powers manifested through illness. That was preservation. And Preservation is only a step down from Cultivation. Also cultivation wouldn't be selective in what it cultivates, but it does have a positive aspect so turns cultivates the negative (disease and illness) into their exact, positive, opposite.

    Also wasn't there something about Cultivation having given up on the humans and left? Does that include the Ashyn humans or just the Rosharans?

  4. New iPhone screens are locked in at the same size as the old screens apparently. (Some news article I read yesterday. I don't have sauce I'm afraid)

    I've got a Samsung galaxy S4. It's a pretty good phone. Good enough that I don't get too frustrated at having to use it as my only Internet connection. I would definitely buy another Samsung phone when this one dies. It's awesome quality.

  5. It's a fantastic book, I'm surprised he's giving such a gem away for free. I'm buying it anyway.

    I thought it was gonna be half arsed and read it mostly because I wanted back story on Nightblood but was really surprised by what i found.

    Best character was Lightsong. All the characters were great, but he stood out a little more. I liked his sarcasm even though he wasn't particularly funny. And as GreyPilgrim said, his arc felt the most complete.

    Conclusion: Brandon, you keep churning out free books and I'll keep on buying them full price!

  6. The other Heralds all gave up their honourblades willingly. They wouldn't have done so if they knew of any side effects like that i think. Plus the Heralds we've seen have seemed normal. No signs of instability described.

    I think he's just broken from millennia of being tortured. You've got to figure that the force behind it has ten times more energy and time to focus on Taln after all his buddies left him, and is probably pissed that they did so. So Taln is understandably broken mentally.

    And what Brandon said about him being "the man who calls himself Taln" could mean that Taln will recover but without any memory of who he is. So he calls himself Taln now, but soon he'll be a new, fresh man.

  7. Szeth's killed a lot of people but iirc when (warbreaker spoiler)

    Vasher draws Nightblood and runs up to finish his fight with Denth he has somewhere around 250 breaths? Maybe less. And that just barely lasts a couple minutes. Even with all his kills counting toward it Szeth would only be able to unsheath Nightblood for a minute or two, probably less.

  8. That would probably be too broad in scope and get RAFO'd. Maybe something like how many names have you reused on different characters?" Somewhat vague but probably more likely to be answered when phrased like that. And the answer could still tell you a lot.

  9. I didn't see this posted anywhere, nor on the copper mind so I hope it hasn't already been said.

    Rereading the Way of Kings on page 132 of the ebook Yalb says "But I do know the Passions. You win when you need it most, you see"

    Shallan dismisses it as superstition but could the Passions be a version of the Thrill, or a collective name for a group of similar anomalies that affect people during different activities/stresses, giving them heightened abilities and emotions, and even just plain luck as Yalb implies.

    If this is the case it could also imply the existence of one or more spheres similar to the one Gavilar gave to Szeth, if that sphere is indeed related to the Thrill. Because they all seem to be location based. The Thrill being Alethi (Veden too?) And the Passions being Thaylen.

  10. I have to agree with Shivertongue about Gardens of the moon. I couldn't get past about 150 pages or so. I went into it with a lot of high expectations and they were all dashed pretty quickly. I've heard so much good about it once it gets going though that once I've finished what's currently on my plate I'd like to find a detailed plot summary of Gardens and see if Deadhouse is any good. If not I'll do the same thing and try book 3, but that's as far as I'm gonna go.

    Currently rereading Stormlight Archive because I kind of rushed through it in my zeal to read WoR as fast as possible and get all the juicy goodness. The only problem with that is that now I have to go back and read it with the attention it deserves rather than the excitement I felt first off. ... not so much of a problem though, more of a bonus really, I suppose.

  11. I wasn't a Fantasy reader until quite recently. I started with WoT and managed to finish the first 13 books, by completing coincidence, the day before aMoL came out. Before that I mostly read Sci - Fi, but not very often. WoT changed that. Since amok I've been reading constantly. I started with Sanderson then KKC, Demon Cycle, asoiaf then back for more Sanderson when I got a copy of WoK ... Robert Jordan, and to an extent Brandon Sanderson, have literally changed my life. They gave me interest and a thirst for reading that I've been missing since I was quite young and pointed it in exactly the direction it needed to go.

    I had to fork out for a kindle halfway through WoT because of space issues. (After seeing the fantasy shelves at Water stones it was clear I would never have enough room to keep most of my books if this new fascination continued.)

  12. That was an infuriating video to say the least. I am kind of glad that he didn't reveal anything though, except for an expected release date. That would've been nice.

    I love this series. I read it last year because I didn't have anything else to read, expecting not to like it. Once I got a couple chapters into it though, I was hooked. I don't think the world of a book has ever become quite so alive in front me while I've been reading it as this did. While it's not my favourite series, it's definitely still up there with the best of them.

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