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Everything posted by PforPandetta

  1. Awakening. So I can have straw people entertain me and Clod go do all my work
  2. I don't think he did anything special with the plates in this part. If I recall correctly, (at work can't really look up the part) his armor was just cracked all over from the pressure of the claw which made the stormlight "glow" around him as it was escaping the armor. Could be wrong but thats how I remember it Also I am more incline to think the plate is not from the nahl bonded spren. As state before, Syl turned into a shield with Kaladin and didn't crack at all. Where a couple good hits with a shardblade and shardplate cracks and breaks, so if Syl makes Kaladin a full suit of armor, wouldn't it not crack like shardplate does? Maybe one of the KR orders main thing is to make shardplate since they weren't all fighters and some where other things like diplomats? Nothing to really support this, just an idea.
  3. Wow this is a really good theory. Especially with the whole thing going on with the skybreakers. Though what makes you guys think she is by Hearthstone?
  4. Since my selection is from Words of Radiance and some spoilers,
  5. After finishing wheel of times I had to read more of Sanderson's books. So started off with his new stormlight archive series and then read the empeour's soul before moving to the mistborn seires which I'm currently in. I am bit behind from most of the readers, didn't really start reading for fun until about a year ago but really enjoying sanderson's work! Had to join this fansite because of how he connects his books within one universe. Noticed I was missing all the references to the other books in the stormlight archive series so plan on reading all the other books before the third one comes out so I'll be ready! See you guys around in the forums!
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